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Is the barrel for fertilize the grass at the same time?


Heres a project Ill probably try this coming spring in my garden. You can never have enough good potatoes especially ones youve grown yourself....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: Heres the link.


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Heres a project Ill probably try this coming spring in my garden. You can never have enough good potatoes especially ones youve grown yourself....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


Buddy, even without the promised contend you get a FULL LIKE from me LOL

Try again :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:


I skipped the link the first time just to make sure you were paying attention.....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:

Its there now though.


Buddy, even without the promised contend you get a FULL LIKE from me LOL

Try again :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:


The archeologist dont have all the answers or at least try to hide facts from the general public that doesnt agree with their overall position as to various events and civilisations. Theyd hate to have to rewrite all the facts and records they have created otherwise.

Yep Im interested in a lot of the early advanced civilizations especially since todays so called experts cant explain it properly.


I see it similar but the biggest problem is, that this archeologists/academics has to have an "special" political correct opinion or they will not make any career at all - that´s a shameful fact.

Anyone who has different opinions is simply DONE in this job! It goes much further, the ones who get into a position are simply selected!!

As example, more and more left wing archeologist and historians are now on a bad trip and tell people that "the Germans" never existed and the white race was mixed up from the beginning! They simply try to cut us off from our roots for bad reason!

I don´t wonder at all that more and more people don´t believe in ANYTHING scientists tell. :icon_thumright:

Looks like Simon found a good resource for images the last days :icon_thumleft:


Forgotten: On "Raubritters" - they need to be shot immediately! :headbang:

Btw. the today politicians are nothing else than Raubritters or Pirates! :laughing7:

Just think about what they doing with tax payers money. OUR money is not spent back to us in any way but against us!!

PS: With natural rights I don´t mean that this is the right of the strongest! Than we would simply have the same situation as we have now. With natural right everyone would learn to be very careful "dealing" with other people and their rights! The result would be that a community stands together as ONE which means everyone who goes against them or just one good guy of this group has an entire community against him. As I said. it has worked for many thousand years this way until the Romans came, destroyed our way of living and weaken the germans. Later the :censored: church finished the job with their "foreign religion" and killing 100s of thousands who don´t wanna change to this religion and an Judeo "god". It was simply a massacre our kids even not learn at school for reason!!!

This is interesting. I wonder if our founding fathers drew any inspiration from the Germans before the Romans? Can you recommend any books or links on German history?
People often do not understand. Rights given by a goverment can also be taken away. The right to self defence is even found in nature.
One can be an atheist and understand natural rights and law.
We had a cat named Frosty who would get in bed in the morning and make kissing sounds on your arm.
I think dogs are more patient than cats when it is time to get up. Dogs are ok with sleeping in.

And I bid a Good night.


Buddy, I am a far FAAAAAAAAAAAAR right liberal militant anarchist LOL

For real, I don´t know what I am because I don´t fit in ANY of this categories who was just made up to split the people. I have my own views and thought on everything and only my 100% correct objective opinion counts :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

But what I can say for sure is, that I don´t want any government at all or ruler who says what I have to do or who can take from me whatever they want. Government will ever change to a criminal syndicate and it it the same with any other single leaders. I know for me what is right and what is not and I don´t harm any others in any way. And if someone "P" on my legs, (means attacking me or taking what is mine) I wanna have the natural right to take care of them myself without fearing any penalty for it! That´s the only way to get rid of all this scumbags on earth and live in real peace on day.

So in fact I wanna live like my ancestors the Ger-mans 2000 years ago in peace and harmony with nature :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright: It was the perfect form of living in my opinion!
(before the :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: Romans and others invaded us!)
I hear you Tom, a while back I took a few different on-line tests to see what political group I favored. WOW, was I surprised as they were NO WHERE CLOSE ! So....., I just identify with me, myself, and I. :icon_thumleft:

Say ARC, your "Like" button broke ? Oscar The Grouch.webp laughing021.gif

This is interesting. I wonder if our founding fathers drew any inspiration from the Germans before the Romans? Can you recommend any books or links on German history?
People often do not understand. Rights given by a goverment can also be taken away. The right to self defence is even found in nature.
One can be an atheist and understand natural rights and law.
We had a cat named Frosty who would get in bed in the morning and make kissing sounds on your arm.
I think dogs are more patient than cats when it is time to get up. Dogs are ok with sleeping in.


Unfortunately not Buddy. Old books are hard to get and I saw it myself archeologists and historians has thrown all books before 1945 in the trash - even when they was written by good archeologists long time before 1933!

I got my information's from a lot different sources over the last 20 years.

PS: NO ONE has the right to give people any rights! You have natural rights right when you be born! Also this "voted" governments are mostly voted in by idiots and all of them has different opinions on things and they have to find an agreement to pass a new law. Makes absolutely no sense!

Hey, I am a militant atheist! This has nothing to do with understanding rights or what is wrong :laughing7:

I rather think religious people has no real sense for rights at all. Take the 10 commandments as example. "You should not kill".... BS! We all see where this leads to. The biggest criminals ends up in politics and governments and those Governments has the only right to kill people and make wars etc - the normal people not! They always have to obey... Means you end up in slavery in any way!

And if you real think about, for what is a government needed? People of a country don´t start any wars with others. It is always governments! And armed people has to fear nothing! Belgium is a good example that didn´t had a government for some years and where people are allowed to have guns. Everything was going on the normal way all the time.

Edit - forgotten :laughing7:

Look at the USA. BILLIONS of taxpayers money for military just to make wars around the world for greedy or geo strategical interests. Absolutely not needed!
1. If you don´t "P" on someones leg - you don´t get attacked by others!
2. A Chinese general once said that the USA can not be invaded. Not because it´s military but because there will be millions of armed people behind every bush and rock! This says all for me. Specially because no army has ever won against asymmetrical warfare yet.

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