That is deep!
Casting a jig would have your offering near the dock on a mellow cast.
Not a crime though.
Half a minnow on the jig is worth a try. Or a whole minnow if not too large.
Stinger hooks help on short strikes. There are fancy ones available , but I just tie a piece of mono to the hook ,or jig eye ,then tie another hook about 2-3 inches longer than the other hook. That allows a hook in the rear of your offering...
I have done that with a night crawler too on lake walleye.
Conditioned crawlers outfish those bought at most bait shops.
While black and white newspaper will work ,I like the brown paper towels from rolls on restroom dispensers. (Damned tourists nabbing paper!)
A shallow container (sour cream or similar ,without sour cream in it) and paper torn into reasonable leaf sized pieces ,(or roughly two inch squarish pieces are fine too)
that are damp but not wet. Squeeze excess water out real good. Otherwise crawlers get full of water and squirt when you hook em.
Fill the container with loose pieces of paper and put a dozen healthy crawlers on top.
Then put them in the fridge on top shelf. (heat rises so it should be warmer there.)
Don't want it so cold the crawlers go dormant.
In three days or so they will be cleaned out of poop and starting to gain strength.
Change paper bedding if it looks dirty or soiled.
Another day or two and you should have conditioned crawlers you can hook and when cast gently and dropped to bottom and tension is drawn up on your line , a rod tip can be watched as the crawler struts it's stuff. Even looks like a fish is biting at times they are so strong!
Let a walleye take the crawler a few feet ,(you'll have to give it line) before hooking it , if you miss the first couple trying to hook them right away.
A slip float with a stop knot.... to suspend your crawler just above bottom might be the way to go too if the wind is not up.
Pardon the edit: Rare call from a sister..
Crawlers need air.
I use the smallest ,or near , hole on a leather punch to vent the container lid.
Crawlers that fight you when you try to hook them beat wimpy crawlers a hundred times over for walleye.
They last too under water.
There are folks that shock the poop out of them by tossing them on ice , but that does not build muscle and longevity.
Only keeps boat carpet cleaner.
Catching ,storing ,raising and feeding crawlers is a whole nother subject.
But come summer dry spells , a dozen conditioned crawlers can make a great difference in success.
Your waters near that dock might have catfish competing with walleye.
Not a bad thing , and they will take a crawler.
If they out number walleye by a large margin though , pieces of chicken liver as bait will save using up your crawlers.