Odd job you are going to have to get down here so we can kyak fish. You would be in heaven here. Your allowed 5 stone crab traps per person, and it's always calm on one side of the island or another. Kyak fishing is exploding in popularity down here. I have though seriously about guiding people on kyak fishing charters. I'm outta here, time for the fun part of my job.ill catch up this afternoon.
A good mate of mine that retired from the SAS did this for about 6 years. I did the whole contracting thing to down range for a while, but ended up seeing a market in Greece running Yak expedition tours and fishing. It started just for Operators to decompress really. He started with I think around 12 Yaks, nice size sea yaks. By his second year he owned around 20 PA 14s.
He would take out groups between 10-30 Yaks, he had a one week and a two week tour. They would hit island resorts among various islands, hand in their fish to the resorts to cook up for them, but these where all inclussive resorts so you could eat what ever you wanted, most the resorts where 4-5 stars. They only ran between 17-28 miles a day.
Then when migrants started going to Europe via boat he stayed up for a couple more months, but sold off his company.
Hiss trips ran between 3-6K Euro depending on how long you went for.
But if you would just reach out to him or was a mate of his and had you own yak and gear then you could get in on the trip, just pay for your resort stay, and you could do that through him or directly to the resort, but through him was cheaper.
His company took off like crazy though, word spread and he was always booked. Now he lives some where down by you and spends lots of time on the water. He was not happy with the reason in leaving and said he is moving to a place where only tax payers have freedom and you can carry guns and do lots of yaking.
Another mate of ours told him to try Alaska, he spent one month there and was like screw that. Ended up in Florida.