Devil shark !! The fins even look like horns !! Creepy !!
Pepsi cola reef !!
I missed a "what is it" ?
What a tough guy. LOL
Mornin' Tom.
Your "Houston" gif reminded me of an incident long, long ago. I was stationed in San Antonio and had an Aunt & Uncle that lived there also. They had a small yapping dog. I was about to leave there place one day when their little dog decided to act BIG and take a running leap at me. He ran right up the recliner my Aunt was in and stopped with his chest on her forehead. ....Care to guess where another part of him ended up??
My ribs were aching for 2 weeks!
I don't know where I am..
Wow! Rct is about to hit 25,000 posts!
my best displayer and my worst cryer
Waaaah, waaaah, waah !! Ohh still makes me cry. A seed bubble rare !! still looks good every morning in the early light on the bathroom window sill !! Gorgeous !!
LOL !!!
Do you have a video of it?![]()