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The kids and I will be river fishing in the canoe later today.

The bigger the bait the bigger the catch,a few are 5in.


GOD Bless


Lightening can be so beautiful. Just prefer it keeps far away. Guess you have a generator?

Hill billy we got lucky. The lights didnt even fliker. Smoked one side of my neighbors ficus tree though !!

Bart......... make it through the next 2-3 weeks & your home free :)

Lightening can be so beautiful. Just prefer it keeps far away. Guess you have a generator?

Hill billy this time of year we get a spectacular view of the lightning over the florida bay. 9 out of ten nights you can count on an awsome lightning show over the everglades. Its pretty incredible some nights !!

Go get em chris !! Post a pic on my fish pic thread. Good luck !!

I will be taking my camera,but first I have to stop on the way there to pick up a net,I sure don't want any of us to try and bring in a catch with 3 people in the canoe,could get a bit unstable and I just got my camera back.

This happens most nights starting in july and cotinues through to october. This sight has incredible pics !!

I love watching chain lightning spread over the sky.
I did have a close encounter once in the seventies. Walked into the lot next to our house during a light thunder storm and there was this sudden 'blink' and I could smell the ozone. I discretely crept back inside:)
Another time we were lucky to be looking out the windows during a severe storm on the little farm and saw a massive old tree near our dirt road get struck. It was snoking afterwards for a long time.
Are there any areas in Florida which generally miss the full fury of hurricanes?

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Bill we are having a cooking crises !! We were supposed to smoke a pork butt, but the rain is making it impossible to use the smoker. What do I do with a giant pork butt thats thawed out now. Im looking for alternative options. Only thing that I can think of is to throw it in the crock pot. Got any other ideas ??

Well.......in the oven at 400 for 30 mins, then back off to 250 for 6 hours. Emeril lagossi method. I took him fishing a couple times. Hes a real nice guy that loves fishing.

No help with the pork butt. Sorry! I got my own issue here. My bedroon needs something. Maybe new curtains?


Looks like someone metal detected the walls already. Lol !!

Well.......in the oven at 400 for 30 mins, then back off to 250 for 6 hours. Emeril lagossi method. I took him fishing a couple times. Hes a real nice guy that loves fishing.

Did He leave you a tip other than"Don't bet on the Dolphins"??:laughing7:

Im not that friendly with him. Looked it up online. He was a good customer on the charter boat. Im sure my wife wishes I had his cell # LOL !! He has his own boat now that he keeps down here.

I always bet on the dolphins win, loose, or draw !! Ill stick with them faithfully !! I do hate the kneeling though !!

Well the weatherman said there would be a break before it gets worse. He was right, so me and the boy went outside before were locked in for 2 days of rain. We just saw the weirdest thing !!!! A complete in festation of the biggest brightest catipillars ive ever seen. They are eating my neighbors frangi pani tree. There are thousands of these things eating this tree in front of our eyes. It will be gone by the end of the day. These things are 5 inches long and as fat as my middle finger !! They are beautiful and I have know idea what or where they came from. My wife is taking pics now. They are black with bright yellow stripes and a red head and butt. There is a big stinger looking thing at the butt that I didnt trust to touch. Big mandibles that I know can bite hard. An alien invasion of catapillars from mars !!!!

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