Scientific Rules

Yes, I have the answer concerning global warming

People are always upset about polution and how we're destroying the ozone layer but...what is the root of the problem?

The sun? Yes the sun!

The Earth is getting warmer because of the now all we have to do is some how...blow it up.


no more global warming.

The root of the problem is what you must fix...not the humans.

Gee...Another Scientific Fact is wrong...How could that be so? Pluto is not a Planet? I have been told for weeks that these laws are set in stone. I guess I am right…..They are only right until some one proves they are wrong…Art

Didn't mean for this to be a Dowsing Forum...Just a statement about Scientific Fact that I think is right......They are only right until some one proves they are wrong…Art

Well planet is just a title or classification. I believe they just altered the standards for for that didn't they?

If I point it and you dig it and it's there, that should be all the proof you need!

Case Closed!!


Hey JudyH.....I have saw so many new tech stuff in the last 60 years that I know the Scientific Rules seem to be changing every day. But some thinks remain the same. This is simple to explain with one statement...Folow the money.....Art

HIO Peeps: Just caught this, so excuse please.

A) Dowsing? yes I have successfully done it, but not consistently enough for me to rely exclusively upon it, but enough to eliminate any doubts that I might have that it does exists.

B) Telepathy? I have posted data on a series of successful para-normal experiments in the dowsing lead, I know now that it definitely exists. A classic silly experiment, is to stare very intently with aggressive thoughts at the back of a persons head, generally that person will appear uncomfortable and turn around, many times looking directly at you with no hestation. A survival hangover from the days when a Cave tiger may be estimating his success for dinner with you as the main course?

C) Controlled experiments? I have taken many tests, many times the outcome could be determined / influenced by the testers attitude towards me and my confidence in myself at the moment.

I have taken many IQ tests, in most cases the end result depended upon which side of the bed that I left that morning. In one series I ran between 145 - 160 Binet just because of this. This is why a single IQ test in not too indicative.

SOO external emotions and attitudes Can play a very significant part in the final results. These cannot presently be measured in any way, but they do influence the end results, but are never taken into consideration in dowsing, etc., tests. Like most mental abilities, it cannot be equated to a switch turning an electrical appliance on or off. If we could, that would keep the gals off of Gollums back. poor guy, snifff.

D) As for the basic discussion, in this case science has not changed one iota. We have a certain amount of potatoes, we can measure them in any of several ways, some more correct than others, but in no-way does it effect the amount of potatoes, nor does substituting qualifying or identifying names change anything. Yes, science should be, and has to be in a constant state of change as new developments appear or it simply is NOT science. but a Shibboleth..

the same goes for Planetary Bodies, they are still there unchanged.. "A rose by any name is still a Rose"

E) In spite of probably being swamped with an avalanche of differing opinions, I will flatly state that I firmly believe that all movements of a dowsing device are from subsconscious movements by the operator, this as a result of many experiments in the Para-normal..

Tropical Tramp

Typical, I put forth a post explaining quite a bit of methodology and information which goes ignored.

"A rose by any name is still a Rose"

I believe Juliet actually said something more like, "What is in a name? That of which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

HI Judy love smoo----:

Hi SAND, What's a little plagarizing?, hehehehe

XU, one of my favorites subjects in college was Political Science, it originally was just a filler, but as time went by, I became fascinated by it. In this we were introduced to statistics etc. We were shown that any statistic can be flavored or unbalanced (biased) in accordance with the conscious / unconscious wishes of the developer /tester. SO, shall we say. I have a bit of a jaundiced eye on statistics, since no-one is unbiased, not even ME, even though I am a pure unblemished SAINT..

As for proven final word on anything, what is your actual definition of gravity and how/whydoes it worK? I do not mean the standard text book version.

How do you stand on the Holistic Universe thingie? Incidentally this could tend to explain in a crude way, if, or how, dowsing works.

Tropical Tramp

p.s. don't ever make the mistake of down talking to Judy, she is extremely Intelligent and very well educated , She has her degrees..

Also do not make the other common mistake of believing that a degree alone denotes intelligence, my personal friend is a PhD, but is the most impractical man that I have ever met.

Not long ago I was in Santa Rosa, Calif. They were announcing on the radio that a special class was being formed at the local "Human recourses" office to show the recent College graduates how to fill out unemployment forms???

Tropical Tramp

Much ado over nothing. I really believe that anybody can do the "D" word with a couple of lessons. Nobody could teach me to be telepathic I don't think, that'd be like teaching me to have blue eyes, you either got it or you ain't (I don't by the way). "The "D" word is something anybody that's willing to learn can learn. I'd take it one step farther. I'd be willing to bet a dollar to a donut that I could have anybody on here doing the "D" in about 30 minutes if you were here. I'll try to hush now...


sheesh Judy, Gravity on your biscuits every morning is a gravity statement, I assume that since you have a degree in the sciences, that you have submitted that to a scientific study including a statistical analysis? If not then you are suffering from a gravity bit of self delusion.

