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WOW! I get 60 camels for my wife :BangHead:

OK, I increase my offer for Sis up to 5.000 camels now!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Buddy, are you sure the calculator real works? ....I described my wife as honest as possible :laughing7:

You are offering 5 point 0 camels? Five? Just want to be clear lol.

Thanks, maybe I will have to break down and get it. None of my cheapo ones seem to work very good. :BangHead:

Don't know if it is still around but Gimp was free. Open source. Was supposed to be able to do almost anything Photoshop could do. I used to use Paintshop.

This ought to be a hoot :laughing9:

"COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) — A private Missouri women’s college is changing its admissions policy to accept transgender women and nonbinary students assigned female at birth.

The Columbia Missourian reported Wednesday that the new policy at Stephens College in Columbia takes effect in fall 2019.

The policy requires prospective students to provide legal documentation that they live and identify as women."

Why do actual women accept this? Chemically altered boys(who identify as female) are winning sports events in schools. This affects sports scholarships for real girls.
One day I fully expect a WNBA team will bring men onboard, and there will be NCAA women's college teams who will add men to their team. How will the NCAA react to that?
Some women complain of being marginalized. Rightfully so in some cases.
But that they would quietly accept being shoved aside for men like this astonishes me.
Think about this. According to TrackandField.com, the American high school record in the 100 meter dash is held by J-Mee Samuels of Mt. Tabor High School in Winston Salem, NC, at a time of 10.08 seconds run on July 24, 2005. Jeff Demps ran the 100 meter dash in 10.01 seconds at the U.S. Olympic team trials on July 6, 2008.
Now look at women's Olympic records.
"Griffith-Joyner opened the 1988 U.S. Olympic Trials with a wind-aided 10.60 clocking in the first heat. She then topped that performance in the quarterfinal, finishing in 10.49 seconds.

The wind was gusting on the track that day, but at the end of the quarterfinal race, the wind gauge displayed only zeroes, leading some to believe that the gauge was malfunctioning. Nevertheless, Griffith-Joyner’s time was ratified as the new world record. The IAAF’s official record book later added a note, stating that Flo-Jo’s time was “probably” wind-aided. But the record still stands."
Look at the difference between a high school boy versus an Olympic woman. Just so you know world class men athletes have ran under 10 seconds quite a few times.
How long will it be before chemically altered men hold the women's records in many sports?
This isn't meant to be a slam on women. Men and women generally have different strengths and weaknesses based on biology and other factors. But we are equals in the end. We are all equal before the law also. Or should be.
I just wish more real women would rise up and put an end to this nonsense before they lose sll they have gained.


Well it has turned into a bit of a joke. Transgenderism in psychology terms is called gender disporia, ie; a polite term to describe a mental illness. Why should all this bending over backwards be going on if transgenderism is just a mental condition and not a real thing.

There's still only 2 genders male and female end of argument. That's my story and I'm sticking to it....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


Well it has turned into a bit of a joke. Transgenderism in psychology terms is called gender disporia, ie; a polite term to describe a mental illness. Why should all this bending over backwards be going on if transgenderism is just a mental condition and not a real thing.

There's still only 2 genders male and female end of argument. That's my story and I'm sticking to it....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

That mental condition can cause all sorts of weirdness. I read of a fellow who had his perfectly healthy arm amputated. How he found a doctor to do that is beyond me. This from wiki:
"Intense states of distress and unease increase the risk of suicide, as well as being unpleasant in themselves. Relieving dysphoria is therefore a priority of psychiatric treatment."
I think there are two things at work. People who have gender dysphoria, and those children who are victimized by parents. A little boy picks up a doll and his parents, who think it would be so precious to be the first in their neighborhood to have a little boy who thinks he is a girl, start putting the poor kid in dresses, encouraging him to believe he is a girl and eventually have him pumped full of estrogen and drugs which delay the onset of puberty. Heaven knows how this will affect such kids later on.
Those with gender dysphoria think they should be the opposite sex. They try to emulate that sex which might ease their symptoms somewhat. But it is a fact nearly half of these people either attempt or succeed at suicide. All right, do something to make them more a girl with drugs and surgery. However, a Swedish study found the suicide rate and other issues remained the same for those who have surgery. Because the underlying psychological issues were not treated. By the way, when they repurpose a man's equipmeny into women equipment, they do not use female parts. It is just a very poor cobbled up facsimile. I had the misfortune of seeing one of these operations. The end result almost made me consider a vow of chastity.
Other things: Spain sent a man to the Miss Universe contest. He said you do not need a ****** to be a woman. I think that is a very important box to check off lol.
Why is it the girl trapped inside most of these men happen to be attracted to women? And these guys do not want the surgery.
And remember how feminists railed against stereotypes such as playing with dolls or other "girl" toys, and large breasts and being pretty and make up and shaving legs? And how are trans men let you know they are female? By playing to what is considered old fashioned stereotypical female behavior.
I don't care if men want to pretend they are women. But I do mind when the government wants force people to deny science and go along with their illusions.

Good day at Dry Gulch.......... 11 picker size platinum's and 2 yellow gold pickers :occasion14: 009.webp

That's right The one and only Mitch Miller for Tom and Simon. :icon_sunny::sad5:

And Alvin and The Chipmunks spoofing him. Why is this guy living with chipmunks? I never liked chipmunk singing.



This video is for Tom since he's into the survival videos.



WOW! I get 60 camels for my wife :BangHead:

OK, I increase my offer for Sis up to 5.000 camels now!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Buddy, are you sure the calculator real works? ....I described my wife as honest as possible :laughing7:

You better keep her then! I’m only worth 31 lol!!


This video is for Tom since he's into the survival videos.

survival yes but snow is B/S!

gosh, firends im a little bit drunk today. was out to play pool and it ends in backgammon And A LOT Of BEER :laughing7:

Hey, why is Buddy HPB posting such long texts? I got dizzy from look at it

See you all tomorrow


Well it has turned into a bit of a joke. Transgenderism in psychology terms is called gender disporia, ie; a polite term to describe a mental illness. Why should all this bending over backwards be going on if transgenderism is just a mental condition and not a real thing.

There's still only 2 genders male and female end of argument. That's my story and I'm sticking to it....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


thnaks buddy for caling it out as mental illnes! I just sai d the same in our club an hour ago and was attacked for it!
huge discussion there and it scares the crap out of me how this brainwashed people thinking... We are real doomed lol
It´s real time for a global killer I think :BangHead:

Need to go to bed now see you tomorrow


Well I belong to this brainy website called quora....don't ask me why they let me join....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

This person spelled it out very well so take what they posted and translate to German and give it to you're buddies? at the club......:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9: also ask them when the laws of biology have been repealed....



thnaks buddy for caling it out as mental illnes! I just sai d the same in our club an hour ago and was attacked for it!
huge discussion there and it scares the crap out of me how this brainwashed people thinking... We are real doomed lol
It´s real time for a global killer I think :BangHead:

Need to go to bed now see you tomorrow

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