RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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Thanks for the prayers.
God is Great!
No choo choo again this morning. I didn't have to make the decision to move out of the way or not. :sadsmiley:
I'm still here.

You are important to God. There are many who care about you deeply. Please reach out if you need to talk with someone about how you feel. Your call is confidential. Please let me know if you wish to chat. I am here and I care. God loves you. I am praying for you right now.

I call 1-800-SUICIDE so often that I am on a first name basis with everyone at Common Ground.. That's where the calls are routed to in my area.

Thank you for posting that!
I am also a volunteer.
I help others who have similar experience in their youth that I have.
Basically a POW.. ( No disrespect to our Veterans and active Members of the Military, for using that term)
My childhood was an absolute nightmare!
I'm still to this day trying desperately to overcome my past.
My father and mother were both raging alcoholics and both two of the most talented covert narcissists I have ever met.
I've personally talked with many diagnosed with the dreaded APD or Antisocial personality disorder. The psychopaths.
There is nothing anti-social about those unfortunate humans.
I feel great pain for others.
Since I was little.
My Father and the neighborhood men groomed me for what was to come from the 21 months that I spent as a 24/7 resident there at that facility for children.

This will pain me greatly to say.
One, if not the most important thing that someone like me can learn through... How ever it happens for you, to discover that talking about it, is the way towards healing!
You cannot bury this pain.
I've been carrying the pain of my time there since I left there in 1986.

You cannot imagine the pain of being unable to actually resolve the problem.
I must talk about it, but I cannot fully disclose because of the Statute of Limitations.
Isn't that a true kick in the acorns!!
Because of threats from State of Michigan employees who just happened to be the sickest form of human garbage that you can imagine.
That's why I say that I was like a POW.
I had zero free will in that place.
I couldn't use the bathroom or shower without some filth watching me.. Smiling at me with that sick smile.
You don't want to know the things that they did to me and others who lived there!
Imagine ECT therapy as a punishment.
The tip of the iceberg.
Rape, emotional manipulation and torture.
Telling us that if we said anything that we would never see our families again.

You believe that at age 12.

I'm sorry for rambling.
Written English isn't easy for me.
Homework time as a child was the daily beatings time.
No, I cannot improve myself.
There is just too much going on in my head.

I'm rambling, but this helps me.

What hurts is what I learned a few years ago when I took a break from here.
The only compassionate therapist I have ever had other than the impromptu crispy...
I won't say her full name, But Ann at HAVEN in Pontiac is an exceptionally talented therapist.
Not many can access the children within my mind.. She can.
crispy can too.
It is a trust thing.
Trust for me... Is nearly impossible!!!

But, rambling again.
My mind runs so fast..
The first person I told about all of this was my wife.
26 years after it all happened... It never stopped. I relive these events 24/7 with the most vivid memories that you can imagine... Better than 4k
I buried that pain.. The biggest mistake of my life!
It was crispy that broke through that impossible barrier within my mind where the children are protected by a wall so big, that I hide who I truly am.
It is a travesty!
I'm suffering.
My wife way more!

Do you have any idea how painful it was to learn 3 years ago that some law protects the garbage who assaulted me and others.

I could go to jail for naming them!

What that says to me is this.
That corrupt, sick men have since the beginning of modern law, have been seeking out and becoming law makers so that they can tailor the law to their own personal needs.

I'm shattered and broken!

Something about my bad grammar.
My personalities when typing can be differentiated by the amount of... that I use when typing.
Protectors are always... And my children within use..

Please don't judge me.

For anyone young or more knowledgeable :p
Mostly young people.. Heed my words now!
Don't make the same mistakes that I did, lest you end up a closed off bitter person.

Don't try to bury the pain!
You cannot drink the pain away!!
You cannot do enough drugs to escape this pain!!
Lastly and most importantly, never, EVER in your life employ the self-defeating process of..
What if.

Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing in this life will steal your joy and happiness faster than

Please don't do that to yourself!
Learn from me!
I love you all..

Being able to communicate , means not having to suffer alone as a fate.

I call 1-800-SUICIDE so often that I am on a first name basis with everyone at Common Ground.. That's where the calls are routed to in my area.

