At least he has some .
I noticed that 20+ years ago, you guys get dead serious about hockey. Me ? I love my teeth thank you.
Look ma, tooth fairy coming to see me tonight .
View attachment 1638846[/QUOTE]
I can actually wrap my bottom lip over the top of my nose. lol
The kid's love it.
Teeth / Dentures / Post's are not really a $ thing for me ??/ Well Kinda , I just weird , I love 'Tree Nuts' for the sarcastic ones , It funny at Thanksgiving & Christmas Feasts people watching me crush my Pecans in 'Whatever way is most convenient at the time' then putting them back on top of the pie.
Again , I'm so weird

& I don't even know why , or why I told everybody this fact.
Think it was all the pictures of food I've looked at in the last Hr, or more here on the RCT.
Also I realized it's "Rook' & not Rock . Hmmm

I eat to fast to eat much Catfish , I always end up with bone shards in my mouth.
I'd better go , there is so much here to distract me , I was actually looking for a certain post ' The hard way of-course'.