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These lumber jills may not be interested in men. You can ask, Tom.

We are waiting for your explanation.


If at least one is interested, here we go.

The Romans burned literally BILLIONS (No Joke, I MEAN BILLIONS!) of this dressel amphora's and to do that they just plundered every wood (forests) and every other burning stuff in the Mediterranean area (up to southern france), specially north Africa which was at this time GREEN. Archeologist or better said archeo-botanics found out that there was growing nearly the same trees like in north Europe like oaks etc. That so many Mediterranean Countries like Spain, Italy, north Africa looks like deserts today was caused by cutting trees so the erosion to the ground could happen very quickly. Now this African dessert and nearly dessert like countries gets heat up so strongly that it creates a jet stream that creates this storms. Same happens with Cyclones, caused by Australian desert (not human made) or with Taifuns created by your western deserts. Also not human made and natural so in that case no one is to blame :laughing7: but the Mediterranean and north African area is in fact man made buy some rich Romans who wanna get even more rich with selling wine all over the ancient known world!

So if you wanna get rid of that hurricanes, your have to plant trees, grass and some nice flowers and make north Africa green again! NO! The Romans are responsible so they should do it NOW!!! (hope someone can read between the lines LOL :laughing7:

MAGA.webp:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

May it is cheaper as to rebuild in the Caribbean and Florida every f*ckn year again :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright: Would also effect the world climate a HUGE way!


If at least one is interested, here we go.

The Romans burned literally BILLIONS (No Joke, I MEAN BILLIONS!) of this dressel amphora's and to do that they just plundered every wood (forests) and every other burning stuff in the Mediterranean area (up to southern france), specially north Africa which was at this time GREEN. Archeologist or better said archeo-botanics found out that there was growing nearly the same trees like in north Europe like oaks etc. That so many Mediterranean Countries like Spain, Italy, north Africa looks like deserts today was caused by cutting trees so the erosion to the ground could happen very quickly. Now this African dessert and nearly dessert like countries gets heat up so strongly that it creates a jet stream that creates this storms. Same happens with Cyclones, caused by Australian desert (not human made) or with Taifuns created by your western deserts. Also not human made and natural so in that case no one is to blame :laughing7: but the Mediterranean and north African area is in fact man made buy some rich Romans who wanna get even more rich with selling wine all over the ancient known world!

So if you wanna get rid of that hurricanes, your have to plant trees, grass and some nice flowers and make north Africa green again! NO! The Romans are responsible so they should do it NOW!!! (hope someone can read between the lines LOL :laughing7:

View attachment 1749251:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

May it is cheaper as to rebuild in the Caribbean and Florida every f*ckn year again :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright: Would also effect the world climate a HUGE way!

Thanks for the explanation :) I am always curious about everything. So while I think about it, here is some axe girl pron.

The first two are good! Even when the first one also scares the crap out of me with the huge axe LOL :laughing7:

Thanks for the explanation :) I am always curious about everything. So while I think about it, here is some axe girl pron.


No problem Buddy!
It´s just a problem of modern scientist who gone to college and university for so many years but they can not connect the dots because they are just specialized in one specific field mostly. They can tell you exactly what creates a storm and what is the source etc. but they know nothing about history and what changed an environment or what was responsible and THIS is what you need to learn to avoid making the same mistakes again, like in Brazil today. They have the same soil there which is not very fertile and after a few inches came nothing as f*ckn SAND! And everyone KNOWS that rainforest soil is not the best at all and very quick death so you need tons of damn chemical fertilizer and even more deadly Monsanto SH*T! But they burn more and more forest to get areas to plant every kind of not real needed B*LLSH*T there to make more damn f*ckn coursed money. If they don´t stop this SH*T, in a few decades the soil erodes too and there is nothing left as desert! A new one who will cause Storms and more disastrous weather and wolrwide climate change! This time again REAL man made! :headbang:


Well said which is why I use Ecosia as my search engine....they're based in Germany and 80% of their profits go to plant trees in sensitive areas such as the rainforests. I also recently made a donation to Conservation Action Fund who take it one step further and use the donations to buy land in the rainforests and put them in trust to keep them from being burned down.

I'm an old guy so I'm making this effort for the kids because I won't be around when things get really bad if we don't try to do something....off my soapbox now.