Thank you for posting that!
I am also a volunteer.
I help others who have similar experience in their youth that I have.
Basically a POW.. ( No disrespect to our Veterans and active Members of the Military, for using that term)
My childhood was an absolute nightmare!
I'm still to this day trying desperately to overcome my past.
My father and mother were both raging alcoholics and both two of the most talented covert narcissists I have ever met.
I've personally talked with many diagnosed with the dreaded APD or Antisocial personality disorder. The psychopaths.
There is nothing anti-social about those unfortunate humans.
I feel great pain for others.
Since I was little.
My Father and the neighborhood men groomed me for what was to come from the 21 months that I spent as a 24/7 resident there at that facility for children.

This will pain me greatly to say.
One, if not the most important thing that someone like me can learn through... How ever it happens for you, to discover that talking about it, is the way towards healing!
You cannot bury this pain.
I've been carrying the pain of my time there since I left there in 1986.

You cannot imagine the pain of being unable to actually resolve the problem.
I must talk about it, but I cannot fully disclose because of the Statute of Limitations.
Isn't that a true kick in the acorns!!
Because of threats from State of Michigan employees who just happened to be the sickest form of human garbage that you can imagine.
That's why I say that I was like a POW.
I had zero free will in that place.
I couldn't use the bathroom or shower without some filth watching me.. Smiling at me with that sick smile.
You don't want to know the things that they did to me and others who lived there!
Imagine ECT therapy as a punishment.
The tip of the iceberg.
Rape, emotional manipulation and torture.
Telling us that if we said anything that we would never see our families again.

You believe that at age 12.

I'm sorry for rambling.
Written English isn't easy for me.
Homework time as a child was the daily beatings time.
No, I cannot improve myself.
There is just too much going on in my head.

I'm rambling, but this helps me.

What hurts is what I learned a few years ago when I took a break from here.
The only compassionate therapist I have ever had other than the impromptu crispy...
I won't say her full name, But Ann at HAVEN in Pontiac is an exceptionally talented therapist.
Not many can access the children within my mind.. She can.
crispy can too.
It is a trust thing.
Trust for me... Is nearly impossible!!!

But, rambling again.
My mind runs so fast..
The first person I told about all of this was my wife.
26 years after it all happened... It never stopped. I relive these events 24/7 with the most vivid memories that you can imagine... Better than 4k
I buried that pain.. The biggest mistake of my life!
It was crispy that broke through that impossible barrier within my mind where the children are protected by a wall so big, that I hide who I truly am.
It is a travesty!
I'm suffering.
My wife way more!

Do you have any idea how painful it was to learn 3 years ago that some law protects the garbage who assaulted me and others.

I could go to jail for naming them!

What that says to me is this.
That corrupt, sick men have since the beginning of modern law, have been seeking out and becoming law makers so that they can tailor the law to their own personal needs.

I'm shattered and broken!

Something about my bad grammar.
My personalities when typing can be differentiated by the amount of... that I use when typing.
Protectors are always... And my children within use..

Please don't judge me.

For anyone young or more knowledgeable :p
Mostly young people.. Heed my words now!
Don't make the same mistakes that I did, lest you end up a closed off bitter person.

Don't try to bury the pain!
You cannot drink the pain away!!
You cannot do enough drugs to escape this pain!!
Lastly and most importantly, never, EVER in your life employ the self-defeating process of..
What if.

Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing in this life will steal your joy and happiness faster than

Please don't do that to yourself!
Learn from me!
I love you all..

Mike read on..

[FONT=&quot]Resolving Anger, Pain, Fear and Stress [/FONT]

From the Introduction to Roy Masters' book How to Conquer Negative Emotions
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

Cruel people have power; they get their energy from you through the way you respond to them. Hypocrites have the same wickedness operating through a deceptive shield of phony innocence. It, too, gets inside you by the way you react to it. [FONT=&quot][/FONT]
The Way to a Stress-Free Life

Watch Video - High Speed - Low Speed
Your life is in danger from people, some of whom could even be members of your own family, who chip away, harp, nag and aggravate the life out of you until you feel like killing them or yourself. YOU CANNOT FIGHT THEM WITH RESENTMENT, because they use your resentment to drive you crazy, to make you conform, to bring out the worst in you and terrify you into not facing them and their kind.

