Seven chests near stump pass

Someone go do a mag survey and give Joska 20% if you find anything.

I have a minilab Excalibur 2

I would like to know where a lot of this treasure is along the gulf coast of FL. Always here about the east coast...

I would like to know where a lot of this treasure is along the gulf coast of FL. Always here about the east coast...

I don't know about treasure on the west coast. I lived in Tampa, Sarasota, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Pine Island and Ft. Myers and hunted all the beaches for years and never found any Spanish coins. So many stories and I bought books telling them all. The Spanish had no reason to go up the West coast with treasure since they were headed to Cuba for Spain...

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this is better than oak island.....haaa haaa....its just 7 chests of treasure located by top secret satellite, buried to deep to recover, surrounded by sharks in a ripping current, in state waters borderd by a state park, with bad boat traffic, (which I've witnessed here) and we have exact GPS numbers but someone else should go check them because were to busy recovering to much other treasure ???? Gosh I must be a fool....I've only found a gold earring in the shell piles with my excal 2 when I was there !! You really should call discovery channel and sign a contract.....i cant wait to see these chests come up.....I'll be eating my popcorn intensely watching this thread to see who gets the booby prize....and then shares out 20%.of said recovery. I'll be munching my popcorn and watching this thread like episodes of oak island.....or coopers treasure....or expidition unknown ( which ain't to horrible)......and you can take that to the bank !! Wooo hoooo.!! I cant wait to see these intact treasure chests come up !! This is gonna be incredible......who's gonna step up to the plate.....who's gonna make these easy millions of dollars.....who's gonna be the next Fisher or odyssey marine ?? And hell if the state of Florida reads this thread I'm sure they would give you the ever elusive recovery permit for such a sure bet recovery. And they only want another 20%..... yup I'll never stop checking this thread.....its absolutely riveting stuff !! :happy1::happy1::happy1:

hobbit the 20% is not going to me haha,it,s going to the one and only person who has what it takes to pinpoint any and all chests ,shipwrecks and any big treasure anywhere in the World.Yes I have plenty of land treasure to work on and dig out and that is the only reason I,m giving you guys a chance at them period.

Blak bart ,we are serious treasure hunters in and out of water and please don,t mention all those reality shows spending countless millions and not even come up with a gold coin really.The chests are there just not everyone has the capability of detecting them like we/I do simple as that.

Best of luck and good hunting to tho who are seeking this interesting treasures.

I don't know about treasure on the west coast. I lived in Tampa, Sarasota, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Pine Island and Ft. Myers and hunted all the beaches for years and never found any Spanish coins. So many stories and I bought books telling them all. The Spanish had no reason to go up the West coast with treasure since they were headed to Cuba for Spain...

All of it came by the west coast.

All of it came by the west coast.

And how do you figure that? Draw a line from S. America to Cuba which is the route they would have taken and it goes no where near the W. coast......

When the galleons left Colon they sailed to Vera Cruz for the annual trade fair and to pick up gold from the Nueva Espana (Mexico) mines. From there they didn't sail directly across the Gulf. Instead they sailed along the Gulf coast to Havana. That's why you find wrecks along the Gulf coast like the 1554 fleet that sank off Padre Island, Texas. If you study the sailing routes of the treasure fleets you would know this.

... just 7 chests of treasure located by top secret satellite, buried to deep to recover, surrounded by sharks in a ripping current, in state waters borderd by a state park, with bad boat traffic, (which I've witnessed here) and we have exact GPS numbers but someone else should go check them because were to busy recovering to much other treasure ???? Gosh I must be a fool...
Could be the plot for FOOL'S GOLD II with Mathew McConaughey and Kate Hudson.

You guys are too funny,but can someone please get serious on here that has a boat with a mag at the least to check on 1 chest I would consider to give the numbers on and yes there are wrecks south of the 7 chests but away from the coast and not inside the 3 mile buffer zone.

All of it came by the west coast.

I think this is correct, when the galleons left Vera Cruz, they followed the coast north to take advantage of the Gulf Stream

Joska state waters are defined as 3 miles in the Atlantic coast and 9 miles on the Gulf coast.

When the galleons left Colon they sailed to Vera Cruz for the annual trade fair and to pick up gold from the Nueva Espana (Mexico) mines. From there they didn't sail directly across the Gulf. Instead they sailed along the Gulf coast to Havana. That's why you find wrecks along the Gulf coast like the 1554 fleet that sank off Padre Island, Texas. If you study the sailing routes of the treasure fleets you would know this.

Ok, here is a map of their routes. Where do you see them coming close to the west Fl. beaches?


In the Atocha story, a hurrican moved ships a ways into the Gulf of Mexico. Then winds changed direction pulled them back out to where some wrecked on rocks.

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