Rattle Snakes

Ant, recheck your manual. Rattlesnakes are included (have to have a hunting license) and you can only have two in possession!

ole.Grubstake said:
Hey Ant I agree with you. I carry reloads that I load with number 6 shot for the rattlers. My 357 mag does a nice job on them when they feel the need to rattle at me. My bronco tires also love making sail snakes out of them when the occassion arises. I feel absolutely no remorse and even laugh a little when I hear the Squish sound under the car or the splat sound from the gun. The only good rattler is a dead rattler in my book. Yes they eat mice and other varmits, but so do other less dangerous snakes. So as far as I am concerned its more food for the other snakes like king snakes and gopher snakes that don't pose a threat to me.
Ole Grubstake

I think a shovel wogks well also. My Colt trooper works well with hollow points also. ;)

You can snake proof Gaiters from Cabellas

I am told they really work.

mrs.oroblanco said:
there has been a record breaking warm spell (13-15 degrees above average for the last few days, and is supposed to continue until Tuesday or Wednesday)


Ain't no cooler up here! I got sunburnt today :)

shepcal said:
Ant, recheck your manual. Rattlesnakes are included (have to have a hunting license) and you can only have two in possession!

I'm 50 years old and started hunting when I was in 5th grade, started fishing when I was in 7th. My first CA fishing licence when at 16 and my first CA hunting licence was at 16. If you'd like me to post the quotes from the CDFG Regulations I will, but you can look them up yourself.

No limit on rattlesnakes, coyotes, jackrabbits, etc. An d like already posted reptiles and amphibians fall under the CA Fishing Statues/Regulations. Are you from California? I can even post pictures of rattlesnakes that I have taken out but I won't because some people seem to like them.

Hi ole.Grubstake, If I aim just right they go pop under my tire too. he he

Man, that swift did a job on him, cut him right down the center. I would be proud of a son like that, great going.

I'm always leaking over on http://www.jesseshunting.com/forums/ most of the time in the Varmint and Predator Forum when Deer season is out.

Re:No snakes around here anymore

My uncles tell me of areas back in the day where you could not go because of copperheads and rattlers. I have tramped in these PA woods every day for 15 years and seen just a handfull of snakes. I don't look for them, but I go where they should be. Looking for property corners in brush and junk piles. Swamps, woods, fallen timber, rocky slopes. I'll see a black snake once or twice a year, a copperhead once every three. Around here you can not hunt hawks anymore. They are everywhere. I believe that they put the worst hurt on snakes. I also believe that there a chemicals again ruining the egg laying populations, though some of these snakes are born alive. I don't miss them, just once in a while would be neat. I really fear the snapping turtles. I have to wade in streams for flood mapping. Some of them are as big as you desk. I try to carry a .357 shoulder holster. That can add alot more weight to an already large load, rod, radio, machete, toolbelt.

I believe that if you are in the woods you Will not need the headphones because the noise level will most likely be lower than in a populated area. Unless you are near civilization as they call it.

Get out and get em

Re:No snakes around here anymore

Mr. Mojo said:
My uncles tell me of areas back in the day where you could not go because of copperheads and rattlers. I have tramped in these PA woods every day for 15 years and seen just a handfull of snakes. I don't look for them, but I go where they should be. Looking for property corners in brush and junk piles. Swamps, woods, fallen timber, rocky slopes. I'll see a black snake once or twice a year, a copperhead once every three. Around here you can not hunt hawks anymore. They are everywhere. I believe that they put the worst hurt on snakes. I also believe that there a chemicals again ruining the egg laying populations, though some of these snakes are born alive. I don't miss them, just once in a while would be neat. I really fear the snapping turtles. I have to wade in streams for flood mapping. Some of them are as big as you desk. I try to carry a .357 shoulder holster. That can add alot more weight to an already large load, rod, radio, machete, toolbelt.

I believe that if you are in the woods you Will not need the headphones because the noise level will most likely be lower than in a populated area. Unless you are near civilization as they call it.

Get out and get em

Recent studies have shown that the DDT, which was banned in the USA decades ago, did not in fact have a detrimental effect on the shells of eggs. It is now believed the die off was due to many divergent factors - not DDT. So your snakes may be the latest victims of over zealous anti-hunting laws pertaining to hawks. Here in California, all birds of prey are protected. We have fewer song birds, which might be due to the ban on shooting predatory birds - and is undoubtedly due to the enormous population this once beautiful state staggers under.