Take heart. There is not one single problem in the world that you cannot solve if you will learn to stop being resentful toward people.

You are indeed the sum total of your experiences, but another way of saying this is that you are burdened by your past. Unless you learn how to respond properly in the present, you will continue to let the ugly world get inside you and build on that past. And without self-control, that is the only kind of future you have.

Respond wrongly to pressure just one time—and what aggravates you has got you. Your mind and body must go on responding slavishly until you find the Truth that makes you free.

You are not alone in your dilemma. The wrong emotional response to all sorts of pressure is currently making everyone sick and depressed and driving all of us into conflict with ourselves. To solve the pressure-caused conflicts, people turn to drink, tobacco and drugs, legal or illegal.

Look at it this way: your reactions, being compulsive, have become a subtle form of obedience, and emotional obedience is really a form of slavery. Behind the cruel and relentless pressures that zealous people apply to you (sometimes in the name of good) is a selfish motive that compels you to be like it and to go along with it—to sin, in other words. Because it has upset you, you are out of control and not living your own life. No wonder you feel guilty and depressed.

Because no one has cared enough to teach you how not to respond, and because you have not yet discovered this vital secret, life now seems meaningless, hopeless, and depressing. You have worried, but worrying has made matters worse.

All your sexual, family, and business problems arise directly from your failing to respond in a right way to what is wrong and, it might be added, making everyone respond wrongly to you when you have been upset. Conflict with yourself becomes conflict with others as you take it out on them.

Most of the things that are wrong with your life—your marriage, your health, your children—can be straightened out very easily by discovering how to conquer your negative emotions.

Your emotional upsets have made you feel guilty. Even though you might have been technically correct in what you said or did, if you did it resentfully, your emotions confused you, and when you began to doubt yourself, you experienced conflict, depression and fear.

Resentment destroyed your objectivity, and, failing to see clearly, you made terrible errors of judgment. These, in turn, led to a fear of making decisions, so that perhaps you began to lean too much on others for guidance, and you know how upsetting it can be if those others happen to be wrong or take advantage of you.

Letting Go of Resentment

Watch Video - High Speed - Low Speed

You must learn how to be patient with cruel and thoughtless people.You must learn to be poised and calm; otherwise, what is wrong in them shows up in you and makes you look like the bad guy. Everyone then becomes so fascinated with what went wrong with you that they fail to see what they did wrong to you, and that experience is upsetting, frustrating and scary.

Cruel, unthinking people feed off the way you respond to their needling; they walk away self-righteous and satisfied, leaving you frustrated, confused, revengeful and depressed. They get their power from your reaction, while your resentment often makes you feel like the guilty one. “Successful,” domineering, unprincipled people lord it over you, drain you and make your life wretched; BUT THEY ARE ALWAYS SURE OF GETTING TO YOU THROUGH YOUR REACTIONS.

The dehumanizing pressure to achieve and to study is changing people into animals, animals out of control, in mortal conflict with other animals.

Of course, we all respond to pressure, but that response is what is wrong with us.

Upsetting you is the key to motivating you; it is the hidden reason behind all of your suffering.

Manipulating and winning through intimidation is a common practice among all corrupters: tyrants, high pressure salesmen, successful businessmen, and the like. No doubt you have your own private dictator currently aggravating the life out of you.

Only through the shock of emotional upset can a compelling or morbid suggestion be planted in your mind, and this is especially true when you are resentful. If it doesn't’t cause wild and senseless rebellion, you find yourself obliged to give in, to ease the pain that the pressure of wrong resistance causes.

Giving in to tyrants and zealots who make the pain of your upsets unbearable is a common but unhealthy form of love, loyalty, and closeness between husband and wife, mother and child, and between churches and their believers. (It is also the way you lose your identity.) It is hard to say no to pushy, irritating people.You tend to favor people who apply pressure: your boss, your wife, and your kids. Then the breaking point is reached; there is rebellion against work and study; debilitating disease and nervous breakdown take their deadly toll.

