Platinum Member

What was he thinking??
To make it clear that my commentary was intended as satire, I should have started it by saying "Some drunk drivr though he had a" [clever idea].
In reality, the berm is too steep-sided to work as a jump-ramp. You can see where the car's front bumper gouged out a wide section of turf as it traveled up the berm, which subtracted a lot of the car's flight-potential.
Still, the car had to be going quite fast to go airborne as far as it did. To be going that fast on the grass alongside the road, the driver had to be drunk, or unconscious/asleep, or having some kind of incapacitating medical emergency.
But honey, there's no need to turn around and find another route. I'm sure I can just slowwwly drive down into that cutout and up the other side.
Once again...
"Something wicked this way comes"...
And now it's name is Maria.
Riding low and slow grow out of the gate makes me nervous once again...
Even a bit more so than Irma.
Fellow Floridians please keep an eye on this and do not slough this off in any way.
P.S. any word from Bart ?
Freakin OUCH!A cactus-patch victim. Ooops!
Noticed someone moved from Colorado to Washington or vise-versa or a real coincidence to folks had same personalised tags. Note: ST8S tags