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Good morning tomorrow is my MMA tournament just grappling though

Good morning tomorrow is my MMA tournament just grappling though

Good luck gold boy. My boy just started tai kwan do. He loves it !!

Yup....thats the one. Looks like an after market hood though. Mine was one of five that were built for nascar. I had a 72 malibu chevelle too. There was no comparison. The amx was pure power. A real tire burning machine. First time I drove it I tried to blast off the line at a stoplight and did a 180 in the middle of a 4 way intersection. It had dangerous power. No back seat in mine just carpet. I lost that car by not getting good grades in highschool. It still hurts when I think about loseing that car !!

Good morning, gold boy. What is MMA?

M mixed
M martial
A arts

Like boxing but with kicks, knees, elbows, etc. Chokes and submission holds are allowed too. Its those fights that you see in the cage WD.

Good morning, gold boy. What is MMA?

mixed martial arts its a combination of everything from Boxing,kick boxing,karate,wrestling,and judo.

Went and got my truck loaded last night. Will be heading to Laredo Texas 35k pounds of plastic bbs on Monday.


Just my imagination live from the Beacon Theater in NYC.


Going metal detecting going to make up for lost days cause the rain.


Thanks for the chuckles....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:


THAT was not nice!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Btw, did you know why romans and greec always depicted "it" so small?
They believed that short guys are better in making male descendants!

Oh....btw, I have only daughters :laughing7: :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

Nothing but trash found today besides some broken bubble glass.

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