
Sr. Member
Jun 8, 2005
Arlington Texas


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THIS is the ONLY E Marino Listed in the Phone Directory in ALL of Indiana. However It Dosn't Mean It's Him

E? Marino

Greenwood, IN 46143-1634

morris said:
The emails are from a Edmond....

Ocala,Fl? 8)

the benefits of EMail.

Anybody look at the last name as well? Looks to me to be written as "Eric Munson" on the fake money orders. Sorry to hear about the scam. Lots of Eric Munsons on Google.

The only E.Munson Listed in Indiana

Munson, E

Indianapolis, IN 46268-3219

This is a good reason to not sell or order detectors by mail from private persons. If you can't look them in the eye, your taking a chance!!! :'(


why would he send you 4 checks for $850 each when the detector was only $140??????? hope you didn't
send the detector?

Yep an old con.

The sender probably couldn't care less about the detector but hoped you would send him his "change"
from the money orders before you found out that they were fake.

Hard to believe people would actually fall for this but apparently a lot of unfortunately people do.


God! I need to get a life! After doing some rather "intense" research, the first thing that I should have looked at was the double $ sign's. That's the first indication of a counterfeit. The other indicator that this is a scam is that "USA" is written on the envelope indicating that the letter was sent from abroad. Only advice that I can offer on this one is "Seller beware"!

Going to go clean dive gear now and hopefully find something else to do other than surf the internet looking for stuff like this and downloading bad music. Wish me luck! ;)

Hey Morris...just let the Feds do the work. Having used fake U.S. Postal Money that is a HUGE no no for the Feds. They should take this and run. They know that if this person did this he is going to do many many more. Don't back away from this..even if you never get your $$$ back help stop all the others who he will gladly screw until he is stopped

The name(s) on the MO or on the envelope are meaningless. The scammer steals an identity, even the correct mailing address but they will send instructions on where to send the "change."

They get someone in the USA to drop their mail in the US postal system. I do not know if they are duped or part of the scam for a cut of the action.

I had a suspicious deal on eBay and called the seller. The "seller" had not listed anything on eBay and in turn thought I was trying to scam him.

I told him to contact eBay and his local police. No idea if he did or not. I contacted eBay. Luckily I did not lose any money.

Looks like a letter mailed from outside the U.S. Note the USA handprinted below the address, (only a non-USA) Post Office would do that. Most likely the address you would send the product to has a forwarded address. The USPS can track them down. I would guess their envelope stuffer can read english too well and made a mistake with the mailing. Remember, it's harder to scam a honest person than someone willing to try and get someting for nothing. You broke the chain when you went to the Post Office officials.

Thanks for the warning!

HH, Joe

They tried that on me and I posted a scam warning about a month or more ago. Guess you missed it? They're in California, bunch of illegals running it. Monty

This is becoming quite common. I listed some high ticket items for sale on a local classified ads website and started getting emails from england and other countries saying they wanted to buy them and would pay to have them shipped. I emailed a few of them and they said they would be sending payment. Then I would get another email saying this guy owed him/her money and would be sending me a money order for $700 (item was only $150) and wanted me to send him his change. Yeah right! I must have gotten 30 emails on 2 items like this.

Here's another one! I get a phone call the other night and there is a woman (very distinct Indian accent) who states that I am elligible for a free government grant of $12,000. She swears, no strings attached and was going to put me through to her supervisor to complete the transaction (also Indian). So, I play along. The next person wants my bank information, routing number and account number to transfer the funds. Yeah right! Just send me the check in the mail! So I told them before I give out my info I need to verify all the information and asked for her name, supervisors name, and a number to call her back.

Remember, they are both Indian. However, her name was Katrina Williams and her supervisors name was Mark. Of course the phone number was bogus and after a little research found it to be a scam. Which I new right off!

What I also learned, is that alot of American companies are sending their call centers to India and other areas. The people who get on the phone will tell you their name is Katrina, Fred, Bob, Judy, etc. All American names to make you feel more comfortable and to not let on you are being directed overseas. I always ask people where they are located and most of the time lately, (like for Dell Tech Support) they are all in India. Every time I call, it goes to India!

I guess they pay them .75 cent an hour and they are happy with that!

Robert in SC

The person that contacted me wanted to buy a detector I had for sale. Said he would send me a money order for aobut ten times what I was asking. Wanted me to mail him/her the detector and change. Sound familiar? I played along for awhile to keep them on the hook. Had the compuiter guy at the PD to chase down the email address. They were using someone's email account in California and routing it throuigh several others somehow? Anyway they hounded me sending several emails a day wanting to close the deal. Finally I got tired of playing and sent them a response saying I was an FBI agent and if they hear a knock on their door it would be me with a warrant. Needless to say I never heard from them again! Monty

shame , u cant trust anyone , any more. my friend got a fake bank money oder before, from someone on e-bay, yes i wont buy on e-bay or other places like that.

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