RANDOM PICTURE THREAD - Post ANY of your favorite pictures here to share with Tnet...

My next metal detecting target.Built in 1900 on 250 acres.In the middle of nowhere's land:)

On the same property.Looks like a old vegetable storage shed

An original civil war photo, showing yankee General Franklin's pontoon-bridge across the Rappahannock River, into eastern Spotsylvania County Virginia, as part of the 1862 Battle of Fredericksburg. The southern wing of Gen. Burnside's army crossed over by Franklin's bridges, and assembled on the ridge-sheltered field atop the very high riverbank. This photo has special meaning to me because I used to live in a small subdivision which was built on part of that field. Some of it was still a field when I lived there. Of course I hunted it. When the field was sold for development and the huge skip-panner machines scraped off the top 8 inches of soil, it was an absolute bonanza for us relic-hunters. Quantity-wise, that was the best digging day for "quantity" I ever had. Found nearly 300 dropped yankee Minie-bullets, all one-at-a-time, and some eagle-buttons and other small equipment-parts. Nothing spectacular except the quantity.


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It ain't country life if you don't have a Burn Barrel.


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An original civil war photo showing the infamous 13-inch caliber mortar nicknamed "The Dictator" by its yankee owners at the Siege of Petersburg Virginia, late-summer 1864 through April 1865. One of its crew is sitting on some of its 13-inch mortarball ammo. Click on the photo and then click again, for additional enlargement.


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IMG_9648.webp merry christmas to me !! My brother in laws new line of rum !! Our beer was such a success that the dream of a distillery is finally done and running with the first barrel aged bottles finally ready !! We started from scratch about 4 years ago and now we have the second largest brewery in florida. It may be the largest now after expansion. We just started brewing a line of beers for the world famous artist wyland !!1513949411735191473436.webp cant go wrong with a brother in law with a successful brewry and distillery !! I think I got free rum for the rest of my life for Christmas this year !! All I got to do is retire to the plantation now, and ill be living the pirate dream !!

View attachment 1528800 merry christmas to me !! My brother in laws new line of rum !! Our beer was such a success that the dream of a distillery is finally done and running with the first barrel aged bottles finally ready !! We started from scratch about 4 years ago and now we have the second largest brewery in florida. It may be the largest now after expansion. We just started brewing a line of beers for the world famous artist wyland !!View attachment 1528802 cant go wrong with a brother in law with a successful brewry and distillery !! I think I got free rum for the rest of my life for Christmas this year !! All I got to do is retire to the plantation now, and ill be living the pirate dream !!

No longer a need to pillage and plunder when you've got a buddy in the business. Just don't get so nippy that you walk the plank.

View attachment 1528800 merry christmas to me !! My brother in laws new line of rum !! Our beer was such a success that the dream of a distillery is finally done and running with the first barrel aged bottles finally ready !! We started from scratch about 4 years ago and now we have the second largest brewery in florida. It may be the largest now after expansion. We just started brewing a line of beers for the world famous artist wyland !!View attachment 1528802 cant go wrong with a brother in law with a successful brewry and distillery !! I think I got free rum for the rest of my life for Christmas this year !! All I got to do is retire to the plantation now, and ill be living the pirate dream !!

Arrrrrg..... errrr..... ahhhhh....hrrrrrmmmmmm...

Hmmmm Blak Bart... uh hum.... errr...
I have been meaning to ask you...

Do you have a spare room for rent ?...

Shed ?

Old upside down boat hull in a part of your yard in a non sand flea area ? ? ?....

Ok... I can deal with the sand fleas.


Arrrrrg..... errrr..... ahhhhh....hrrrrrmmmmmm...

Hmmmm Blak Bart... uh hum.... errr...
I have been meaning to ask you...

Do you have a spare room for rent ?...

Shed ?

Old upside down boat hull in a part of your yard in a non sand flea area ? ? ?....

Ok... I can deal with the sand fleas.


Arrgh.....we'll have to put together a pirate drinking crew !! ARCC you can sleeep on, under, or behind our bar anytime you like. I declare from this day foward that a fresh bottle of "Islamorada distillery" rum be kept in a state of redieness for all to enjoy and share at all times !! This never ending supply shall be kept on top of the bar at the jewfish Avenue pub (my patio bar) for all random picture thread users to enjoy . Merry Christmas everyone !!! Sand bar sunday ,channel marker ipa, and Islamorada ale are always on tap too. I think we have a web site too islamoradabeerco.com . You can tell that im really the brother in outlaw !!! My job is to test alcohol content by slowly sipping....all day long.

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Here 's a "pirate boat" LOL006.webp007.webp008.webp

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Don't fly into the barn!!
This red tail hawk made a fatal mistake.


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