RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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View attachment 1682675 one of my favorite things to do.......free diving for collector grade shells. 20 -25 foot. We all got a few. Heres my catch. 3 queen conchs, and one king helmet. 25$ a shell for the queens, and we will bargain on the king helmet. Could get 40 for this small one, but would be more like 60-80 for bigger ones. My side money when I get home.

Some one brought home a souvenir , or acquired a conch from another source when I was a kid.
The end was cut/sawed to allow a smaller mouthpiece than a cornet or trumpet , but allowed it to be used for a horn.
It had a good tone and range.
No idea what became of it...


An all girl band from the 1970's. Fanny-Ain't that peculiar.


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Sorry, I didn't make myself clearer..it's been a few years.... BC's posts just stirred something up in me...lol I'm good!!!

Ok...Now I see what went on....I kind of just picked a spot in the thread and started with out reading the pages before it. I saw your post and jumped straight to what I wrote and a pm to you without reading the posts after it real close and missed this post above. .. I have sympathy for people but..............I get exactly what you are saying ... To keep it vague...
Anyhow, just wanted to say ...I posted without really knowing what was going on( I still mean what I posted just have a different angle of why it was posted). ...Now, I see..... :occasion14:

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The animals are a delicacy, and the collectors want them caught while the animal is live so the shells are in there best condition. The meat is in high demand and we could sell it but we always keep it for ourselves. I rarely sell the meat because we love to eat it so much. Conch fritters, conch salad, cracked conch, conch chowder etc...etc. I eat the meat and sell the shell. The shell collectors are very picky and can even tell if we have rinsed them In fresh water. They will drop the price on you if you have cleaned them in chlorinated fresh water. Can only clean them in salt water or distilled water for maximum profit.

Some old man told me they hang the foot of the conch on a hook, hang it up, and the conch releases its delicuous meat from it's expensive shell. :dontknow:

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And since it's fresh in my mind after reading pages in here....I can't just let things go.:laughing7:

BC..It's not that people don't care. Some of us out here in never never land have been through some s#it in life too. We may have even had the same thoughts. I can write a list of things that I have experience in. That's exactly what it is too experience. How you view it and handle it is what makes or breaks you. No one here can tell you how to do that( some of us are still working through our own battles). We're all friends and can even relate to each other on a lot of things...But the minute I think I've had it rough? I see that there are people out there that have been through and over came much worse. How could I even relate to what they have been through? The opposite applies too.... Most of us have no clue what your going through. We can try with what experience that we have, it's all different depending on so many different ways to view things.....but if the worst thing someone has is losing a pet? They have no idea. Just throwing that as a extreme example.

You can't come in and elude or flat out start the suicide stuff( again). People will only listen and try to help for so long then they don't want to hear it for multiple reasons. You can get through it!!! I know people that have been through way way worse. Not downplaying your situation at all,. Just saying you do have the strength...you just have to grab it, no one else can do that for you. It's not easy man!! I've been on the roller coaster ride half my life. Just when you think things are looking up and your past it? Something else major hits. It's just experience and you can overcome it. Be happy for the good! It's ok to talk about your experiences...but don't chase the sympathy.. I will talk about anything on here in conversation..but I don't want sympathy from anyone, it's just sharing the experience.

Anyhow....I just had to write that...This same stuff went on in the past and you have to create a different view for yourself. A different perception. It is possible...Not saying it's easy either..You will fall every once in a while, I do all the time...Then I have to take a breath...sit back...and realize things could be much worse.. Everyone does fall too! That's not abnormal.. Life isn't like the TV shows. But it's not all that bad either, You have to try to focus on the good., my biggest fear is that it's going to end early...so I sure as hell don't want to hear that someone is just going to give up on theirs. Kinda ticks me off actually.:BangHead:

Sry to bring up something that was pages ago... Just hits a nerve...again...I do feel bad for what you are and have gone through...But I don't want to hear the suicide stuff...I have no sympathy for it. If you can't value your life? Then how can you be upset at the people that don't want to hear it? Think about that a little...I think You will find the value. It's in there. Glad to see that your back..Not glad to see the suicide talk, or elude to..

And for anyone that feels I'm being too harsh? I can explain a little more detail in PM....I'm not going to air it here. There is some past here with this topic. This wasn't sent in PM for a reason.

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It worked fine on mine. Maybe restart .Don't know why it didn't show to begin with.it wasn't :censored:

Have tried it on 2 different PC's throughout the day. :dontknow:

Nitric, well said, sir.