Hunting prairie chickens in Northern Nevada was halted when the wildlife service determined hunters were depleting the stock. It turned out the un-hunted ravens were killing and eating the chicks of the prairie chickens, so again one species suffers while another one is protected - and the hunters take the fall.

Snakes are not evil. They aren't pleasant but they are just trying to survive like the rest of us. What I'd like to see eliminated is PETA. But that's all I can say on this forum about that.

ole.Grubstake said:
Hey Ant I agree with you. I carry reloads that I load with number 6 shot for the rattlers. My 357 mag does a nice job on them when they feel the need to rattle at me. My bronco tires also love making sail snakes out of them when the occassion arises. I feel absolutely no remorse and even laugh a little when I hear the Squish sound under the car or the splat sound from the gun. The only good rattler is a dead rattler in my book. Yes they eat mice and other varmits, but so do other less dangerous snakes. So as far as I am concerned its more food for the other snakes like king snakes and gopher snakes that don't pose a threat to me.
Ole Grubstake

In SoCal, we call them 'Throw Snakes' ;D

Last summer I ran over one crossing a road near the county dump in Idyllwild. Got him dead center...watched it in my rear view mirror...twisting and flopping about...had to go back and finish the job. Ford F-150's snow tires are equal to a Bronco. :(

Always need to be extremely cautious at all times...even when wearing head gear.

And as far as tasting like chicken...I personally think they taste like snake. Have eaten them on a few occassions and won't go out of my way for another try.


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Right on, ole.Grubstake. Sail snakes is how I've always thought of them. They have to sit on a hot roadway for a couple days first, to get nice and dry, then they make interesting frisbees.

Warm here to Tropical, but not warm enough for my old bones. Just warm enough to bring out the snakes early. Have to say in all my time out in the rocks only have run into two in the last 8 years. They are in snake heaven.
Ole grubstake


Don Jose de La mancha TropicaL Tramp

RealdeTayopa said:
[=djui5 )Ain't no cooler up here! I got sunburnt today :)

On which part of yer anatomy?

Don Jose de La Mancha Tropical Tramp

Wouldn't you like to know :o ;D

Snakes I can live with. hardley ever see snakes, its ticks that run me out of the woods. :)

Dude I lived out west & in southern california for over 5 years. I really think that Itty Bitty Little Spiders & Scorpions were much more DANGEROUS! Ruck ps. I`d say your chances are much better, with A Rattler than with A Black Widow! For Real!

we,ll Ive got three good rattelsnake story's ,1 when i was a kid we used to play around the creeks and most of them had small rock dams that we.ed walk across to get to the outher side we,ll one day i was walking across one and my friends started yelling at my ,but i could,NT hear them over the water about then i looked down and right between my feet was a rattle snake and a king snake was fighting. i ran to the outher side and was o k, 2 i was walking around with an old re curve bow i had walking up and down some hills just target practising at old stumps and such ,well i lost my footing on some loose dirt going down a pretty steep hill .as I'm sliding down the hill a notace that i dislodged a rattle snake and he was rolling down the hill with me .we both got to the bottom of the hill and i put some distance between him and me . i was lucky not to have been bit that time. 3 it was fall and still kind of chilly and i was out early just climbing small boulders on the river one day .well i was about half way up a large bolder and was pulling my self up and when i did there was a baby rattle snake coiled up ready to strike .i was only about 10ft of the ground so i just pushed off and landed in the sand. I'm glad he did,NT strike at me because he would have got me right in the face. i thank it being still cold out side was what gave me enough time to push off.

One time last June my wife and I went to an Endurance Ride (for horses) any way we were sitting out side our Motorhome and we had a snake crawl under our motorhome. It was about 2 ft. long and seemed to be very young all it wanted to do was get away from us. We were parked in a field on an old cattle ranch in the mountains. I think all the snaked wanted to do was, get out of the sun it was about 100 deg. out that evening. I went down a hole and we never saw it again.

sounds to me like he was either starving to death or severely dehydrated. I'll be he was delusional. Good thing you killed him.

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