Regarding the Universal Consciousness, I equate that with the Holistic Universe thingie which incidentally tends to explain many things that convectional science is still in the opening phases of studying. It even fills in the basic gaps in Einstein's theory. don't you agree XUPZ?

As for statistics /Math, they don't lie, but they "can" be manipulated both consciously and subconsciously to weigh in favor of a predetermined result..

I think that gals are GODS wonderful gift to mankind, sigh.

Telepathy does exist, while my experiments prob would not be accepted by the "S-W" they were good enough and repeatable enough within the time frame available, to convince me, . but not good enough to submit a paper Sigh, but then they were for my exclusive benefit, not the "S-W's" soo?

Mines are wonderful things sigh without them we wouldn't be able to communicate in here as we are doing, MIne Mine Mine

I use dowsing many times to impress the Local Indians in the Sierras. I have them hide something personal of mine then I find it by dowsing, it drops the barriers immediately. Frankly I do not remember where I have failed to find my article. NO, I am not interested in demonstrating it since I also had proof that my surrounding audience has a definite bearing upon my ability, I can feel hostility or negativity almost as a solid object, just as I can smell an open container of Cyanide??

I am sure that all of you have, at one timer or another, felt exactly what I am saying.

Judy yer mi dream gal, beauty and brains wrapped into one delightfully elegant package, sigh unfortunately I am tooked, story of my degenerate life.

Wanna come waltzng to slow music with me in my airplane in the clouds?? We can enter unexplored deep canyons or zip into a misty whiteness of purity and just forget the world for a whlie. fun fun, honest.

Incidentally in a series of classical experiments, Cameron was able to identify and physically draw the outline of a group of collectively projected thought forms in a closed room by a group of volunteers. This tends to give credence to the Holistic Universe thingie in that ALL thought consists of a 3 dimensional field,. but of what energy?

Ever tell you about my cute mule and her unique habits?

Tropical Tramp

Okay, having read all of these posts it's clear you all got off track from the original pretense that the other planets were recognized by the "Protectors from the Sky". Now all scientifically based individuals recognize the Protect from the Sky is from one of two areas: 1. One of the four protectors of the earth, Raven and Eagle--Protectors of the Sky, Wolf--Protector of the Land, and Orca--Protector of the Sea as depicted by the Tsimshian Tribal Art. Or, 2. The Protectors of the Sky as in Dragon Quest IX.

Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I certainly am not putting my money on the Dragon Quest IX knowledge base. And I don't recall anything in the Tsimshian history of an additional three planets. Word has it they were pretty good at dowsing though. ::) :-* ;D


Geeze SWR, congrats, I didn't think that you would be able to follow the line of reasoning in my posts, and yes, there is one, a bit devious, but there.. statistically I should have had a least one line correct and not all just slobbering, and so be acceptable no? But sigh , as you so elegantly pointed out ----!

SWR ,"Statistically" even an orangutan should be able to eventually write the Encyclopedia Britannica. I have noticed a tendency to that in here, but so far, mostly one line negative posts.

I am still waiting for your answer to "is it possible to build a working practical motionless Electromagnetic generator from the use of permanent magnets"????

Room/Paul apol. I did not start the deviation on the statement "is science wrong to "?? but I couldn't resist when I saw personal remarks appearing, most of which were uncalled for.

Tropical Tramp (el slobberer)

About the only Scientific Rules that hold true....
Paper covers Rock
Rock smashes Scissors
Scissors cuts Paper

Dynomite beating all three is still a thoery

"Dynomite beating all three is still a thoery"

Let's test that.

I have been dealing with magnetic fields for over 45 years. I even constructed a small magnetic railroad THAT REALLY WORKED over 30 years ago but to answer the question:
NO it is NOT possible to build a MOTIONLESS GENERATOR from Magnets BUT it IS possible to build a magnetic powered generator that does not require any outside power source other than magnets.
Peg leg

BUT it IS possible to build a magnetic powered generator that does not require any outside power source other than magnets're saying "perpetual motion"?

Don't let the oil companies get wind of this until it's created, patented, and secured... or you'll end up under the 50 yrd line of a football field somewhere and your magnets will be thumping speakers in an Exxon CEO's bathroom stereo...right next to the 100 mpg carboretor he uses as a soap dispenser.

Hey Judy and all the others whom have responded. This discussion has been so helpful to a person whose knowledge of these subjects is very limited. It gives me faith that we will continue to progress in Science as long as people keep asking questions. As for myself, I will keep on doing my simple experiments and using what I know as a fact to have fun and enjoyment. I will keep passing on my knowledge to others as I will never know if one of them may be the next genus to come along...Art

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