Rookie Question For Sebastian Inlet Treasure Hunters (More New Pics Added 12/14)

Hi. This is my first post. I've been checking in at Treasurenet for about 6 years now. Lots of good info. An old girlfriend got me a tinker toy MD years ago from Radio Shack. After either Charlie, Jean Rita or whoever, I went up to the Sebastian area after the beaches got really trashed. One beach north of the Seb inlet, these people were rebuilding a stairway down to the beach. I kinda climbed down dune roots. (All the stairways were destroyed) I never saw the sand so low. One week later there was around 10 feet of sand in the same spot. The dunes were destroyed. I thought for sure I would find something. Nada. (The people working on the stairs told me some MD'ers were there earlier and found some old nails-or that is what they were told). Went to another beach. With this piece of garbage from Radio Shack, I couldn't even hear the tones with the waves crashing. (no earphones) That was at Sebastian. A girl came up to me and told me some guy found a wooden chest in the sand and took it to his car and split. Yeah, I bet. Nice story. I couldn't believe all the giant driftwood in the ocean. You could have gotten really hurt if you were'nt paying attention. After all this finding nothing, I went and got an Excaliber from Mr. Reilly. To this day....nothing. All the money I've spent on Hotel rooms, I could have bought some real 1715 coins. Just finding 1 real 1715 coin would have made it all worthwhile. Anyway, went to Jupiter inlet while they were dredging. As I was walking towards where all the water was shooting out from the dredging, a tourist came up to me to ask me about an old coin he had just bought from a guy that was at the area where the water was shooting out. He wanted to know if I thought it was real and what it was worth. It looked just like the above coins that Trez called a Mexican wristwatch. I told him I had no clue. He paid I think $90. Got up to the guy he bought it from and asked if he had any luck. He said no. NO? He just sold one to a tourist and tells me no? Didn't even try to sell me one. I think the tourist said the guy had a pocketfull. Smells kinda fishy to me. I think somebody was just trying to make some $$ off the tourists. But they looked good. Well, seeing the coin above made me want to share all of this. Anybody want to by a used Excaliber 1000? I'd probably trade it for some real coins. (or should I say coin).

Hi JJDFLA. Thanks for posting your story, even though it wasn't a happy ending.

Look at the thread titled "favorite personal cobs" and look about half way down for the posts from "bigkid4". He made some rather spectacular finds as a result of the Jupiter dredging, so I don't find that story fishy at all.

Anyway, keep at the search and back it up with a little "research" and you will probably eventually be successful. Good luck....


JJDFLA said:
Anybody want to by a used Excaliber 1000? I'd probably trade it for some real coins. (or should I say coin).

I'll trade you...coins and artifacts? Let me know.


Salvor6 said:
The coins in that picture came from the Jupiter wreck 3 years ago. I was there.
Yes. I read your story aboard the Seahunter and maybe the hand is Chagys. Like I said, not my picture. Armchair requested a picture of cobs before cleaning and it seemed like a nice pic to use. It was in my files...

But back to the subject of 68 cobs found on Sebastian beach. I have been out of town for a few days, just got back and was hoping, Armchair, you would prove to me what a fool I was and that you did indeed fond 68 cobs on renourished Sebastian beach. Anything is possible, I guess. But for some reason the story remains untold and we can only guess. :(

I will remove my post(s) respect of armchairQB only.
Czech's political view or mine need not be on this thread...

Happy Kwanzaa Czech. YoHOHO

Mr Czech,

This board is full of well respected treasure hunters, (excluding me) most of the folks on this board have been hunting treasure longer that I have been alive. You might try being nice, asking questions or allying yourself to them. The broken plates which you are making fun of were probably found by Trez and are actual 1715 fleet plates.

Trez is a very respected member on this board and someday you might need him to ID a cob for you. Can the political, immature avatars and just talk treasure and other treasure related topics. You might be more accepted.

armchairQB30 said:
Mr Czech,

This board is full of well respected treasure hunters, (excluding me) most of the folks on this board have been hunting treasure longer that I have been alive. You might try being nice, asking questions or allying yourself to them. The broken plates which you are making fun of were probably found by Trez and are actual 1715 fleet plates.

Trez is a very respected member on this board and someday you might need him to ID a cob for you. Can the political, immature avatars and just talk treasure and other treasure related topics. You might be more accepted.

