🥇 BANNER Searching for Sharps rifle parts nets another GOLD coin!


Sr. Member
Mar 25, 2009
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Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
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MXT/Gold Bug Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Some of you TNETers might remember my post on Dec. 8th 2009, of my find of a lifetime, being an 1871 CC $5 gold coin. If you remember I was searching for the barrel to a pepperbox frame that I had found on a prior hunt.

Well I did the same thing on July 5th (last week) searching for more pieces to a Sharps rifle that I have found multiple parts for. I was fortunate enough to have found another $5 gold coin, an 1870 S! This makes my 6th gold coin being found, and my 3rd in 2 yrs. and 7 months. I took a hiatus from the forums last year and didn't post an 1847 O $2.5!

Thanks for looking!

I attached a few field pics., the rest of the finds from the outing on the 5th, parts to the Sharps rifle, and the $2 1/2 gold coin from last year!


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Upvote 21
steelheadwill - Thanks Herbie! I appreciate the kudos and the vote!! The Confederate staff button didn't make it up top, maybe another gold coin will?

Nutriasub - Thanks for the vote!

gregd573 - I agree, relics are what I am searching for...the gold is a bonus! Thanks for the vote!

leprechaun - Thanks for the vote!

cjon455 - A rush it was indeed! Thanks!!

umrgolf - Thanks Jeff! Thanks for the vote also!! Have you found #14 seated yet?

granthansen - Thanks for your comments!

pl8man - It's funny you stated that! This is my new strategy next time out. I am going back to all the areas where I have found parts to many different Colts, a Manhattan, Army & Navy revolvers, rifle & shotguns, etc. It's got to be a pattern, right? LOL

Kuger - Thanks Kuger! All I can say is that we both missed this coin the last time we both hunted together in this area. I'm glad I found the Confederate Officer button and then the lever to the Sharps to keep me methodically searching that area!! Thanks for the vote!!!

Old Stonewall - Thanks!

DaleGM - Thanks for the kudos! A lot of hrs. go into my efforts which I hope is motivation for that 99% to just keep swinging that coil!! Thanks for the vote!

BuckleBoy - Buckles, you said what a lot of us on these forums would like to hear once in a while! That affirmation goes along way for what I & You are doing in digging & preserving History for our generation and generations to come!! THANK YOU!!! Thanks for the vote!

CRUSADER - If it makes banner that would be cool as the 1870 S $5 was my focus of the post and it was found 5 days ago! Unfortunately I had to work my 12 hr. shifts the next 3 days and didn't get to post it until Monday the 9th!! Thanks for the comments on the pictures!!! Yes, Gold is always a surprise!!!!

metalev4 - Thanks Evan! Yes, that site keeps on giving!! Thanks for the vote!!! I really do work hard for these finds as you well know!!!!

Crusader - Thanks Crusader, looks like we were typing at the same time! Sorry for the confusion, I just thought that I would show the $2 1/2 as it wasn't seen last year! Thanks for the vote!!

No worries, I read too quickly & thought you posted unclean & cleaned photo's of the same coin. It is banner, but it's on the blink right now. Anywho, who cares, you know & that's what matters.

Man... You are ever in the right area! Big Congrats to you on some incrediable finds :icon_thumright:

holy crap that's fantastic... congrats!! :headbang: but seriously, it's my turn now

I guess only "certain",gold coins are worthy of the banner?Maybe if it was found over the Pond?

Congratulations on your 6th gold coin. Still looking for my first. You must have some awesome sites to hunt and lots of time to hunt them.

Fantastic! CONGRATS! :hello2::hello2::hello2:

Of course BANNER!

Wldbil - Thanks Wldbil! I have been blessed with many incredible finds from this area over the years!!

jewelerguy - Thanks jewelerguy! I step aside...take your turn & I hope it is "Golden"!!

Kuger - Kuger, thanks for your unending encouragement and your passionate exuberance in trying to help get another "Find Of A Lifetime" up top! You, I, and others that have already voted know that it is deserving and that truly is good enough for me!! I spend on the average of at least 400 hrs. a year relic hunting and some years up to 600 hrs. depending on my week long excursions. So, I do pay my dues and as you well know have made some very awesome finds over the years that this site has never seen. These gold coins are a by product and absolutely great bonus of my adventures of pursuing relics!!! That in itself is Banner for me every time in my heart!!! I Thank God for every blessing he sends my way, whether it be in the form of an awesome find or the great friendships I have developed over the years in this hobby!!!! Thanks again my friend, I hope your coil goes over the next gold coin!!!!!

screwynewy - Thanks screwynewy! Yes, I have been very fortunate to hunt some awesome sites due to some diligent hunting & discovering along the way!! I have a job (and a very loving wife) where I have many days a month to do what I love doing most...Relic Hunting!!!

Missouri John - Thanks John! You make me proud!! At least my kids and grandkids agree with your 1st statement!!! I'm glad you don't get tired of seeing people's dug gold coins. I don't feel I am done yet in that dept. either!!!! I hope you are as successful in your endeavors!!!!!

DrJoePrime - Thanks for your VOTE of confidence Joe!

Wldbil - Thanks Wldbil! I have been blessed with many incredible finds from this area over the years!!

jewelerguy - Thanks jewelerguy! I step aside...take your turn & I hope it is "Golden"!!

Kuger - Kuger, thanks for your unending encouragement and your passionate exuberance in trying to help get another "Find Of A Lifetime" up top! You, I, and others that have already voted know that it is deserving and that truly is good enough for me!! I spend on the average of at least 400 hrs. a year relic hunting and some years up to 600 hrs. depending on my week long excursions. So, I do pay my dues and as you well know have made some very awesome finds over the years that this site has never seen. These gold coins are a by product and absolutely great bonus of my adventures of pursuing relics!!! That in itself is Banner for me every time in my heart!!! I Thank God for every blessing he sends my way, whether it be in the form of an awesome find or the great friendships I have developed over the years in this hobby!!!! Thanks again my friend, I hope your coil goes over the next gold coin!!!!!

screwynewy - Thanks screwynewy! Yes, I have been very fortunate to hunt some awesome sites due to some diligent hunting & discovering along the way!! I have a job (and a very loving wife) where I have many days a month to do what I love doing most...Relic Hunting!!!

Missouri John - Thanks John! You make me proud!! At least my kids and grandkids agree with your 1st statement!!! I'm glad you don't get tired of seeing people's dug gold coins. I don't feel I am done yet in that dept. either!!!! I hope you are as successful in your endeavors!!!!!

DrJoePrime - Thanks for your VOTE of confidence Joe!

Sounds like the 550-600 hours I do., plus 550 my Dad does, so that is what makes the difference, Who cares about the banner, its pretty much broke.

I guess only "certain",gold coins are worthy of the banner?Maybe if it was found over the Pond?

Nothing to do with that, there is 1 each on the banner. The banner started off too fast, now its dead.

By Golly I'm a votin Banner on that Old Gold:occasion14:

Nothing to do with that, there is 1 each on the banner. The banner started off too fast, now its dead.
LOL!I was just jabbin Cru,I gave up on it a long time ago(the banner)I.M. summed it up pretty well though.Just irk's me to see a $2000 coin not up there and well I will stop

I love to see pics of a gold coin as it was found. Congratulations Ironman

Good story, and im still searching for my first goldcoin, :BangHead:
A wonderful find to find simply! Banner vote for the story and you fine goldcoin! :icon_thumleft:
Best regards//The swed hunter

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