Remorse :

Dappled sunlight. They like to move in and out of the shade to regulate their body temperature - changes with the seasons and time of day.

That brings me to the next bit of Snake advise.

When moving from the sun to the shade always take your sunglasses off! I almost stepped on a Mojave once because I had my shades on and didn't see it! That snake laid there straight as an arrow and didn't flinch at all. It looked just like a stick laying on the ground. Always look under that rock you're about to sit on. Even in your own yard. Mojave's don't rattle much because they're King of snakes around here!

I warn any I can about the pitfalls of hiking in the heat. The most common death in Arizona is heat stroke. I've experienced it in beginning and advanced form. Believe me you don't want to over heat in the desert! I always take precautions and I always drink water before I get out there. That last video I did in 114 degree heat I had a gallon of water just to hike a little over a mile in there and a mile back. The problem is not bringing water with you in that heat. It's the fact the water gets so hot it heats your core when you drink it!

The water can make you sick!

Even in the Winter out here people die of heat stroke. Just hiking or jogging. Right in the middle of town or on a short trail up a mountain. Just happened a year ago to someone we all knew. Sorry for your loss. But don't blame the legend if it wasn't the LDM it would be another hobby.
. I could not agree more. I have gotten myself into trouble twice during summer exploration. Both times I packed in as much water as I thought reasonable to carry and ran out anyway. Things go down hill fast after that if you have far to go. I managed to make it to safety but I did consider myself at great risk as I struggled to make my return.

This can happen to anyone. It is less likely the more experience one has, but even then things can go other than as planned.

That brings me to the next bit of Snake advise.

When moving from the sun to the shade always take your sunglasses off! I almost stepped on a Mojave once because I had my shades on and didn't see it! That snake laid there straight as an arrow and didn't flinch at all. It looked just like a stick laying on the ground. Always look under that rock you're about to sit on. Even in your own yard. Mojave's don't rattle much because they're King of snakes around here!

EXACTLY like the one I stepped on last year at the Don's Camp. It was laying straight as an arrow. The second I felt that tight water balloon feeling under my foot, I went up three feet and back about five before the first rattle. HAHAHA and like I said at the time.........I might have even peed a little........just a little.


The insurance companies have screwed things around, to their favor, to create the myth that there's no such thing as a mistake, just someone's liability. Call it what you want, act of God, Luck of the draw, Foolishness, His time or Right place at the wrong time. I surely offer my condolences but lets face it folks from the day we're born we've got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peal. Being of nature and dying at the hands of nature might just be the only true path to heaven.

Men who have sought gold from the Yukon to the rivers of Bolivia and beyond have lost their lives to everything imaginable: Bandits, Exposure, Drowning, Mine Collapse, Landslide, Snake Bite, Animal Attach, Tetanus, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Prostitutes, Opium, Starvation, Altitude Sickness, Drunkenness, Claustrophobia, Insanity, Heartbreak, Mercury poisoning, Indian attack, Jealousy aka (gold fever) and I'll bet my comrades here could probably come up with a few hundred more. No different than an opioid addiction, and purely a matter of choice.

Pulled up behind my house tonight and I was greeted by a huge Rattler standing up lunging at my fenders!

It jumped up at my radiator as I moved forward then went after my drivers door!

It cost me 95 bucks to get him relocated as a pet trainer snake.

I was thinking about a shovel I had and my shotgun but in the end opted for relocation.

View attachment 1629347

I was looking for the Dutchman mine behind my house! No.more Dutch hunting for me!

Pulled up behind my house tonight and I was greeted by a huge Rattler standing up lunging at my fenders!

It jumped up at my radiator as I moved forward then went after my drivers door!

It cost me 95 bucks to get him relocated as a pet trainer snake.

I was thinking about a shovel I had and my shotgun but in the end opted for relocation.

View attachment 1629347

I was looking for the Dutchman mine behind my house! No.more Dutch hunting for me!
$95 vs 50 cents for a shotgun shell:dontknow:

$95 vs 50 cents for a shotgun shell:dontknow:

This is why...

Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm Laws and Penalties in Arizona Under A.R.S. 13 – 3107 it is unlawfuldischarge a firearm within city limits. This law is known in Arizona as “Shannon’s Law”, named this following the death of an Arizona girl who was killed after being shot by random gunfire in 1999.Criminal charges for unlawful discharge of a firearm begin as a Class 6 felony. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident and whether or not injuries occurred, will dictate if more serious charges will be brought by police and prosecution. A Class 6 felony will expose a person to a minimum of .33 years in prison to 2 years in prison for a first time offense. Additional penalties will apply including loss of rights to bear arms, vote, or to sue civilly if a suspect was maliciously injured while engaged in criminal conduct or fleeing from the crime scene. They will be subject to exorbitant fines, fees, costs, assessments, parole, probation, community service, a felon criminal record, and restitution if it applies.Dangerous Offenses involving Unlawful Discharge of Firearm LawsIf the Unlawful Discharge of a firearm involves a “Dangerous Offense” as defined in A.R.S.13-105 the defendant will be exposed to far more severe penalties as outlined in Sentencing Guidelines under A.R.S. 13 -702. A Dangerous Offense is defined under AZ criminal code as:

  • A crime that involves the discharge, use or threatening display of a firearm, deadly weapon or instrument; and/or
  • The act of intentionally or knowingly subjecting another person to serious physical injury or harm.
A first time Class 6 Felony involving a Dangerous Offense will expose a person to prison terms of 1.5 years minimum to 3 years.Dangerous offense charges involving unlawful discharged of firearms may be brought as Class 6 to Class 2 depending on the circumstances, and nature of the crime, and whether it was violent or not. Class 2 Dangerous crime sentencing ranges expose a person terms of 7 to 21 years.If it resulted in a murder or homicide, Class 1 charges will be brought. Class 1 offenses expose a person to life in prison or the Death Penalties.

