RANDOM PICTURE THREAD - Post ANY of your favorite pictures here to share with Tnet...


Some more ancient bling...

5e669f3a8a34cd09a96d0cd849ed88da.webp33a4551c-a3f9-11e5-82bf-708001a4b97d.webp90e57a7059db0938c8c2d0a9fbc544cb.webp0000192_300.webp262C295300000578-0-image-a-54_1425138982312.webp628.webp800x442_Ashmol_Mediev_button_1.webp3683-s.webp4320.webp39566900_1_l.webp14954178415_8d054d557f.webpa425f719311ada98184fc5040731119c.webpAntique-Medieval-22kt-Gold-Bangle-Cuff-Bracelet-with-Open-Fretwork-of-a-floral-leaf-design-wi...webparticle-1391119-0C43293F00000578-874_634x380.webpb164e06d8606b7144f6c95cd046d1e34.webpb1781eca0353edfe3203e792b81afd03.webpbe4b4d263e4182247e3fdaa0d0af76eb.webpC9228_20GOLD_grande.webpd6d5f1971d3749822cdd1b1e9b1a6c8d.webpd3920198e54093e00b97a125ecbb682d.webpFrederick-IIs-gold-and-silver-casket-for-Charlemagne.webpGold signet ring with a merchant's mark and initials (3).webpgoldberg_lb_june10_world.webpil_570xN_685553576_1ck7.webpMedieval St George Ring estimate of £3,000-£4,000.webpmedieval_knights_helm_gold_stock_by_tate27kh-d68wazw.webpmedieval_ring.webpmedieval_style_ring.webpMedieval-Gold-Ring-6.webpMedieval-Sapphire-and-Gold-Ring-set-with-a-10th-century-Sapphire-inscribed-in-Arabic.webpNew-Arrival-Noble-Imperial-Medieval-Gold-Plated-Crowns-for-Women-Pageant-Austrian-Rhinestones...webpring.webptumblr_mv9iw7PPCn1soj7s4o1_500.webpuntitddled.webp

You have some great pictures on here AARC. Is the one above the cat some of your gold finds?

You have some great pictures on here AARC. Is the one above the cat some of your gold finds?

Man you are relentless all I've read are your recent posts so I may be over reacting and try not to take this the wrong way, but your posts make me want to stay away from this forum in all honestly. Here is a picture of a sunset I took. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1459392203.611005.webp

Golden Spike, UT circa 2005:


Man you are relentless all I've read are your recent posts so I may be over reacting and try not to take this the wrong way, but your posts make me want to stay away from this forum in all honestly. Here is a picture of a sunset I took. View attachment 1292865

When the mods feel the same way you do I will be banned. Anyway my question to AARC was a joke. That was some fantastic gold he posted. And I seriously like his pictures and the time he has to find some fantastic ones.

You have some great pictures on here AARC. Is the one above the cat some of your gold finds?


Those are medieval items man...
Part of museum collections Etc.
Crown Jewels etc.

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Well insinuate all the members you like of falsifying finds then since I guess that's ok now. Personally I wouldn't post any finds here if that's how I thought I may be treated and I think the witch hunting of false finds has gotten more than a little out of hand. Reading the other thread you essentially accused the guy of lying, maybe you were right, maybe he was lying, it could have been a simple mistake by the guy who knows. I stopped reading the thread after your first few posts so I'll never know...

Re this thread I kind of figured you consider him a friend but I still found the comment had an air of disdain to it.

Well insinuate all the members you like of falsifying finds then since I guess that's ok now. Personally I wouldn't post any finds here if that's how I thought I may be treated and I think the witch hunting of false finds has gotten more than a little out of hand. Reading the other thread you essentially accused the guy of lying, maybe you were right, maybe he was lying, it could have been a simple mistake by the guy who knows. I stopped reading the thread after your first few posts so I'll never know...

Re this thread I kind of figured you consider him a friend but I still found the comment had an air of disdain to it.

You should have read the whole thread. He did lie. Unfortunately because of my past once caught in a lie, I don't trust. I totally admit I was WRONG the way I handled it, I even apologized to the OP. I also admit to being human. The mods talked to me and I told them how I felt. They also told me how they felt. That is how communication works. This was an isolated incident. I won't let it happen again.

I know what to do if I ever see that again. I am here to help and enjoy the hobby. I meant absolutely nothing negative the way I joked with AARC. He has had many wonderful pictures on this 143 page thread and each of those gold pictures were treasures in their own right. I am sorry to anyone that might have taken me wrong when I asked AARC the question. Was not my intention.

Well insinuate all the members you like of falsifying finds then since I guess that's ok now. Personally I wouldn't post any finds here if that's how I thought I may be treated and I think the witch hunting of false finds has gotten more than a little out of hand. Reading the other thread you essentially accused the guy of lying, maybe you were right, maybe he was lying, it could have been a simple mistake by the guy who knows. I stopped reading the thread after your first few posts so I'll never know...

Re this thread I kind of figured you consider him a friend but I still found the comment had an air of disdain to it.

Are you directing this post to me ?
Or ?

I didn't mean to bring drama to this or any thread. I hope the mods will clean it up and we can get back to some awesome pictures.

I didn't mean to bring drama to this or any thread. I hope the mods will clean it up and we can get back to some awesome pictures.

I do not feel that you brought any drama into the thread at all.
Even if ya did...
I don't really mind...
I like a good "debate" from time to time so long as it does not get crazy.
In fact...
Other than having to break out of my slouching couch position and actually sit up to type... tis ok by me


Are you directing this post to me ?
Or ?

No sorry AARC I should of quoted the post I was talking to Scuba. Scuba thanks for clarifying, no hard feelings and sorry for adding drama and being so harsh.

Awesome pictures ?

You mean like these.............................................



My new Avatar. I couldn't pass this up.

& A photo


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