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  • 4th_tanks_engages_in_gunnery_150804-m-fz867-803.webp
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Clever idea, to use the intersecting road's berm as a "jump-ramp." In view of the airborne distance covered, the car must have been traveling at a high rate of speed when it hit the berm. But not enough, as the Evel Kneivel wannabe driver discovered when he failed to clear the barn's roof. Ooops!


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To make it clear that my commentary was intended as satire, I should have started it by saying "Some drunk driver thought he had a" [clever idea].

In reality, the berm is too steep-sided to work as a jump-ramp. You can see where the car's front bumper gouged out a wide section of turf as it traveled up the berm, which subtracted a lot of the car's flight-potential.

Still, the car had to be going quite fast to go airborne as far as it did. To be going that fast on the grass alongside the road, the driver had to be drunk, or unconscious/asleep, or having some kind of incapacitating medical emergency.

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To make it clear that my commentary was intended as satire, I should have started it by saying "Some drunk drivr though he had a" [clever idea].

In reality, the berm is too steep-sided to work as a jump-ramp. You can see where the car's front bumper gouged out a wide section of turf as it traveled up the berm, which subtracted a lot of the car's flight-potential.

Still, the car had to be going quite fast to go airborne as far as it did. To be going that fast on the grass alongside the road, the driver had to be drunk, or unconscious/asleep, or having some kind of incapacitating medical emergency.

Or He was trying to jump the barn, he just did't figure out the landing part before hand.:occasion14:

But honey, there's no need to turn around and find another route. I'm sure I can just slowwwly drive down into that cutout and up the other side.



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But honey, there's no need to turn around and find another route. I'm sure I can just slowwwly drive down into that cutout and up the other side.


that is thing with cars they are so low drive through that with a truck

This does make you wonder how the driver managed to get all the way into somebody's BACK yard going fast enough to not be able to stop before going into the swimming pool. Ooops!

The one good thing about it is that it seems to have happened when the pool was not being used. (Note the stacked chairs in the background.)


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Mouse pads for treasure hunters, yes the compass rope and ruler are part of the picture.
treasure map mouse pad.webpold map mouse pad.webp

Once again...
"Something wicked this way comes"...
And now it's name is Maria.

Riding low and slow grow out of the gate makes me nervous once again...
Even a bit more so than Irma.

Fellow Floridians please keep an eye on this and do not slough this off in any way.

P.S. any word from Bart ?

Let's hope no more wickedness comes your way. It's terrible. Interesting though this dugout canoe came to light. Maybe it's a sign from Osceola. :icon_pale:


  • Florida-canoe.webp
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Once again...
"Something wicked this way comes"...
And now it's name is Maria.

Riding low and slow grow out of the gate makes me nervous once again...
Even a bit more so than Irma.

Fellow Floridians please keep an eye on this and do not slough this off in any way.

P.S. any word from Bart ?

This is the last post I saw...

Sep 14, 2017, 06:07 PM #152
Blak bart Blak bart is offline
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beachcomber, treasure hunter, fisherman
Jun 2016
FL keys
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2786 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting
I'm back online. Still digging and cutting my way through the debri. Still no power or Internet. But finally cell phone service. Definatly a storm to remember for me. Checked a couple treasure spots with no luck yet. Getting some incredible hard woods for the saw mill though. Including a mega ton mahogany log that's 20 ft long x 36 inches across. Our first big mega dollar tree of the storm. Should be many more. We will be busy milling these trees into lumber for a while.

Yo !!!! I'm here. I've been digging out of this mess. Just got power back. Hope to see my family today. Waiting for Internet and cable. Hard to post from my phone, so ill have to wait to get into details. It was a big storm and we all made it out all right. Hope to get back online this week.

I am glad (and relieved) to hear AARC and Bart survived, AND (apparently) did not suffer extreme damage. I say relieved because on-scene reports have said 90% of the buildings in the Florida Keys (Bart's location) were significantly damaged. In Tampa (AARC's location) the damage percentage was lower but not minor. Please keep us updated, guys.

Lord, please get me off of this one safely and I swear I'll never set foot on another thrill-ride.

(No, the photo is not posted sideways.)


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No offense, poor drenched pedestrian, but shouldn't you have seen that coming?

Was it an "ooops" event? I don't think so. The car's tire is going to pass extremely close to the curb, so I think this incident was not accidental.


  • 20170909_car-splashes-pedestrian.webp
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