How god created the joke!
One day god came to Adam and Eve and asked them if they want to hear what new he has created.
Adam said Yes, tell us.
God said, it is a shot story people can lough about and I called it joke.
Adam said, GREAT I like laughing! Short time ago when Eve was sitting down on an anthill, I laughed my butt off! Who is the story about?
God: Adam.... do you see any other people here??!
Adam: Sure, look at all this animals, they are funny too! The Bonobos as example, the

every 20 seconds!
God: Stop it! Adam.... the story is about us three! I don´t talk in plural majestatis Adam!
Adam: He

God: Just Listen Adam! One day after god created Adam and Eve, he gone to them and said, you are such a wonderful creation that I want to give an additional gift but you have to chose who get´s what! One gift is to be able to "P" in standing position and the other is.......and Adam shouted out loud, YESSSS I want that!
So it happen and Adam jumps around and "P" on every tree he saws, ran down to the beach and "P" a pattern into the sand and just everywhere he was walking and standing. And Adam was very happy. When he came back to god he asked: And what did Eva got??
And god says "a brain"!