Being upset is your weakness—your Achilles heel. All heartless, cruel, power-hungry, unprincipled people inherit the know-how to make your slavish emotional responses work for them, and they have no qualms about casting you aside after you are spent and broken.

The world is dominated by tyrants, tempters, and psychopaths. Some of them get to you through cruelty, while other types manipulate you with a holier-than-thou, irritating “kindness.” They might use both methods to confuse you, upsetting you one moment and being “kind” to you the next. Their bold, unprincipled manner upsets you and makes you feel guilty; then, by suddenly changing roles and becoming “nice,” they intensify your guilt feelings and make you doubt yourself. In that manner you are made to believe that they were right all along and that you were wrong. And so you learn to go along with their wishes; you find yourself doing things you would never have done in your right mind, and that upsets you all over again. This vicious cycle, with a built-in upset, repeats itself endlessly, until you feel like killing them or yourself.

Irritating people are really victims themselves; they tempt you in order to retrieve something they have lost to those who aggravated the life out of them. By needling you, they drain you of your vital energy, and with this power they torment you again and again. As you become a parent, you find their identity welling up inside you, yelling and screaming at your own kids, unwittingly destroying them with the same projection techniques of aggravation that your parents and other pushy people once used against you.

We may be legally free, but emotionally and morally we are still in the Dark Ages. We all live under an emotional feudal system of slaves and tyrants. It is a devilish, military chain of command, where everyone who responds and becomes a slave also lords it over a slave.

Cruelty rules the roost. A subtle, god-eat-dog emotional pecking order of pressure is everywhere: at home, school, and at work. Everyone feels the meaninglessness, the futility of it all. THIS IS THE MAIN REASON FOR ALCOHOLISM, DRUG ADDICTION, CRIME, DEPRESSION, NERVOUS BREAKDOWN AND A MULTITUDE OF DISEASES.

One of two things always happens to you under pressure: You become upset and blow up—but rarely at the person who upsets you, because you don’t have the guts— or you give in.You might even “fall in love” with someone you resent, or champion the cause of your corrupter, especially if the pressure is religious or political. All manipulators know that your capitulation is simply a means of relieving pressure as well as a way of making up for guilt you feel for being upset with them. But from your point of view, it might seem as though your changed behavior has somehow affected that cruel person’s attitude for the good, compelling him to reward you with approval and appreciation and love. For a while it could seem as though you have a marvelous power to control and redeem evil people. If that is your delusion, you find yourself addicted to selling yourself down the river to keep peace and control various situations.All manipulators carefully cultivate this behavior. This is how wicked people use you and get ahead, because in reality all they are doing is rewarding you for being unreasonable and for serving their bizarre purposes.

Once you have been conditioned to give in to pressure, you could begin seeing that way of life as evidence of your divine goodness. And if you don’t become a tempter yourself, you develop a knack for spoiling people, compelling them to make the kind of demands that become the pressure you need to give in, to be reminded of, and to be rewarded for what you have come to think of as goodness, and for your imagined power to make naughty people right and happy. So when you don’t have a motivator, you create one— your child perhaps?

Creating your own tyrants in the form of spoiling your children is the cause of juvenile delinquency and crime. It is why you parents become frightened of and submissive to your violent brats. The worse they get the better you look compared with them, and the more you are compelled to be good to them, believing that your only error is not being good enough to them. That is why bad children come from what appear to be good homes. It is also why we often see nice, gentle, kindly people living under the tyranny of a dictator. Their natural goodness is merely weakness, born out of a need to be submissive to realize their goodness.

As soon as everyone’s demands grow so great that you become drained of energy, and when you discover that you have nothing left to give, to be “loved” for, you start blaming and being secretly resentful, and that leads to nervous breakdown and mental illness.

