Bronze Member
I would have thought more of the "crew" would have sat in with Rick to listen to the man that owns that small island near by, and where has he been the last couple of years with this info..
Well they told us there will be another season..... Rick is coming back to dig in Smiths cove next year because they found something and decided to give up this year...
Oh yeh also the wood from last week (smiths cove) was nothing significant because it was never mentioned again.
The bald guy seems to think box drains and flood tunnels are the same thing.
Once again the told us the idea to look at Dans documents was just a recent thing (they obviously didn't bother for the first 4.5 seasons).. Hey what would Dan know....
They found another looney that has more treasure then all the other treasure put together stored on his own (tinny) island and Oak island. So much treasure I cannot remember exactly what but included tonnes of gold, ancient valuable stuff and that was just the begining.
So I imagine that they will agree to his deal to justify digging holes all over the place next season. I actually felt a bit sorry for 'Gary' Could not afford OI so brought a tinny island next door. There must be treasure there too... Right... He found a cavity under his island... Must be man made arrgghh..
There are cavities all through the bedrock around OI and none of them even seem remotely man made.
http://www.oakislandcompendium.ca/blockhouse-blog/cavities-under-and-around-oak-island Cavities under and around Oak Island
As for finds..
Some rocks which may or may not be part of previously found box drains..
Some more timber.. Including logs which they claim "may" be part of the original pit.
They told us that all there efforts in the swamp, 10X and the first two holes had come to nothing (Damm I thought the chicken bone was going to be the answer to everything).
So now they are looking for 6 more pieces of old document because God made the universe in 7 days (That is what the 'helpful' voice told us)
There coming back next year to dig Smiths cove again --- Because they cannot be bothered doing it this year and the afternoon was coming.
They are considering a deal with there latest looney visitor because... He said he knows where the treasure is...
One episode left. The shorts did not offer much hope for that...
Also, that one archaeologist guy who has very little to say, just seems like a "yes" man to me.
Yes you're right. It's on the treasure act.isn't he there as a govt rep/overseer?
I seem to remember being mentioned that the government wanted a person on-site to witness Smiths Cove draining and exploration...
So they are going to make a season out of what has already been dug up then re burried by dan himself.
The man that cannot be mentioned in this board. has already released photographs of the exact timbers jack found and the same area and timbers dan had excavated the in the early years of his own search for flood tunnels.
This will be my last season of the show.
Ill save myself the 12 or so hours next year and find something else to do
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So they are going to make a season out of what has already been dug up then re burried by dan himself.
The man that cannot be mentioned in this board. has already released photographs of the exact timbers jack found and the same area and timbers dan had excavated the in the early years of his own search for flood tunnels.
This will be my last season of the show.
Ill save myself the 12 or so hours next year and find something else to do
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Your right. Its like they have taken the 200 year od search..and started at the begining again. Re doing it all over for tvThis show is like a trip down memory lane with respect to all the previous excavations. They get super excited when they find something already discovered by previous searchers. How many more seasons will it take for Rick and Marty to stop getting enthused over finding wood or rock? Oh, we found old wood, black wood, sawed wood, round wood, chipped wood, rectangular wood, wet wood, previously discovered but thrown back in the hole wood, wood sticking out of a rock pit, wood resembling Rick's beard, etc.
With 3 degrees?Oh, quit talking sense.
Packing vegetable fibers in a opening is called a "gasket". Oakum is what the iron men in wooden ships used to seal leaks. ;-)
(I work at a wastewater treatment plant and we know VERY well the misery local municipal users have in getting flow to us, storm or sanitary).
Said the man who spelled "archaeological" incorrectly.
LOL! Hit pretty close to the fat 'ol jowl bones, didn't I? "Horses mouth", you say? Wrong end, I say. The stupid "Monkey Division" symbol again. "Commander"? Please.
I have a degree (three) in my chosen profession. I don't profess to be an archaeologist. I just drop in here to voice displeasure that the History Channel is anything but. Should be called the "Huckster Channel".
But, even so, the only thing left on Oak Island are broken dreams and holes. I'll revise my hypothesis when something is found. There is no research to produce; because there is nothing to research. Just the pawing of a dozen failed attempts.
Now, the Norse settlements at L'Anse Aux Meadows and Point Rosee - THOSE I would like to see documentaries on. By accredited professionals, please.
I was really confused with last night's episode. Didn't Robert Dunfield basically excavate out a 100' wide x 100' long x 140' deep pit within the Money Pit area, and then toss everything back in after inspecting it carefully? So how can these guys claim that the pieces of wood they found 100 ft deep in the ground were from the original Money Pit and/or from an old searcher shaft? I'm assuming anything excavated by Dunfiled could be anywhere within the dimensions provided above at this point. Why would he take the effort to reinstate the old searcher shafts and original wood from the money pit area back into the same spots they came from? Did Dunfield leave the original searcher shafts in place during excavation? Was the 140 ft excavation depth only at some locations within that 10,000 square foot area? Is the area they're currently searching in not excavated by Dunfield? At least when they located the Chappel searcher tunnel with the first bore hole, it was located more than 140 ft below ground. Did I mention I'm super confused!
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It was impossible for Dunfield to have dug past the the 40 foot water level in the area or below the 90 foot level where the Money Pit Shaft was flooded by flood shafts.
What the picture shows is Dunfield having created a huge 100 foot wide Swimming Pool, but not near the depth that people say.
Yep.. Also where they are finding those 'alleged' drains is a long way out in the cove. This did not look like the beach. Therefore it must of been dug up by previous treasure hunters. As you said Dunfeild dug this whole area then bulldozed it all back in. We already know that huge amount of rocks were used to make the beach. So they found a rock pile.... Even if it is a box drain way out there what difference does it make? They know the drains existed it is well documented. There is no way they are going to exist all the way back to the dry land and the sump/well/flood tunnel entrance thus what will finding them add to what the brothers want to do?Even if those 6" wide drains were constructed back in the 1700's as a flood tunnel, there's no way they won't be clogged with debris or silt over so many years. As a drainage engineer we're constantly televising 30" and larger diameter storm sewer systems that are half filled with silt due to backwater impacts, low travel velocities, etc. after only 20 to 30 years without cleaning. How could a 6" or even 12" box drain still be operational 150 years since it was last discovered?