Rebellion: South Carolina to Outlaw Obamacare in Their State

MMMMMMMMMMMM Sounds like SC could be the flash point again

Par for the course! South Carolina has a history of not caring much about health care. And it shows! The state has 20% less physicians per capita then the national average. (that means they are below average). And, their infant mortality rate is almost 40% above the national average. I know with you guys it's all about the money, but there is another price to pay when you are too cheap to ante up.

Shame for the people who live there.

Wonder how many of those babies would have lived had they been born in NH, or NJ?

Not many with their view on Abortion

Not many with their view on Abortion

I was thinking the same thing onfire - "Wonder how many of those babies would have lived had they been born in NH, or NJ?" What a joke coming from a liberal. Millions of babies are never born because of murderous, disgusting, horrible, pathetic Liberal views.

It does make you wonder what information is needed for stats on the " infant Mortality rate". I guess, if you are on the left, it is whatever suits your agenda?

Treasure Hunter:

Do the doctors and/or hospitals will simply refuse all patients with health insurance? ACA isn't an insurance plan or program.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:

Do the doctors and/or hospitals will simply refuse all patients with health insurance? ACA isn't an insurance plan or program.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Have you read how the plan works? Doctors, hospitals sign up for ACA, if they don't sign up then they do not accept anyone using it.... Many, many doctors and hospitals have already stated they will not sign up for ACA and so will not be accepting anyone that got their insurance through the health exchanges, there is a fee scale based on ACA which is lower than what they currently receive.........They also just refuse to accept insurance from most of the companies in ACA, just accept 1 or 2 companies..........

The nightmare that is Lucifercare is only just beginning......................

Treasure Hunter:


Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:


Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
Maybe the government could force doctors to see a certain number of patients on Obummercare even if they lose money. You know, like Russia, North Korea, Cuba and Communist China do. Just a thought... After all "it's for the children".. :thumbsup:

We already have a shortage of doctors, they start trying to force doctors to treat people by threats it will be a huge shortage.

What right does a government have to force people to ply their trade against their will, not that current government wouldn't try, they are already ignoring existing laws, and illegally changing other laws by edict. ..

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

Maybe the government could force doctors to see a certain number of patients on Obummercare even if they lose money. You know, like Russia, North Korea, Cuba and Communist China do. Just a thought...

After all "it's for the children".. :thumbsup:

Ya I heard that somewhere!:tongue3:

OOOOH I can't wait to see how you try to spin this into something that loosely resembles facts.. Has the state come on out and stated,, "We Hate Health Care"? " and babies" Or some such?

Wow,, disinformation this ingenious must have come straight from Think Progress or other Marxist site?

Yes Dave, tracking infant mortality rates is a Marxist plot.

States with best access to healthcare have the lowest infant mortality rates. Damn marxist!! They are a healthy bunch! And they care about their kids!

Yes Dave, tracking infant mortality rates is a Marxist plot.

States with best access to healthcare have the lowest infant mortality rates. Damn marxist!! They are a healthy bunch! And they care about their kids!
NF with all due respect is it possible that the infant mortality rate is not only affected by the quality of medical care but also the parents themselves and even possibly how far they might live from a hospital ? You named NH as one of the lowest and I agree. I lived there for 55 years and the medical care is great. Buttt.. here in Tennessee it is also great with top shelf hospitals 15 minutes away from me in 3 decent size cities. That is not the case for a large part of the rural South though. Add to that the fact that some folks in various parts of the country simply aren't as well educated as others and may not take their kids to the hospital every time there's an issue. What is the percentage of very young mothers who have ZERO child care experience in South Carolina as opposed to the numbers for New Hampshire ? NONE of these variables have anything to do whatsoever with politics, or what insurance plan you may have. Just trying to inject a little common sense into the statistics. You make it seem like children are dying because of their lack of insurance. That's ridiculous. Some folks on here like to post statistics as if they were gospel and don't bother to take the time to analyze for themselves why the numbers are what they are.

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NF with all due respect is it possible that the infant mortality rate is not only affected by the quality of medical care but also the parents themselves and even possibly how far they might live from a hospital ? You named NH as one of the lowest and I agree. I lived there for 55 years and the medical care is great. Buttt.. here in Tennessee it is also great with top shelf hospitals 15 minutes away from me in 3 decent size cities. That is not the case for a large part of the rural South though. Add to that the fact that some folks in various parts of the country simply aren't as well educated as others and may not take their kids to the hospital every time there's an issue. NONE of these variables have anything to do whatsoever with politics, or what insurance plan you may have. Just trying to inject a little common sense into the statistics..

Utah consistently has the lowest infant mortality rate. Or one of the lowest. How far do you suppose most of those folks live from a hospital?

It correlates with economics. Economics affects access to health care. The states with the highest infant mortality rates, mostly correlate with those on the list with worst access to health care. SC case in point.

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It may be unfair of me to pick on South Carolina. But, they have a long history of not taking care of their own when it comes to health care. Truth is, they've got plenty of company in their neck of the woods. And i get the thinking. Fierce independent people who take care of themselves. Absolutely a way of life to be proud of. Except when someone gets sick and can't afford to go for treatment. What happens then? Fierce and independent people die. And so do their babies. That's what the numbers show.

It may be unfair of me to pick on South Carolina. But, they have a long history of not taking care of their own when it comes to health care. Truth is, they've got plenty of company in their neck of the woods. And i get the thinking. Fierce independent people who take care of themselves. Absolutely a way of life to be proud of. Except when someone gets sick and can't afford to go for treatment. What happens then? Fierce and independent people die. And so do their babies. That's what the numbers show.
Hospital emergency rooms can not turn people away because they can't pay. Unless they do things differently where you're from.

Par for the course! South Carolina has a history of not caring much about health care. And it shows! The state has 20% less physicians per capita then the national average. (that means they are below average). And, their infant mortality rate is almost 40% above the national average. I know with you guys it's all about the money, but there is another price to pay when you are too cheap to ante up.

Shame for the people who live there.

Wonder how many of those babies would have lived had they been born in NH, or NJ?

Seems SC cares more about babies than NJ does. Maybe 7 times more.....

2008 NJ # of abortions 54,160

2008 SC # of abortions 7,300

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

We already have a shortage of doctors, they start trying to force doctors to treat people by threats it will be a huge shortage.

What right does a government have to force people to ply their trade against their will, not that current government wouldn't try, they are already ignoring existing laws, and illegally changing other laws by edict. ..

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

We have a shortage of doctors? Not here we don't.

predictions of a doctor shortage brought on by Obamacare another scare tactic by the right with no basis in fact.

In fact, in Massachusetts where the law Obamacare was modeled after is in effect, that law added 400,000 to the healthcare rolls. These has been no changes in access to health care in that state. No doctor shortage or even longer wait times.

One factor not taken into account by the Ocare haters is the changing face of healthcare. Treatments are evolving as are practitioners. Much of the load of the doctors is now spread among a team of people. From nurse practitioners to personal care techs not everyone seeking medical care needs to be treated by a doctor. Non acute care is seeing tremendous growth in this country.

In my own town we have two non acute care centers. This is the place you go if you have a medical emergency that isn't life threatening. When you need stitches not cardiac resuscitation. These places have one or two doctors and a dozen PCTs.

A few years ago cutting yourself on broken glass was an automatic trip to the ER. Not today.

With the evolving face of treatment fears of a coming doctor shortage are over blown.

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