I call 1-800-SUICIDE so often that I am on a first name basis with everyone at Common Ground.. That's where the calls are routed to in my area.
Thank you for posting that!
I am also a volunteer.
I help others who have similar experience in their youth that I have.
Basically a POW.. ( No disrespect to our Veterans and active Members of the Military, for using that term)
My childhood was an absolute nightmare!
I'm still to this day trying desperately to overcome my past.
My father and mother were both raging alcoholics and both two of the most talented covert narcissists I have ever met.
I've personally talked with many diagnosed with the dreaded APD or Antisocial personality disorder. The psychopaths.
There is nothing anti-social about those unfortunate humans.
I feel great pain for others.
Since I was little.
My Father and the neighborhood men groomed me for what was to come from the 21 months that I spent as a 24/7 resident there at that facility for children.
This will pain me greatly to say.
One, if not the most important thing that someone like me can learn through... How ever it happens for you, to discover that talking about it, is the way towards healing!
You cannot bury this pain.
I've been carrying the pain of my time there since I left there in 1986.
You cannot imagine the pain of being unable to actually resolve the problem.
I must talk about it, but I cannot fully disclose because of the Statute of Limitations.
Isn't that a true kick in the acorns!!
Because of threats from State of Michigan employees who just happened to be the sickest form of human garbage that you can imagine.
That's why I say that I was like a POW.
I had zero free will in that place.
I couldn't use the bathroom or shower without some filth watching me.. Smiling at me with that sick smile.
You don't want to know the things that they did to me and others who lived there!
Imagine ECT therapy as a punishment.
The tip of the iceberg.
Rape, emotional manipulation and torture.
Telling us that if we said anything that we would never see our families again.
You believe that at age 12.
I'm sorry for rambling.
Written English isn't easy for me.
Homework time as a child was the daily beatings time.
No, I cannot improve myself.
There is just too much going on in my head.
I'm rambling, but this helps me.
What hurts is what I learned a few years ago when I took a break from here.
The only compassionate therapist I have ever had other than the impromptu crispy...
I won't say her full name, But Ann at HAVEN in Pontiac is an exceptionally talented therapist.
Not many can access the children within my mind.. She can.
crispy can too.
It is a trust thing.
Trust for me... Is nearly impossible!!!
But, rambling again.
My mind runs so fast..
The first person I told about all of this was my wife.
26 years after it all happened... It never stopped. I relive these events 24/7 with the most vivid memories that you can imagine... Better than 4k
I buried that pain.. The biggest mistake of my life!
It was crispy that broke through that impossible barrier within my mind where the children are protected by a wall so big, that I hide who I truly am.
It is a travesty!
I'm suffering.
My wife way more!
Do you have any idea how painful it was to learn 3 years ago that some law protects the garbage who assaulted me and others.
I could go to jail for naming them!
What that says to me is this.
That corrupt, sick men have since the beginning of modern law, have been seeking out and becoming law makers so that they can tailor the law to their own personal needs.
I'm shattered and broken!
Something about my bad grammar.
My personalities when typing can be differentiated by the amount of... that I use when typing.
Protectors are always... And my children within use..
Please don't judge me.
For anyone young or more knowledgeable

Mostly young people.. Heed my words now!
Don't make the same mistakes that I did, lest you end up a closed off bitter person.
Don't try to bury the pain!
You cannot drink the pain away!!
You cannot do enough drugs to escape this pain!!
Lastly and most importantly, never, EVER in your life employ the self-defeating process of..
What if.
Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing in this life will steal your joy and happiness faster than
Please don't do that to yourself!
Learn from me!
I love you all..