Man was never designed to be externally motivated, as animals, but because of a little understood weakness, we are. This is the main reason why we all have paralyzing conflicts, anxieties, and fears; that is the basis of all our problems, right there. UNTIL YOU DISCOVER THE SECRET OF TURNING YOURSELF ON FROM WHAT YOU REALIZE IS RIGHT DEEP DOWN IN YOUR HEART, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE AN EXTERNALIZED ZOMBIE, COMPELLED TO ACT AGAINST YOUR OWN BETTER JUDGMENT, HURTING PEOPLE YOU LOVE AND DOING THINGS YOU ARE SORRY FOR.

Being upset is a conditioned reflex; it is an inferior way of reacting to pressure. That is why you feel inferior, helpless, angry, and it is also why you are so compulsive in the way you are forced to relieve the pain of tension built up by those pressures; it is another reason why you hurt the ones you love.

[TABLE="class: style8, width: 300"]
[TD]“Be Still & Know”
Download this
Anger Management Class!!

Get this stress-reducing exercise - recommended
by psychologists and psychiatrists.

But what if you could learn to look injustice straight in the eye without flinching, without being upset, calmly and with endless patience? Surely you would not have the problems that arise from repressing or expressing resentment. This then, is the aim of the book HOW TO CONQUER NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, to show you the secret principle of patience and self-control.

I know what you want. You want relief from your nervous tension and guilt feelings. You want solutions to your sex problems and family problems. You want to stop smoking, drinking and overeating; you want happiness. But you will never find what you are seeking until you discover the hidden cause, AND THAT CAUSE IS ALLOWING PEOPLE TO UPSET YOU TOO EASILY.

Emotional self-control is the key you are seeking. Without it, you will always be in conflict with yourself. If you are ever to be free of guilt and fear, you must learn the secret of responding in a right way to what is wrong with people and the world.

Your main line of defense (and attack) is to stay calm and patient. So, seeing you unmoved, the motivator himself becomes upset and panics. Learn how to put up an impenetrable, invisible force shield of patience that lets the good come through and prevents the ugly world from getting in and growing up inside you.

Something else that really hurts a highly sensitive person like myself, is that place that I was going for therapy.
I don't have a income.
I absolutely refuse to let Welfare help me.
It ain't happening...
I've too much pride to take from others.
I qualified for permanent disability at age 18 because of complications from birth and childhood.
I'm an XXXY male.
I don't have any credit.
I'm going on age 50 now without ever accepting anything that I have not earned!!
That means more to me than my rotten teeth or the love for my wife, she suffers too as a result of my terrible decisions.
I stopped going to therapy simple because I hated waiting in the waiting area.

By definition, HAVEN is a women's shelter!
They offer counseling to people who have been raped or subject to other domestic violence.
Very, very few men go there.
I never once seen another guy.
What I did see, and this is what killed it for the protectors, was waiting around as the giant dude that I am, surrounded by other women waiting for therapy from really abusive MEN in their lives.
Being a trauma survivor, you develop this uncanny sense for feeling the feelings of those around you.
I always, always made them uncomfortable.
I can feel it..!
And that's why I stopped it...

Life IS Pain.

I have no outlet other than here.
That's why we as in (Core, Detached child and Protector)
Are back here on Tnet.
My only hope is here.. Jesus lives here on Tnet.
I absolutely love you like a sibling Chris.
I try to love all humans.

Some really don't deserve love.
It isn't unconditional for them. They don't know what love is.
I do..
Prior to age six, I knew happiness!!

Please God, show me the correct path.
Lord Jesus, please grant me the the strength and perseverance to see this through.
In your name I pray.

Ps... I still cannot believe that you called it mouse crap..
I love you Marky... You know who you are!
I still want to go Bass fishing on that beautiful boat of yours.
I promise that I won't be even slightly competitive..

Last edited:
Hey RC.. You're only a few hours away from me, if you want some free labor to tend to those issues.. I understand mobility issues with my wife's MS.
I'm serious.
I really need to see if the guy at prostock still has my pop's 1265x
He said it would take a few years to fix. It's been five!
No call yet.
He may have been being sarcastic, but I take everything seriously.
Zero sense of humor.

I have no outlet other than here.
That's why we as in (Core, Detached child and Protector)
Are back here on Tnet.
My only hope is here.. Jesus lives here on Tnet.
I absolutely love you like a sibling Chris.
I try to love all humans.