$95 was cheap compared to the alternative!!

Pellet or BB gun will work too.

Or just ask your neighbor to move it

Pulled up behind my house tonight and I was greeted by a huge Rattler standing up lunging at my fenders!

It jumped up at my radiator as I moved forward then went after my drivers door!

It cost me 95 bucks to get him relocated as a pet trainer snake.

I was thinking about a shovel I had and my shotgun but in the end opted for relocation.

View attachment 1629347

I was looking for the Dutchman mine behind my house! No.more Dutch hunting for me!
Thanks for not killing the snake Bill

The Snake Wrangler almost got bit attempting to capture this monster! I was thinking about cutting his head off with a shovel when he gave me some advise about trying that with a aggressive snake of this magnitude. He said not to try and cut off the head because if I missed it would keep coming after me and might get close enough for a strike. His recommendations were to slam the flat part of the shovel right across the center of the snakes back. He said this would break his back and make him unable to move and give ample time for using the shovel to cut his head off. I had never heard of this before. Since I only had a round tipped long shovel it would have been harder to chop his head off.

The Rattler was so aggressive it chased him for a bit and had the camera man jumping almost back on top of me! That thing rattled in the bucket so hard it made my small Yorkshire's Lilli's air stand up when my wife brought her out near the bucket!


Pellet or BB gun will work too.

I have all those Pellet guns at my cabin. I was using them up there for running off nasty woodpecker's destroying my house. You can't kill them which is crazy as they are by no means endangered but the laws the law. So I had no way to hit with a pellet gun. I did remember I had some snake shot in my 45 caliber 1911, but, it would still be considered a fire arm discharge and in Tucson with the way the police are they would've charged me with a crime!

We called 911 but they said no and go call the fire dept. We called the fire dept and they said they could only come out if we were bit other than that they said call an exterminator or snake wrangler so we did. I was to tired to wrestle a rattler after dark and a hard day of working so we decided it was best to get it totally out of the area for good.

The Snake Wrangler almost got bit attempting to capture this monster! I was thinking about cutting his head off with a shovel when he gave me some advise about trying that with a aggressive snake of this magnitude. He said not to try and cut off the head because if I missed it would keep coming after me and might get close enough for a strike. His recommendations were to slam the flat part of the shovel right across the center of the snakes back. He said this would break his back and make him unable to move and give ample time for using the shovel to cut his head off. I had never heard of this before. Since I only had a round tipped long shovel it would have been harder to chop his head off.

The Rattler was so aggressive it chased him for a bit and had the camera man jumping almost back on top of me! That thing rattled in the bucket so hard it made my small Yorkshire's Lilli's air stand up when my wife brought her out near the bucket!


Great advice...I also never heard of hitting if with the flat part of the shovel first. Makes sense...will have to try this next.

Too much violence. You need to become one with nature.

When you become one with nature then you'll find the LDM.

Too much violence. You need to become one with nature.

When you become one with nature then you'll find the LDM.

Let's see. You have two choices. You can spend decades learning to become one with nature from Chinese Shaolin monks. Or, as most lifelong Dutch hunters likely believe, you can wait until you die when all things will be revealed.

Too much violence. You need to become one with nature.

When you become one with nature then you'll find the LDM.

You don't need to become one with Nature to find LDM . There is only Thunder God to be afraid of . You have to decrypt His signs before you will become one with Nature literally .

Let's see. You have two choices. You can spend decades learning to become one with nature from Chinese Shaolin monks. Or, as most lifelong Dutch hunters likely believe, you can wait until you die when all things will be revealed.

There is a third choice. Just give up the hate. Because when your soul is filled with love for all things, you automatically become one with nature.

There is a third choice. Just give up the hate. Because when your soul is filled with love for all things, you automatically become one with nature.

Interesting . You almost decrypted the feelings you must have when you will approach the LDM site . I would add only to just give up hate ... and greed . You have to think about the site as a place you go to give and not to take . To give your love for Nature , to maintain the old structures in the region ,and to take a bit as recompense for your beliefs and work .

Too much violence. You need to become one with nature.

When you become one with nature then you'll find the LDM.

He became one with a pit of de-fanged rattlers for a show.

I think he was playing with his tantric snake when he hung himself in that closet...of course, it was right after David Carradine (Kung Poo) had sex with his daughter!

Become one with the snakes?

He was one of the Snakes!

I still think Bruce Lee would've made a much better Kung Fu master!

And he would've grabbed every one and killed them with a one inch punch!

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