Here you go crew members. The instructions for how to post pics. These would be ones stored on your computer.
how to post pictures with your Story
Now posting from the internet, I always struggled with until I learned how to DRAG AND DROP. This I can only do from my lap top or my computer. I cannot from my phone. You must have the "Enhanced Attachment Uploading" on.
Go to Settings at the top of your screen. Under "My Account" (left side of screen) Choose "General Settings" then scroll down to "Miscellaneous Options" scroll down and you will see "Enhancement Attachment Uploading." Choose the option to have it on.
What I do is I have TNet opened and start my reply. I then open another tab for the web. Search/find what I want a pic or gif. I hold the mouse button on it and drag it back to the tnet post and drop it in my reply. I wish I could show you, but my version of windows on the laptop doesn't have screen shots. Just practice. You will figure it out.
Now, all that being said, msbeepbeep's post made a light bulb go off. AARC, you obviously have your settings set to show 50 posts per page and you are having issues. Mine is set to default and I am not having issues. Maybe experiment with that

Just trying to help figure it all out.
That being said, AARC, I know these threads (RPT and now RCT) are precious to you. You have a great crew that stood by you and helped create this one after the lock down of RPT. I know it does not yet have the views as RPT, but it has surpassed the posts and in much less time. Your crew has your back and will build again if necessary.