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I am on coffee with beer now, so let´s roll :laughing7:



  • horn.webp
    25.8 KB · Views: 41
well its raining here


Buddy, it wasn´t about the stance and the shooting but what he talked later!! I laughed my Butt off :laughing7:
Looked into some other videos and it seems he has a big problem with Switzerland and other stuff :headbang: LOL

So it was the Swiss all along?
Okay, I've heard some guys brag, but needing a bipod for your "banana"?
And...what do you know of the Spear Of Destiny?


You could probably make yourself some decent money making some of those tables. Seems one of the latest trends is repurposed items.

Give it a shot and see if there's any interest. Make a prototype and offer it for sale locally on kijiji and see if you get some bites or not.

I do a little woodworking and saw this table on the craftsman net. Pretty darn cool.View attachment 1660527
Made from old palet boards.

you know its a bad day when all you find is one of these laying next to a big tree P1100320.webp

you know its a bad day when all you find is one of these laying next to a big tree


NICE patina! Needs just a cleaning with water and a tooth brush :thumbsup:

Do you have any info's about it?

Not trying to sound like a prick, it really just comes rather natural for me.

But why should we feed them, I think the better question, what if they could feed them selves.

Sorry but I am looking at this from a selfless service career perspective; want to send me some where to do bad things to bad people because innocent oppressed people can not defend them selves to a level needed, sure no complaints, I will enjoy every day of it.

But this fella opens with the wrong question, it is not if we can feed them.

400 Free tractors and ag machinery given to local nations in and around the Kandahar area paid for by Canada and the US. Troops from every NATO member nation lost troops in that area, even Georgia (the nation) who is not a member lost a soldier there. What happened, they grew weed and poppy with teh gear provided instead of growing crops because it paid more to a few people rather than crops that would feed many people.

His first question he posses I just could not make it further in the video.

Again, I guess it is just in my nature.

I like giving to homeless my self.

How many problems do we cause because we are fighting basic human nature, or trying to ignore it.
We also try to circumvent the will of natural evolution.
What the heck is wrong here. The Portuguese roll up on Brazil In ships with cannons, have guns and navigate the seas, and find cannibals. The same with Africa (less maybe the cannibals), which is where homo sapiens alledgedly came from. Westerners showing up, trading trinkets for captives to take as slaves elsewhere. Did all the more capable human ancestors migrate from there.
How long have western influences been at work in these places and yet they still kill women for witchcraft and people who fancy themselves wizards kidnap children to sacrifice in order to gain wealth.
True, they have developed in many ways in certain spots. But seriously. I suspect Africa is being exploited, in ways, just as other places where are precious metals, and no law to protect the inhabitants.
There is a group of scientist,doctors who offered a reward to anyone who could produce the aids virus.
Africa seems to be used as a laboratory at times by pharmaceutical companies.
I am all for taking a bat to someone abusing a child. And using force to convince a group from slaughtering people who don't agree with them on some theological issue.
Some people complain about the USA being the police of the world. I read an excellent clarification of why we play this role. Because of us Germany as well as Singapore and Japan do not need nuclear weapons and can use resources on other things.
I think of us as a big brother rather than strictly police.
There are small countries who need not fear their neighbors because they are our friends.
Some people only understand and respect strength. What concerns me is that we seem to only take offense when our interests are threatened but we sell our intervention on moral grounds.
What was my point here lol. Ok, at some point we need to grab someone and say time to grow up. Be self sufficient, use your brains or nature will solve your problems. I don't know :D

Need some help here.How in the ---- do you post "my" video here??? I'm good @ posting my pix. here. but I can't figure out posting @ video for the likes of me.
I'm using a Dell PC with Windows 7

Last edited:
Need some help here.How in the ---- do you post "my" video here??? I'm good @ posting pix. but I can't figure out posting @ video for the likes of me.
I'm using a Dell PC with Windows 7

You hit the curvy arrow and a little window to share pops up-copy link to clipboard and then paste in your post. Or you could right click and copy vid url.
I did a random search on YT and found this perfect video for *someone* here will not be named :D
Depending on your optional equipment package you can figure out if it applies to yourself.

Need some help here.How in the ---- do you post "my" video here??? I'm good @ posting my pix. here. but I can't figure out posting @ video for the likes of me.
I'm using a Dell PC with Windows 7
I have only been able to post videos from YouTube. worldtalker posts his to YouTube and then to here, I believe. I don’t think there is a way to directly post your own videos. If I am wrong, please someone show us how?!?!

Need some help here.How in the ---- do you post "my" video here??? I'm good @ posting my pix. here. but I can't figure out posting @ video for the likes of me.
I'm using a Dell PC with Windows 7


Best way, open a YT account (you can also make videos private!) and upload them there to post the link to the video here.

I don´t know any other way.

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