Revival Of Old Passion - Wet On Wet Landscapes

Very cool! I've done a few myself. I have zero talent but it is rewarding none the less. I have a Bob Ross bobblehead right here on my desk. :laughing7: You've inspired me to break out my kit and do one !
Great, go for it, it takes practice and hint, most times a very light touch with the brush when doing clouds, bushes, and shading.

beautiful job! You have some talent there. Impressive. Bob Ross is responsible for so many artists with his techniques. He inspired many. :goldtrophy:

Great picture! Thanks for sharing, TH!

And where did bob ross work?
About 15 miles from me in Muncie, Indiana

I have painted several more. This is my 2nd landscape after the 20 year layoff.


Landscape 4 after the layoff, still trying to knock the rust off my painting skills.


Wow! Those are really nice! Very talented!

I was a certified Bob Ross instructor, but I stop teaching over 20 years ago when I moved back to Florida. I use to paint a lot, but I haven't painted in years due to life and job requirements.

I recently decided to try it again and I painted a new painting, I am rusty for sure but considering how long it has been I wasn't too disappointed with the results, lots of room for improvement too.

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keep painting. I paint all the time, finishing them is a problem


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Is there a forum to post members various artistic and creative abilities who frequent TN?. I've viewed a few members who've demonstrated their artistic ability over time and what they've created. It's rather nice to see what many folks can do in the way of creative art, which many seem to have.

Is there a forum to post members various artistic and creative abilities who frequent TN?. I've viewed a few members who've demonstrated their artistic ability over time and what they've created. It's rather nice to see what many folks can do in the way of creative art, which many seem to have.
Arts and Craft forum, it is a sub forum of our "Everything Else" forum.

Duh! Now I see it in the header of this post. So much of what others do is all over the site.
No "duh" needed, to be honest this thread was originally in "Everything Else" forum, when you asked I looked and saw it wasn't in the "Arts and Crafts" sub-forum like I thought so I moved it.

Man those are fantastic. I did not know you taught his class. I read an article about him and they said he would practice paint one then do the show. The family has a warehouse it might be a museum now of his works which on the open market are demanding some nice bucks.
Great work have always wanted to try that.

Man those are fantastic. I did not know you taught his class. I read an article about him and they said he would practice paint one then do the show. The family has a warehouse it might be a museum now of his works which on the open market are demanding some nice bucks.
Great work have always wanted to try that.
His first painting he ever painted on TV, Season 1, episode 1 is currently for sale by a Minneapolis gallery for $9.85 million.

This is my painting from Dec 14th, 2023...


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