Rattlers awakened EARLY!!

Hoser John

Gold Member
Mar 22, 2003
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Amazing fat smelly ol'boy was suning himself when dispatched yesterday afternoon. Absolutely amazing as over 60+ years in the boonies and NEVER seen before april fools day wow. Poison oak awake too with lizards hungry and scurrying around also. 75 here in Shasta county yesterday and even warmer today. Err on the side a caution detecting as was NOT being very cautious as in winter mode of alls well--well now I'll put on the open headphones to hear them buzztails---John

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Lovely shot of you and your significant 'other'! Back then I was in the Phoenix area for the second and likely last time. I would come back to NorCal for backpacking every now and then. Oh, I'm not going to China.

Wish you could still dredge must have been a nice outfit..................63bkpkr

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...seen a rattler dead on the rd today

...seen a rattler dead on the rd today

Best kind. ;-)
Sorry to hear about you Lymes issue. I can't imagine....

Kingsnake, I think I understand your position. With me tho the rattlers drew first blood and it wasn't pretty. I've handled 3 kingsnakes in my time. 1st one I was young and stupid and it bit me. 2nd one I moved from the road. 3rd one the same but it just grazed my hand and sliced me open. Boy those teeth are sharp. I still think they are wonderous animals and I wish them and most other snakes no harm. Rattlers are a different breed tho. I won't go out of my way to hurt them but I will defend my space.

....I bring King snakes home and turn them loose....

theres a species of king snake that almost looks like a coral snake isnt there

Snakes around my house equals no mice in my house ;-)

1-Kuger-that LYME-we call it logger disease here in Redding kilt my buds Rich Ls father in law 5 years or so back and Mareshell Munsons ol'man less than 3. HORRORIFIC ENDS- err on the side a caution. Kingsnakes?? luv'm along with gopher,black,water and all kinds. Any/every time anyone who knows me finds any snakes,into a trashcan and I plant'm on my property. Toooooo many close calls with buzztails to count,just dumb luck they missed or ol'fart quicker still than I thought,but....slown' down as I age soooo-John

1-Kuger-that LYME-we call it logger disease here in Redding kilt my buds Rich Ls father in law 5 years or so back and Mareshell Munsons ol'man less than 3. HORRORIFIC ENDS- err on the side a caution. Kingsnakes?? luv'm along with gopher,black,water and all kinds. Any/every time anyone who knows me finds any snakes,into a trashcan and I plant'm on my property. Toooooo many close calls with buzztails to count,just dumb luck they missed or ol'fart quicker still than I thought,but....slown' down as I age soooo-John

:icon_thumright:,Thanks John,I am sorry to hear that and know of several who have met that same fate......there are 18 different strains evidently and little known about most.Apparently the strain I have is fairly rare and not as drastic as some.....they wanna poke me full of holes and take tests....I am a huge panzy when it comes to needles,so as of right now...they aint learnin nothin from me...Ha!I doin OK,for now.I cant describe the pain in my knees that is pretty much constant,and the weight loss....I quit chewing tobbacco a few months ago,so that is helping get some weight back.....I cant add any more weight to my weight belt!! :laughing7:

Kingsnakes do eat other snakes and they even possess a resistance (bordering on immunity) to venomous snakes. Many variants of mountain kingsnakes found out West do resemble coral snakes and are often killed in a case of mistaken identity.

I understand removing a threat from an area you live, or where your children may play regularly, but they are really not that hard to sidestep.

Thanks, to all, for weighing in with your honest feedback. No judegment here, just an appeal to try to cut my buddies a little slack.


perfect segway to a story.......

A bunch of years ago I walked out on my back steps and quickly notcied two gopher snakes locked in conjugal bliss. When they noticed me one of them quickly darted in a crack in the concrete, dragging the other behind. Not wanting to intrude I left. When I came back both snakes were gone but one of them, apparently not small enough to fit in the crack had regurgitated a field mouse.

So I guess snakes are similar to some of us, in that they would forego dinner for a little affection. ;-)

have any of you ever seen sidewinder b4 and not the military fighter jet kind

probebly one of my most favorite snakes but my favorite poisonous lizard is the ghilamonster

Is there anything to the idea that CATS will wipe out the rattlers?
A well known pro miner I knew told me he dumped a bunch of house cats on his river placer claim years ago.

I have my doubts about this.

King snakes are your friend! Never kill one!

And Coral snakes are a LOT, LOT smaller than a King! Corals sre nothing to worry about. Just don't try to pick them up!
That applies to ANY snake! They will bite ya!

Most every year I was out mining, I had real close shaves with rattlers. My vision and hearing is not good! That has prevented me from MD'ing. With my bad heart, a rattler could end my life!

I am getting older, meaner, and uglier!

Is there anything to the idea that CATS will wipe out the rattlers?
A well known pro miner I knew told me he dumped a bunch of house cats on his river placer claim years ago.

I have my doubts about this.

King snakes are your friend! Never kill one!

And Coral snakes are a LOT, LOT smaller than a King! Corals sre nothing to worry about. Just don't try to pick them up!
That applies to ANY snake! They will bite ya!

Most every year I was out mining, I had real close shaves with rattlers. My vision and hearing is not good! That has prevented me from MD'ing. With my bad heart, a rattler could end my life!

I am getting older, meaner, and uglier!

....no they wont "wipe",em out,cats consume the same prey,and snakes lives revolve around there appetite......

I hate cats so I dont have any,around my place and I used to kill on average 7+ rattlers a year.......around my house.When we had my first daughter,this snake thing had to stop....I got Game chickens like we had when I was a kid(and never had snakes)we have only killed one snake since,so something about the chickens!Also guenei hens(SP)are great for snakes....I cant stand the racket they make

The chickens most likely wiped out the snake nests/eggs. I hear they're great for keeping flies down by eating the larve in horse droppings. Great scavengers. Wild turkeys are hard on pheasant populations because they eat their eggs.

I heard on the radio that one someone (I think it was a Fish and Game officer?) shot a mountain lion Sunday in Colfax as it was preparing to pounce on him.

....now imagine the fall out if that was you or I,instead of some "Johnny Law,that luckily had a gun

....no they wont "wipe",em out,cats consume the same prey,and snakes lives revolve around there appetite......

I hate cats so I dont have any,around my place and I used to kill on average 7+ rattlers a year.......around my house.When we had my first daughter,this snake thing had to stop....I got Game chickens like we had when I was a kid(and never had snakes)we have only killed one snake since,so something about the chickens!Also guenei hens(SP)are great for snakes....I cant stand the racket they make

what are Game Chickens lol are they like the bigger meaner version of normal chickens

....now imagine the fall out if that was you or I,instead of some "Johnny Law,that luckily had a gun

kuger you dont usually carry a gun with you? ide be carrying a shotgun/rifle over and under and maybe a .357 S&W Magnum

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