I Hope his Removal From this tread ends It.

Sorry Jeff and Dave...
and even Czech...

I get fired up on some things...we should have taken it to another forum.
This is a forum on Treasure related topics indeed...I just got fired up.
Post those 8's and 4's...I tried calling you.


I helped Joel Ruth clean some of the coins he found during the hurricane, and I bought about 10 of them from him. This was within days of the storm. His house got wrecked somewhat during the storm (so did mine). I posted some pictures at my web....

You can get a pretty good idea about the circumstance of loss of these particular coins by close examination... they came out of the dune, not out of the sea. Some of those I bought from him are featured on the cover of "The Rainbow Chasers In The Great Florida Treasure Hunt". I put some pics of one in particular on page 75. Big cob! One of my favorites. These babies were in excellent condition, BUT, they definitely have a green patina from copper leeching due to salt sands.

I am not about to quote anyone and distract them.
Is that a 1/2 reale in his palm?
The 1/2 royal denomination could have only come from one ship.
San Ramones.

Sorroque said:
I am not about to quote anyone and distract them.
Is that a 1/2 reale in his palm?
The 1/2 royal denomination could have only come from one ship.
San Ramones.

As was said earlier, those were from the Jupiter wreck, believed to be the "San Miguel de Archangel" (lost late 1659 - early 1660). The coin is probably a worn down 1 or possibly even 2 reale piece.


armchairQB30 said:
Lets say you were walking along the Sebastian Inlet beaches with your metal detector and you found 68 coins about the size of a quarter but not round like a quarter and they were solid black. Before you cleaned them what would you think about them from the area you found them in? What years should they be? What should they look like? What would be the value of these coins? Where should they be from? Can you provide pics of uncleaned coins? Thank you very much.
Very nice find, if that is what it was. :dontknow: Certainly banner worthy. Too bad the story was left hypothetical. :(

And so it shall remain a mystery.


  • Davy-Jones.webp
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:dontknow: Sounds good---but is it the real deal??? I've heard about all the good Spanish stuff found down on that Florida Coast--I've only hu nted in Pensacola on the beach---I'd love to get out on that ocean side and go for that Spanish loot! I'd use a good pulse detector, the CZ-20 OR 21 with 10" coil, or a excalibur with 10" coil. I THINK A PULSE IS BEST! :headbang: :laughing7: I'd be stealthy and keep a really low profile because I'm pretty sure some of the salvage companies have salvage rights on those careful. I'm not laying any blame on ya--heck, I'd love ta get over that way and hunt them cobs myself...hehehe!

:dontknow: Sounds good---but is it the real deal??? I've heard about all the good Spanish stuff found down on that Florida Coast--I've only hu nted in Pensacola on the beach---I'd love to get out on that ocean side and go for that Spanish loot! I'd use a good pulse detector, the CZ-20 OR 21 with 10" coil, or a excalibur with 10" coil. I THINK A PULSE IS BEST! :headbang: :laughing7: I'd be stealthy and keep a really low profile because I'm pretty sure some of the salvage companies have salvage rights on those careful. I'm not laying any blame on ya--heck, I'd love ta get over that way and hunt them cobs myself...hehehe!
It does appear to be the real deal. :icon_thumright: Nice old find by armchair. :icon_thumright:

Dont waste your time coming down here now to the Treasure Coast Zinc. There has been so much beach renourishment that you will not find anything. And dont even think about going in the water without a salvage lease. Be ready for the next hurricane to hit the area. We are all waiting.

I'd use a good pulse detector, the CZ-20 OR 21 with 10" coil, or a excalibur with 10" coil. I THINK A PULSE IS BEST! :headbang: :laughing7:

Neither of those are pulse. I have a CZ-20 10" and an Aquapulse unit with a 15" coil. The CZ-20 might keep me from digging shallow trash, but with the beach renourishment that Big C mentions I would rather go deep and dig everything if looking for old stuff. Especially on the 1715 sites where beach trash is less of a problem.


DiveWrecks said:
Especially on the 1715 sites where beach trash is less of a problem.

They must be some of the cleanest beaches in the world! Very little trash remaining. Some canslaw, some unidentified iron and fishing lures wash up from time to time and some lead sinkers can be found. Occasionally a worthless recent coin drop of zincolns and a nickel or two. Treasure is DEEEP.

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