Rattle Snakes


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Feb 11, 2007
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My pleasure to be helpful. Also, as mentioned in the above post, always, Always, ALWAYS wear tick repellent when out in the bush. Some of the sickest patients I've EVER cared for in the intensive care unit where I work are from tick bites. Trouble is you don't know they've got you till it's too late. Get the kind of repellent that is TOO STRONG to put on skin and spray the boots and pant legs WELL.

Respectfully, RN MEDIC

Good advise here. Have a plan for yourself and especially small children. The nearest hospital to me said they recommend calling an ambulance immideately incase of respiratory complications. Good idea to identify the snake if possible.

Go ahead and call me a chick - BUT
I can take a spider, rat, mouse or anything else any day.
Except for the gator that came up on me stalking with in 8' before he was scared off by my mother yelling to me
Show me a snake and I freaked
I froze when I saw it behind me, following my path.
It was a big one, at least 9'
It had a reputation of pulling dogs and horse's into the canal
Yes I'm a dude, and 6" 220 lbs
Yes, i will stand on a chair and shriek.
Ive had several snakes that have slithered in to my house because I like to keep the doors open for my big dog (Brady dog) to come and go as he likes.
I'm in FL

Re: Rattle Snakes (pic!)

jrf30 said:
I've heard that a severed rattler's head will remain active until after sunset (something like that, an old wive's tale but maybe some truth to it due to the nervous system of the snake).

I shot a rattlesnake in half one time with a 16 gauge shotgun...while cutting his rattler off his other half started moving on down the road. I put my barrel to his head and told him to freeze and he struck it.

That sucker was alive and well even though he was only half a snake.

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