Ohhh...and BC..They did make solid gold zippo's. It's been so long since I've actually had one in my hand I can't tell you where to look for the mark. There may be a serial number list somewhere too? I may be dreaming this...but I think some of the marks are kind of hidden...Inside, or on the back below the hinge? I kind of remember(and my memory sucks) having to really look for it on some of them. And I think it was just a little 18k or 14k mark.
2 quick ways to tell if you can't find the mark or if you don't want to file and acid check...sometimes takes a little experience to get use to, but if it's in your hands to play with you will see what I mean.
1. is to pull the inside out and touch the outer case to your cheek without the guts. If gold? it will get warm real fast. Gold transfers heat instantly. It's a great conductor(?) of heat. Brass and other metal take longer to warm up.
2. pull the inside out and open and shut the lid by giving the case a little fling. Gold will make a different sound than usual. Brass has kind of a tingy(?) sound where gold has more of a deeper tone..Like lead..Especially 18k. It may be a little harder to tell with 14k...but still a different sound.
Same thing works with pocket watches and bigger gold items. At one point I got good enough to tell by color and feel from handling and testing so much...But...I'm rusty!!

Other than my wifes little bit of jewelry, There isn't any Gold around anymore...haha
I really can't tell by pics..Your dragon may even be 8k(?)...There were some odd K that we usually don't hear much about I thin 6k was another one.. My bigger mistakes in life was scrapping 24k and 18k items that were hall marked. I was just a metal dealer, I didn't have much of a clue of what I was scrapping. UGGHHHH I can only imagine!!! Some of it was cool looking stuff. But our main goal was to flip money and the thing I knew was metals...not the antique part. too well.. Wish I would have hung onto some of that stuff now! Or at least took some pics.
And since I'm bored and rambling about the subject.....I have found gold items that other people have passed over or said "fake,plated,Gold doesn't tarnish, etc...". Because the solder joints will sometimes show green and people assume the whole item isn't solid. Pocket watches were good for this because of the solder joints on hinges. I bought an 18k pocket watch for something like $35 because it was brown almost black. The seller assumed it was fake. I polished and sold it the next day for $200 and something(don't remember the amount, somewhere around there), which was a little less than the scrap value( 3 to 4 hundred spot at that time), but it was to a friend and I made plenty off of it within a couple hours. Chains and other items will tarnish for whatever reason, even 18k. There is also a ton of stuff out there marked that isn't real too! Of all time periods. So, watch out for that stuff when out looking.