Some really don't deserve love.
It isn't unconditional for them. They don't know what love is.
I do..
Prior to age six, I knew happiness!!

Please God, show me the correct path.
Lord Jesus, please grant me the the strength and perseverance to see this through.
In your name I pray.

You were born with INTUITIVE KNOWING,you could see the craziness around you(starting with your parents)and you could not help yourself(just as your parents could not help themselves). This is handed down generation to generation infecting ALL humanity,we are not born with it we are born into it and it gets into us and we..


JC said it..Father forgive them they haven't the foggiest idea what they're doing..AFTER they beat the crap out of Him and stuck Him up on that cross,He did not like it,but He DID NOT HATE those that did it to Him.

Our love can not save us let alone anyone else so STOP trying to save yourself Mike. Let go let GOD.

I promise to throughly read and respond tonight Chris.
I have to stop my mind from this now.

Mike aka BigCountry.

[FONT=&quot]Escaping the Mental Matrix[/FONT]
Is Life Reality or Just an Illusion?

By David Masters

If you have not yet seen the motion picture, "The Matrix," I highly recommend it. The Matrix is a science-fiction version of everything my father has been saying on his radio program for 44 years. Briefly, the story line is beautifully simple, the dialogue profound.
Does this apply to you?
To overcome your conditioning, may we recommend
"Be Still and Know"
More Info

As the story unfolds, we discover a bleak future where machines have rebelled against their creators, waged war on humans and taken control of almost the entire human race. Dark nuclear dust clouds now block the sun.

Asleep in artificial wombs, millions of humans have become living batteries. Comatose in virtual realities, their collective minds are computer versions of our present modern world. A mega-computer causes the sleepers to believe that they are actually living in a real world, working and playing at their various roles.

The artificial intelligence called "The Architect," uses techniques common to every mortal dictator that ever lived, programming the sleepers with the illusion that they are living their own lives.

The use of a virtual reality is vital. The "provider" installs what all humans need most, an elevated sense of importance. Without this dream they might awaken and become free, or worse, wither away depriving the machines of their energy supply.

As in real life, there are those who have escaped and are trying to awaken and rescue the sleepers and find a way to live outside the control of the Matrix. Those heroic people who re-enter the Matrix run into "agents" whose role it is to prevent that awakening. Agents are lurking in everyone.

The problem for those trapped in the Matrix is essentially the same as our own. The struggle to overcome our problems begins with how to define what is "real" from what is illusion and then how to cope.

An artificial life is the only world Matrix dwellers will ever know. They cannot know that they are slaves, living lives imposed on them. Since it is their only reality -- to them it must be real.

As hard as it is to believe, many people do not have any idea whether their lives are real or illusory. They live out false lives just long enough to serve what they think is their own purpose, which, in reality, is a slave source of energy for whatever is draining them. Behold the power of all tyrants!

To discover that you are not in control of your own mind is to begin to understand and gaze into the core of the subtle power that runs this wicked world.

To question if we are in fact living our own lives honestly, awakens us from the insidiously comfortable sensual sleep of lies, self-deceit and illusion and opens the door to the shining path to freedom. Then do we cut off the life-force energy to all those human agents of doom who use our life forces to make our lives a hell on earth.

To discover reality without being angry toward your programmers is to become de-programmed. Where do you want to live, in the "Thought Matrix," or in God's intended reality, in this infernal existence, or the eternal one?

Hey RC.. You're only a few hours away from me, if you want some free labor to tend to those issues.. I understand mobility issues with my wife's MS.
I'm serious.
I really need to see if the guy at prostock still has my pop's 1265x
He said it would take a few years to fix. It's been five!
No call yet.
He may have been being sarcastic, but I take everything seriously.
Zero sense of humor.

ProStock is about an hour South of me.

I use issues for projects , forward challenges. Though often procrastinate towards working on them. I'm undefeated (not the greatest mantra , I know) , but going to farm out the tractor tire after I pull it.
I'm plenty mobile. Just awkwardly at times, and some terrains are more fun than others.

