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its 52 feels like 45 i'm ready for it to stay like this

Works good for me Tom.Here it is.


sounds good!

I bought years ago a 150 Euros machine and that was not so good. Batteries are empty after 2 hours which was the biggest problem with it.
Do you know how long batteries work on this one?


sounds good!

I bought years ago a 150 Euros machine and that was not so good. Batteries are empty after 2 hours which was the biggest problem with it.
Do you know how long batteries work on this one?

about 20-25 hours

Can I show you my new AR- .... I mean EOS-15 ? :laughing7:

Locked and loaded and ready for the next photo shooting 8-)


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sounds good!

I bought years ago a 150 Euros machine and that was not so good. Batteries are empty after 2 hours which was the biggest problem with it.
Do you know how long batteries work on this one?

Not sure about that one , but my Technetics G2+ , Ran 8 hours yesterday with 'HP's' & only dropped to the (2 out of 3 bars , as shown on the battery indicator in the picture.

I'm going on 2 years with the G2 as my main machine and I estimate 24 to 30 hours on 1 9 volt battery (Duracell Red).
I also hunt many places were tones are rare, unlike a trashy park situation . 'with Head phones' of course.


I generally don't share when I make contributions for what I consider a charitable cause. I just kind of thought I'd make an exception in this case. It's something people might want to consider going forward.

That was very noble of you Bill and congratulations on winning both silver and gold. What you did was outstanding. View attachment 1642450 Hope "Luck" returns even more to you "sir".

At least he has some .


I noticed that 20+ years ago, you guys get dead serious about hockey. Me ? I love my teeth thank you.

Look ma, tooth fairy coming to see me tonight . View attachment 1638846[/QUOTE]


I can actually wrap my bottom lip over the top of my nose. lol
The kid's love it.:laughing7:

Teeth / Dentures / Post's are not really a $ thing for me ??/ Well Kinda , I just weird , I love 'Tree Nuts' for the sarcastic ones , It funny at Thanksgiving & Christmas Feasts people watching me crush my Pecans in 'Whatever way is most convenient at the time' then putting them back on top of the pie.

Again , I'm so weird :laughing7: & I don't even know why , or why I told everybody this fact.
Think it was all the pictures of food I've looked at in the last Hr, or more here on the RCT.

Also I realized it's "Rook' & not Rock . Hmmm ??? I eat to fast to eat much Catfish , I always end up with bone shards in my mouth.

I'd better go , there is so much here to distract me , I was actually looking for a certain post ' The hard way of-course'. :BangHead:

Great Scott! I’m up but I don’t want to be! Got to get coffee!

Coffee sounds good, especially since it is C O L D here !
By the way, Good morning WD :hello2:

Good morning, Simon!

You know you are up too early when you try to log on using your work user name and password instead of your Tnet one. LOL!

That or you are such a dedicated employee that work is always on your mind first :dontknow:

That or you are such a dedicated employee that work is always on your mind first :dontknow:

PUHLEASE! It's forced labor! LOL! Oh BTW... I don't know if I told you guys this or not, I found several mistakes in the books. Mine and the CPA's. Then I ended up filing a huge tax late. I told my brother-in-law to fire me. He said, "Okay, you're fired, but you still have to come back tomorrow." Crap!

Yes it is. I found more but the format has to be changed to play :BangHead:

wow, filing late would have me hitting the rum. At least the CPA's made mistakes too so you can't look that bad now. Something simple like posting to wrong account ? ( or was it earmarked AARC private account ? ) :laughing7:

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