Any updatesI’m right down the road from this place
I would like to know where a lot of this treasure is along the gulf coast of FL. Always here about the east coast...
I don't know about treasure on the west coast. I lived in Tampa, Sarasota, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Pine Island and Ft. Myers and hunted all the beaches for years and never found any Spanish coins. So many stories and I bought books telling them all. The Spanish had no reason to go up the West coast with treasure since they were headed to Cuba for Spain...
All of it came by the west coast.
Could be the plot for FOOL'S GOLD II with Mathew McConaughey and Kate Hudson.... just 7 chests of treasure located by top secret satellite, buried to deep to recover, surrounded by sharks in a ripping current, in state waters borderd by a state park, with bad boat traffic, (which I've witnessed here) and we have exact GPS numbers but someone else should go check them because were to busy recovering to much other treasure? Gosh I must be a fool...
Could be the plot for FOOL'S GOLD II with Mathew McConaughey and Kate Hudson.
All of it came by the west coast.
When the galleons left Colon they sailed to Vera Cruz for the annual trade fair and to pick up gold from the Nueva Espana (Mexico) mines. From there they didn't sail directly across the Gulf. Instead they sailed along the Gulf coast to Havana. That's why you find wrecks along the Gulf coast like the 1554 fleet that sank off Padre Island, Texas. If you study the sailing routes of the treasure fleets you would know this.