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Houston, we have a problem!


Did n´t know yet an entire family fits on one Bike... :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: ...I know, I am EVIL :headbang:


As the owner of that machines I would call it a great deal!



Remember that one! Approx 100 years ago my mom cut my hair with a similar one! Just needs a razor blade inside and Rock and roll :laughing7: Unfortunately if you look later in the mirror, there is no rock n roll anymore and also no dates.... even not with the ugliest girl in town... :BangHead:

I was real happy when my mom bought her first professional hair scissors :tongue3:

Anyway, those tools was a great invention! ..... If you know how to use it !!

I missed a "what is it" ?


OH! Now I understand! Thanks AARC :icon_thumright:

I always start looking at new posts from the end of the thread and go backwards.... :tongue3:

May that´s the reason why most of the postings makes absolutely no sense to me :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :sign10:

Mornin' Tom.

Your "Houston" gif reminded me of an incident long, long ago. I was stationed in San Antonio and had an Aunt & Uncle that lived there also. They had a small yapping dog. I was about to leave there place one day when their little dog decided to act BIG and take a running leap at me. He ran right up the recliner my Aunt was in and stopped with his chest on her forehead. ....Care to guess where another part of him ended up?? :binkybaby:

My ribs were aching for 2 weeks!

What a tough guy. LOL


You know, a normal working brain would recognize in milliseconds (or better said in LIGHT SPEED!) that´s just a costume! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

But the smaller the brain the bigger........... There would n´t be any other way to survive natural selection :headbang:

And NO! I am not nasty! Just a part time philosophic and REALIST :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

:hello2: :occasion14:

Mornin' Tom.

Your "Houston" gif reminded me of an incident long, long ago. I was stationed in San Antonio and had an Aunt & Uncle that lived there also. They had a small yapping dog. I was about to leave there place one day when their little dog decided to act BIG and take a running leap at me. He ran right up the recliner my Aunt was in and stopped with his chest on her forehead. ....Care to guess where another part of him ended up?? :binkybaby:

My ribs were aching for 2 weeks!


LOL !!!

Do you have a video of it? :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

my best displayer and my worst cryer

Waaaah, waaaah, waah !! Ohh man.....it still makes me cry. A seed bubble gin.....so rare !! But..it still looks good every morning in the early light on the bathroom window sill !! Gorgeous !!


Bart, because restoration:

Put a condom in it and blow air into it until it reaches the edges of the crack. Than close the condom. Now take gypsum and fill the crack. When it is dry, take it off. You will see that there will be a slide bent in the backside from the comdom because it will bent over the cracks a little bit but thats OK! If it don´t bent out a bit, the gypsum will float around the edges on the inside and it costs a lott of time to make the cast gypsum shard fit into the crack. You can make the gypsum complete (!) wet again and fill this area carefully. But be careful on the edges or it does n´t fit in later! Now you have the missing shard in gypsum and you can made a casting form you can fill with clear Epoxy. There are special transparent colors out there you can use to match the color of the glass and which work with epoxy. If you have cast the missing shard you can glue it in with paraloid B72.

Post pics when you finished the job!! :laughing7:



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If my way is to complex, you could also use modern American Nano-technology!!!

:laughing7: :sign10:

Speaking about glass restoration, here is MOST WORSE way to do it....

Seems they learned in the Egyptian restoration lab or the other way :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:


Eh, a little electrical tape and it's good as new. :thumbsup:

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