Gold Member
YUP! She was soooo dumb, it makes her even more attractive!

Had an epic day today !! 86° air temp, 78.4 water temp nice and sunny with about 40 ft visibility under water. I speared some yellow Jack's and a hogfish, and we caught another mutton snapper fishing. We fished and dove all day. Off shore was slow but the shallow reefs were hot. Not only that......I stumbled on some very old and very large (2 and a half feet)bronze ships spikes. They could be very early galleon spikes. They are hand forged and square !! Bronze fasteners from later schooner wrecks are round, most galleon spikes are iron except the early galleons from 15-1600s.
View attachment 1653715 that's my bosses son he got his first hogfish on spear today !! Hes fired up for tomorrow.
Must you flout your weather and sea life style over us landlocked sea Lovers?
Yaaaa......I may need to upgrade to the shakira type one day !! I hear they are pretty expensive though !!
Gentlemen, you are missing a crucial piece for your man cave. Never fear. Sis has it.
View attachment 1653794
Marcy was kind of hot. Kelly was hot. Did you know the lady who played Marcy was a lesbian?
I loved that show. Peggy wasn't going to give poor Al a quick death lol.
In advance of the Thanksgiving holiday I just want to wish all of you guys and gals a very happy and safe weekend and tell you what a great time I have posting with you.
Gentlemen, you are missing a crucial piece for your man cave. Never fear. Sis has it.
View attachment 1653794