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Just for you know who.:laughing7: 73b5b53825f95e37181bc4aff7206bf8.gif:laughing9:

I'm back ! Computer died yesterday ,but its all good now :)

Well, Gents, I threw in the towel. We didn't catch a big enough walleye yesterday. It's going to be too sporty out there for me today. Mr WD and his friend are going to have to go it without my lady luck. It's going to be tough. Some guy caught one last night that weighed 13.745# 30.5"! I bet he wins it!

Crazy. 13 lb.well 3/4 oz. nearly.
Erie is 1 1/2 hrs. East of me approx..
They scratch up a fw over ten often enough to make it interesting. That's at least double the weight of the few I've boated...
Erie being shallow can be a meanie though with the right/wrong wind.

Here on the West side in Lake Mi.. the wind is fickle too.
Hard to fish when the boat is making you jig violently three or four foot jerks at a time.

We took a co-worker's boat once and invited a rookie co-worker along. About a sixteen footer with a modified v-hull in four foot waves.
After he got over turning green , he asked when it was his turn to drive the boat up and down....

As a kid I could run the ancient 16 footer we had through a couple lakes to get to Lake Mi..
Was not as committed to going on it if it was rough though as a tourney or long planned trip would have made me...
Turned around and went back to inland waters after seeing an angry big lake more than once!

Good luck to your Mr. and company.
A fifteen pounder should clinch it......:tongue3:

Turning this...011.webp008.webp Into this...014.webp For this :)

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Looks great RTR! Hope you find 1 kilo in that huge quartz block !! :icon_thumleft:

Do you make a video when it is running? We wanna see yellow on green!

Will do .Probably sometime next week.Still some fine tuning & paint/glue drying yet. My Falcon MD-20 says the quarts has something good in it:)

Will do .Probably sometime next week.Still some fine tuning & paint/glue drying yet. My Falcon MD-20 says the quarts has something good in it:)


Wish you luck Buddy! :icon_thumright:

We had our usual Christmas tornado. Poor Aurora got whacked as usual.

We had our usual Christmas tornado. Poor Aurora got whacked as usual.

Haven't seen the result yet but hope no one was injured. We dodged the worse of it so for.

Crazy. 13 lb.well 3/4 oz. nearly.
Erie is 1 1/2 hrs. East of me approx..
They scratch up a fw over ten often enough to make it interesting. That's at least double the weight of the few I've boated...
Erie being shallow can be a meanie though with the right/wrong wind.

Here on the West side in Lake Mi.. the wind is fickle too.
Hard to fish when the boat is making you jig violently three or four foot jerks at a time.

We took a co-worker's boat once and invited a rookie co-worker along. About a sixteen footer with a modified v-hull in four foot waves.
After he got over turning green , he asked when it was his turn to drive the boat up and down....

As a kid I could run the ancient 16 footer we had through a couple lakes to get to Lake Mi..
Was not as committed to going on it if it was rough though as a tourney or long planned trip would have made me...
Turned around and went back to inland waters after seeing an angry big lake more than once!

Good luck to your Mr. and company.
A fifteen pounder should clinch it......:tongue3:

Dang it. If catfish we're allowed and I'm in the boat, turn out the lights the party is over. :laughing7: I know you gave it your best.:icon_thumright:

Hollywood at it's best.:laughing7:9bd2a7cf25ecde70be05f80bf3581c35.gif

After the Academy awards party. :laughing7:09ede84d613417d700b1762e045d651f.gif

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