Everyone has their demons, and some are definitely worse than others. However, one can only "truly" understand as much as one has endured. There may be similarities one person to another, but there will always be varying conditions, responses, hurdles, etc, etc, etc.... Every situation is different.

Nitric, well said, sir.

Everyone has their demons, and some are definitely worse than others. However, one can only "truly" understand as much as one has endured. There may be similarities one person to another, but there will always be varying conditions, responses, hurdles, etc, etc, etc.... Every situation is different.

The problem is...People do care..But there is nothing they can do from their computer...so we have to ignore it to try not be effected by it too...Maybe that is a part of it. I don't know..I said what I thought I needed to(for me) and That's the end of it with me. :occasion14: I have nothing against anyone. And I'll be the first to admit....I'm not smart enough, strong enough, to handle that subject for someone else. I just know how I had to make it through things and it may be completely useless to someone else. But I can't handle watching friends talk about ending their life or suicide. When there are so many around fighting just to stay alive!!! And yes, computer friends are different...But there is still a connection since we have a lot of the same interests, even though we've never met in person. Different..but still has an effect.(effect...affect..I get the two mixed all the time. haha)

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And since it's fresh in my mind after reading pages in here....I can't just let things go.:laughing7:

BC..It's not that people don't care. Some of us out here in never never land have been through some s#it in life too. We may have even had the same thoughts. I can write a list of things that I have experience in. That's exactly what it is too experience. How you view it and handle it is what makes or breaks you. No one here can tell you how to do that( some of us are still working through our own battles). We're all friends and can even relate to each other on a lot of things...But the minute I think I've had it rough? I see that there are people out there that have been through and over came much worse. How could I even relate to what they have been through? The opposite applies too.... Most of us have no clue what your going through. We can try with what experience that we have, it's all different depending on so many different ways to view things.....but if the worst thing someone has is losing a pet? They have no idea. Just throwing that as a extreme example.

You can't come in and elude or flat out start the suicide stuff( again). People will only listen and try to help for so long then they don't want to hear it for multiple reasons. You can get through it!!! I know people that have been through way way worse. Not downplaying your situation at all,. Just saying you do have the strength...you just have to grab it, no one else can do that for you. It's not easy man!! I've been on the roller coaster ride half my life. Just when you think things are looking up and your past it? Something else major hits. It's just experience and you can overcome it. Be happy for the good! It's ok to talk about your experiences...but don't chase the sympathy.. I will talk about anything on here in conversation..but I don't want sympathy from anyone, it's just sharing the experience.

Anyhow....I just had to write that...This same stuff went on in the past and you have to create a different view for yourself. A different perception. It is possible...Not saying it's easy either..You will fall every once in a while, I do all the time...Then I have to take a breath...sit back...and realize things could be much worse.. Everyone does fall too! That's not abnormal.. Life isn't like the TV shows. But it's not all that bad either, You have to try to focus on the good., my biggest fear is that it's going to end early...so I sure as hell don't want to hear that someone is just going to give up on theirs. Kinda ticks me off actually.:BangHead:

Sry to bring up something that was pages ago... Just hits a nerve...again...I do feel bad for what you are and have gone through...But I don't want to hear the suicide stuff...I have no sympathy for it. If you can't value your life? Then how can you be upset at the people that don't want to hear it? Think about that a little...I think You will find the value. It's in there. Glad to see that your back..Not glad to see the suicide talk, or elude to..

And for anyone that feels I'm being too harsh? I can explain a little more detail in PM....I'm not going to air it here. There is some past here with this topic. This wasn't sent in PM for a reason.

Nitric... well said.... and my point with my earlier statement... which I now feel guilty of being harsh as well...

I will add BC... We all have had to "overcome" things... each of us has different stories and depths of this... and will bet some here have had more to overcome than yourself.
You have no idea what I have been through or anyone else here for that matter...
so little patience can exist in me at times for someone who refuses to hold back and is inconsiderate of others by being in "only me" mode without consideration of what someone else may have been through and has had to overcome... this sorta gets my craw.

You stated this was a "hypocritical little thread"... I do not see hypocrisy ... I see a fun little thread that you have changed the mood of in an attempt to get attention.

If you are "crying" out for help ... TreasureNet is not the best place to pursue / receive it.

IF attention is your intention... you got it...
I feel pity for your plight... as do many here... but you have more self pity that cannot be matched by us every time you post a statement of such.

Time to get a grip on this.


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