Blak bart
Platinum Member
Back to Spanish wells tomorrow. Fly home Wednesday. Good night guys.
I saw an attractive woman whose friends were holding a birthday party for her at the tavern. She wouldn't say how old she was, you know how women get about their age. So, I made a bet with her- bet her that I could tell when she was born by feeling her up. She said "No way!" so I wagered a case of her favorite beer. Then after a bit of touching she pushed my hands away and says- "Well, when was I born!?"
I said "yesterday".
View attachment 1682380 this one stumps me ??
I had to take a little break...lost my best friend to suicide...He talked about it for over 5 years before actually doing it...many hospitals, help centers, family interventions...etc. etc. (I once pulled a black powder pistol away from his head as it went off) I say black powder because that was all he was allowed to have after all the hospital visits, police visits, etc. ... ... It's what he wanted and what he did. I loved him as much or more than my brother...he was my brother. I lied to him and told him I would look after his... I shouldn't have.. I never did look after ANYTHING of his...I Hated him after that.. I still do!! He did what he talked about EVERY DAY and most of us didn't believe he would do it.
He "attempted it' several times when none of us were we didn't believe him..he left notes on my door when he was drunk...then I would see him the next day and he acted like nothing happened...
One night, while I was at work...12:34...his soon to be (or already) ex came up to me crying.. I knew he had did it. According to the local cops he donned a bandana, a cowboy hat (never wore one)..and went in to the local convenience store. He walked up to the counter and pulled a cap gun on the cashier and said "give me any smokes"..and then grabbed the six pack and left without paying. Car chase ensued...27 miles, to his house, pulled around back and waited for the cops..minutes later when the cops approached his car he used his black powder pistol...he didn't die immediately..mumbled for about 45 minutes or so.
After we all got off work we went over to his house to cover the car so his GF wouldn't look inside. I made it about 2 seconds before all the Grey matter got to me.
A couple days later, his estranged father took his car, (a BMW) and his ashes...dumped the ashes out as he was driving off..(Good riddance, right?), friends get together only..(I didn't go..too drunk)
I had messages on my home phone..20 or so of them..he knew I was at work so he left them for me to find them after since I had talked him out of it so many times...
Every time I look at the clock it's 12:34...and I get pissed! And sad...
Just my 2 cents on the subject...sorry for the rant..
Everyone have a good night!!!!
I had a 64' and 65' in the early 80' I sold the two of them to a guy around 1984. He runs an excavating company and I'll bet he still has them.Finally found an old picture of my SCOUT I talked about so many pages
Sorry, I didn't make myself's been a few years.... BC's posts just stirred something up in I'm good!!!