Remorse :

He became one with a pit of de-fanged rattlers for a show.

I think he was playing with his tantric snake when he hung himself in that closet...of course, it was right after David Carradine (Kung Poo) had sex with his daughter!

Become one with the snakes?

He was one of the Snakes!

I still think Bruce Lee would've made a much better Kung Fu master!

And he would've grabbed every one and killed them with a one inch punch!

yep..carradine was a typical hollywood liberal...i guess its ok to be a freak over there...bruce lee would have pulverized :icon_thumright:

I have a lawn service to take care of all that but keep a shovel for the copperheads. Others that are non-poisonous are simply left alone or I move them. Copperheads and the rare moccasin are dispatched. Too many curious kids and pets around.

He became one with a pit of de-fanged rattlers for a show.

I think he was playing with his tantric snake when he hung himself in that closet...of course, it was right after David Carradine (Kung Poo) had sex with his daughter!

Become one with the snakes?

He was one of the Snakes!

I still think Bruce Lee would've made a much better Kung Fu master!

And he would've grabbed every one and killed them with a one inch punch!

Argumentum ad hominen. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.

Argumentum ad hominen. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.


What facts?

He was a pit-I-ful excuse for a human being. I got the snake pit one with nature thing. You missed the weirdo half snake man closet thingy.

Misleading Accent

"The Fallacy is committed by taking portions of others statements out of there original context and using them in a way that conveys an unintended meaning"

Mister you're a better man than I!


What facts?

He was a pit-I-ful excuse for a human being. I got the snake pit one with nature thing. You missed the weirdo half snake man closet thingy.

I have to agree with much of what Bill said. I dont think anybody should rely on a non-existent made up Hollywood Character in a made up TV Show that screwed Bruce Lee out of the role because he was "TOO ASIAN" to be successful in America for some kind of deeper intimate soul searching wizardry.

One thing I do disagree with Bill about here was that he was a pitiful human being. I didn't know him personally, and couldn't say one way or another. One thing I can say for certain generally about successful movie/music stars is that they have such easy access to any sex they want, it becomes progressively more difficult for them to get turned on. You start with a bunch of sex. You then need something freakier and freakier to get off. It progresses to multiple partners. Drugs. Booze. Whatever. I personally know about a movie person everyone here would know, who enjoys eating cat poo out of the litter box. Eventually you hang yourself on a closet door whilst pleasuring yourself! HAHAHA


I regret opening this thread.

I regret opening this thread.

So your ink and inky dinky is you?

Tell me, do you use deducer in your ink?

You opened it with regrets so you can close it with regrets!

It's OK, no one uses ink anymore...just computer 1's 0's and dots......

I apologize to the snakes for putting them in that pit with Kung Poo..or that closet for that matter...long live Bruce Lee! Oh, he's dead already...

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