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Tom is like me hes a rebel from way back when....it keeps things interesting..... :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Tom, are you an anarchist? Not that it's a bad thing in some circumstances.
What is your opinion of the raubritters?
I think it is fascinating that people obey laws. During the time of the samurai the Japanese had no concept of an afterlife. If a samurai felt like trying out his blade on a peasant for no reason, he had every "right" to do so. Why would people stand for such things.

I believe I can fly :laughing7:

Look at the shocked face of the woman :laughing7: Wanna know how this jump happens! The cat looked shocked as well LOL


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Bill, I saw some weeks ago a documentation about the gen-tests of Incas. The Result was, that they are almost identical to the (modern) Khazars (Ukrainian/black sea area)! Now I don´t wonder about the satanistic blood rituals, human sacrifice and child blood drinking of the Incas and where it comes from :laughing7:
Anyway, much of this history is simply not made clear yet or been suppressed. There is no exodus known from Ukraine to south America 700 or 1000 years ago so the Incas has to have ancestors there long time before (Remember, just archeologist give "different" cultures a name, based on their own and not every time scientific opinion)!. I think they was spread around the word right after one of the last big cataclysmic events. The gen tests proves it and they was made in Canada by a non Khazar owned gen lab!! So the result can be trusted I think :icon_thumright:

If you are interested in this field, here is a nice channel! Has also many good videos about the GREAT Puma Punku!


This is Tom as a young guy maybe.

I think this is my favorite Billy Idol song. Used to play a lot of good stuff on USA Up All Night.

i wish i could find the original anarchist cookbook. The fun i could have :laughing9:

Well I checked on amazon. Seems there is a sanitized version. Maybe Oddjob or dark web?
But I found this:
Clint Emerson
100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative's Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation.

The full version is very easy to find by searching. No need for dark web lol


The archeologist dont have all the answers or at least try to hide facts from the general public that doesnt agree with their overall position as to various events and civilisations. Theyd hate to have to rewrite all the facts and records they have created otherwise.

Yep Im interested in a lot of the early advanced civilizations especially since todays so called experts cant explain it properly.


Bill, I saw some weeks ago a documentation about the gen-tests of Incas. The Result was, that they are almost identical to the (modern) Khazars (Ukrainian/black sea area)! Now I don´t wonder about the satanistic blood rituals, human sacrifice and child blood drinking of the Incas and where it comes from :laughing7:
Anyway, much of this history is simply not made clear yet or been suppressed. There is no exodus known from Ukraine to south America 700 or 1000 years ago so the Incas has to have ancestors there long time before (Remember, just archeologist give "different" cultures a name, based on their own and not every time scientific opinion)!. I think they was spread around the word right after one of the last big cataclysmic events. The gen tests proves it and they was made in Canada by a non Khazar owned gen lab!! So the result can be trusted I think :icon_thumright:

If you are interested in this field, here is a nice channel! Has also many good videos about the GREAT Puma Punku!



For those who are artistically inclined a video about a German company making coloured artists pencils.


Had cats for approx 30 years and this is EXACTLY how they act!

And this is NOT the worst scenario!! :laughing7:

You had to see the evil view of one of my cats who came hungry to me and I just put a can of cat food and a can opener in front of her and said "here" :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: Luck that I am still alive LOL


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Had cats for approx 30 years and this is EXACTLY how they act!

And this is NOT the worst scenario!! :laughing7:

You had to see the evil view of one of my cats who came hungry to me and I just put a can of cat food and a can opener in front of her and said "here" :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: Luck that I am still alive LOL

Every night I get in the bed and hold up the quilt so my big lab can get in bed next to me. But he gets up to get a drink early in the morning so he has to wake me up to hold up the cover. He wakes me up by whacking my face with his giant foot. I open my eyes and he is staring at me lol.

Tom, are you an anarchist? Not that it's a bad thing in some circumstances.
What is your opinion of the raubritters?
I think it is fascinating that people obey laws. During the time of the samurai the Japanese had no concept of an afterlife. If a samurai felt like trying out his blade on a peasant for no reason, he had every "right" to do so. Why would people stand for such things.


Buddy, I am a far FAAAAAAAAAAAAR right liberal militant anarchist LOL

For real, I don´t know what I am because I don´t fit in ANY of this categories who was just made up to split the people. I have my own views and thought on everything and only my 100% correct objective opinion counts :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

But what I can say for sure is, that I don´t want any government at all or ruler who says what I have to do or who can take from me whatever they want. Government will ever change to a criminal syndicate and it it the same with any other single leaders. I know for me what is right and what is not and I don´t harm any others in any way. And if someone "P" on my legs, (means attacking me or taking what is mine) I wanna have the natural right to take care of them myself without fearing any penalty for it! That´s the only way to get rid of all this scumbags on earth and live in real peace on day.

So in fact I wanna live like my ancestors the Ger-mans 2000 years ago in peace and harmony with nature :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright: It was the perfect form of living in my opinion!
(before the :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: Romans and others invaded us!)

Every night I get in the bed and hold up the quilt so my big lab can get in bed next to me. But he gets up to get a drink early in the morning so he has to wake me up to hold up the cover. He wakes me up by whacking my face with his giant foot. I open my eyes and he is staring at me lol.


You have luck Buddy!

I am not good in waking up and my first cat simply bite in my nose to wake me up when she was hungry. It first started with gentle touching my face but one time she recognized that this doesn´t work at all.
The next step was that she climbed on a wardrobe and jumped down directly on my ..... ! Was n´t funny at all and I decided that she sleeps in an other room. That was the time when she started making loud noises on the other side of the door and damaged it completely with her claws :BangHead: Have to say that she slept in my bed since she was a baby cat, so she didn´t could handle that situation :laughing7:

Tom, are you an anarchist? Not that it's a bad thing in some circumstances.
What is your opinion of the raubritters?
I think it is fascinating that people obey laws. During the time of the samurai the Japanese had no concept of an afterlife. If a samurai felt like trying out his blade on a peasant for no reason, he had every "right" to do so. Why would people stand for such things.


Forgotten: On "Raubritters" - they need to be shot immediately! :headbang:

Btw. the today politicians are nothing else than Raubritters or Pirates! :laughing7:

Just think about what they doing with tax payers money. OUR money is not spent back to us in any way but against us!!

PS: With natural rights I don´t mean that this is the right of the strongest! Than we would simply have the same situation as we have now. With natural right everyone would learn to be very careful "dealing" with other people and their rights! The result would be that a community stands together as ONE which means everyone who goes against them or just one good guy of this group has an entire community against him. As I said. it has worked for many thousand years this way until the Romans came, destroyed our way of living and weaken the germans. Later the :censored: church finished the job with their "foreign religion" and killing 100s of thousands who don´t wanna change to this religion and an Judeo "god". It was simply a massacre our kids even not learn at school for reason!!!

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