However if you are ever near , you are welcomed to be relieved of some of your labor out on the property I hunt.
Five minutes labor - or no labor either if the mood don't strike , or knock yourself out if you find something you like to do that needs doin. Though nothin really needs doin.

Guess it's my version of therapy. No tests beyond those self imposed.
Moving plants or trees with future growth in mind. Or the usual thistle battle. A private one so far and a reminder worked through a leather glove when shoveling snow the other day. Took a bright light to find the thistle "thorn's" nearly clear colored tip in my finger...And here I thought the individual plant that parted with it , out of hundreds of plants ; was past history.

Tractor seat time if given enough notice to load one up the day before..
Site seeing to look for the days possible inhabitants.
Or , just good ol general loafing in an environment that does not jangle nerves.

There was a homestead near in the past that was razed. Should be part of an unseen thin debris field near a property corner , but it remains undetected. Brush and grass defend it though I've mowed some that direction.
Not sure why I don't detect it out of curiosity. Too distracted elsewhere doing other things maybe. That and low expectations of recoveries.


There's just different degrees of craziness....the b.s. about well adjusted people in my straight forward take on things is exactly that bs.

We all have our baggage, demons, phobias and what have you to contend with. It's how you handle those issues and deal with them and life that makes for a relatively sane and stable lifestyle that counts.

My 2 cents for what it's worth. Check into the backgrounds of most pscychologists and psychiatrists and they were drawn to those professions to get their own issues sorted out.

Last edited:

There's just different degrees of craziness....the b.s. about well adjusted people in my straight forward take on things is exactly that bs.

We all have our baggage, demons, phobias and what have you to contend with. It's how you handle those issues and deal with them and life that makes for a relatively sane and stable lifestyle that counts.

My 2 cents for what it's worth. Check into the backgrounds of most pscychologists and psychiatrists and they were drawn to those professions to get their own issues sorted out.

That is one that never set right with me,how can a person with their own issues help you with yours?


A bit of a heads up concerning your wife's MS condition. Probably just a coincidence, however, my GP who's only mid 30's suffers from MS he contracted it during his med school days and it was so bad they gave him a stem cell transplant.

He eats primarily a vegetarian diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and what meat he eats tends to be mostly fish and poultry. He tries to avoid red meat, dairy and fried or heavily processessed foods.

From what he tells me it seems to keep his condition relatively stable.

Hey RC.. You're only a few hours away from me, if you want some free labor to tend to those issues.. I understand mobility issues with my wife's MS.
I'm serious.
I really need to see if the guy at prostock still has my pop's 1265x
He said it would take a few years to fix. It's been five!
No call yet.
He may have been being sarcastic, but I take everything seriously.
Zero sense of humor.


A bit of a heads up concerning your wife's MS condition. Probably just a coincidence, however, my GP who's only mid 30's suffers from MS he contracted it during his med school days and it was so bad they gave him a stem cell transplant.

He eats primarily a vegetarian diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and what meat he eats tends to be mostly fish and poultry. He tries to avoid red meat, dairy and fried or heavily processessed foods.

From what he tells me it seems to keep his condition relatively stable.

Now there's a prescription I should solicit from a doctor , go fishing and hunt partridge/grouse.

I tried to get a script for a hot tub and attractive twin gals with it , but it just has not happened...Now was the Doc . smiling at the thought , or smiling because he thought I was joking?
I must be more clear when the chance presents itself again.


Yep lots of truth to that, however, check out the level of burnouts, divorces, substance abuse, etc...in those professions and it makes you wonder. Is it the burden of dealing with their patients issues that causes it or the fact most of them are more messed up than their patients to begin with. Food for thought.

That is one that never set right with me,how can a person with their own issues help you with yours?


Yep lots of truth to that, however, check out the level of burnouts, divorces, substance abuse, etc...in those professions and it makes you wonder. Is it the burden of dealing with their patients issues that causes it or the fact most of them are more messed up than their patients to begin with. Food for thought.

I look back to 8th grade and it would have been better for me today if I had payed attention to Ms. Crotos typing class,hunt and peck takes to long..I have a lot to say!

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