Oh. just in case someone says "but the Greek´s made amphora's and wine to"

That´s right but not in this large scale (Their country is also close to be a desert!) and the Romans taken over the market real quick! And for this they created this special and legendary Dressel I. Amphora's which could be stacked very effectively in ships etc. because their shape.
So the transport problem of shipping larger amounts was solved and the profit on each load gone even higher. Also a main reason why we see now this large and USELESS Roman buildings and Villas EVERYWHERE, broken to pieces! The "Imperium" is gone, the Money is gone, the buildings are gone or nearly gone, but only the damage they made is still visible and to feel - and this still more than 2000 years later!

What do we learn from it? - Rich people destroy this planet! And they hire poor people to destroy it even faster!

"But they created also jobs for other people"

Did they? What has this people done before this job??! An other one? May not as good payed or they just was self sufficient to feed their families and just wanted MORE?"

And it´s the same curse today. The majority of people can´t see or connect everything or want even think about it and they do everything to live a good life or to feed the family, anyway what it will cause for future generations or to the planet.

...we are way too much now :headbang:


Why does she have her tongue out?

Answer: Don't ask!:laughing7:

I don't think I could handle meeting her in person. My heart is beating just looking at pictures. I mean dayum! Look at them legs!


Well said which is why I use Ecosia as my search engine....they're based in Germany and 80% of their profits go to plant trees in sensitive areas such as the rainforests. I also recently made a donation to Conservation Action Fund who take it one step further and use the donations to buy land in the rainforests and put them in trust to keep them from being burned down.

I'm an old guy so I'm making this effort for the kids because I won't be around when things get really bad if we don't try to do something....off my soapbox now.


That´s great Bill but we can not plant tress as fast as they burn them down or make timbers of it. That´s just a drop on a hot stone so to speak. As long as this rich "elites" and also this interest based money system exist, there will not be any kind of change!
Believe me, I think a lot about everything and try to find a solution but it ends every time the same. The people on this world gone completely crazy and lost every connection to mother earth so an reset is needed with an global "event" or humanity will destroy this planet for the next millions of years. :dontknow:

Why does she have her tongue out?

Answer: Don't ask!:laughing7:

I don't think I could handle meeting her in person. My heart is beating just looking at pictures. I mean dayum! Look at them legs!


Buddy, we have urgently to speak about your taste on woman!!!

And what legs do you talk about? You cant even see her ankles (the most important part of legs at all)! May she has no ankles and the calves goes directly over into the feet. Do you know how that looks?

Here you go, this is what I mean :laughing7:

5-9.webp Trust an old man, girls with their tong out and such stupid facial impressions has no nice legs or they will get some like on the pic in a few years :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

There is a reason why they was cut from the photo :headbang: :laughing7:


Buddy, we have urgently to speak about your taste on woman!!!

And what legs do you talk about? You cant even see her ankles (the most important part of legs at all)! May she has no ankles and the calves goes directly over into the feet. Do you know how that looks?

Here you go, this is what I mean :laughing7:
Trust an old man, girls with their tong out and such stupid facial impressions has no nice legs or they will get some like on the pic in a few years :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

There is a reason why they was cut from the photo :headbang: :laughing7:

Welp.....I don't know what to say about "the old mans wisdom".:laughing7: You're weird, I'm weird, she's a goddess, and we're stuck with the mortals, thas all I have to say.:laughing7:

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Just as a reminder for all guys who was born 60 years to late.... THIS are LEGS!

Everything else are just TOOLS for walking :headbang: :laughing7:

1-bettie-page-053.webp 75a2c41222607094.webp Bettie Page multi gen photos D.D. Teoli Jr. A.C. (32).webp

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Welp.....I don't know what to say about "the old mans wisdom".:laughing7: You're weird, I'm weird, she's a goddess, and we're stuck with the mortals, thas all I have to say.:laughing7:


:laughing7: :occasion14:

Hey, delete the pic in the reply or Arc will use that to you :laughing7:

Burdizzo_Partridge.webp Hope you know what it is :laughing7:

Take the last one as a "guess what" pic!!


I know what it is, I won! :laughing7:

Is my last Bettie upside down? How can this happen?

She will get dizzy in that position or puke her last meal all over the page :BangHead:

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