Bart, seen lots of this inn Europe at Antique shops and markets being passed off as authentic.
The canons I got for my birthday inn Italy are done this way, nothinng special, just cast metal newly produced. I think mine ran around 500 each, delivery cost most and they came from the store like 3 miles away.
Seen the same ones for sale inn Germany as authentic for 17K each. Showed the fella and many others it was cast aluminium, and being an Ottomann educated scholar I could say for fact that the Ottomans did not take over everything with aluminium canons. I said I did not know much about canons other than I have the same set I got inn Italy but I would guess that anyone using them 200 years ago had ones made of a strong metal.
Fella had gates like what you show there, not exactly but same paint concept. He had lots of stuff, pretty sure he purchased all that from the store factory down the street from our house in Italy.
I like the fake more, worked hard for what I have, I only need it to last my life time, not 20 more. LOL