20 thousand leagues under the sea!
20 thousand leagues under the sea!
Nice looking older Blazer. I took a picture of that same moon and star position eary morning this last week from Salina Utah, before I headed to the Gold Hill-Callao Utah area. I was driving on the outer boundaries of the Dugway proving grounds,a place you don't what to get off track at when your out there, as this Suburban did and some fighter pilot thought was a fair target out on the range.Let me drive you into the Weaver Mountains of Central Arizona.
Oh! it's a Suburban, look like a Blazer in the one photo. Dang! you did a great job on that rig. It looks great. That's what I should get to do my work in. Parts are easily found and I could order a crate motor from any NAPA I come by.It took a lot to re-build the Suburban mechanically, but it would take you, five other people, and all your gear - as far into the Weaver and Bradshaw Mountains as any motorized mountain goat dared!