Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th ‘To Put Gov’t on Notice’

I know alot of us think this is bad idea but the majority if not all are responsible gun tooting Americans. doubt many illegals or Chicago type sideways holding 45's will be there. A plant yea maybe ,but I think that would be suicide by a million bullets hard to do a interview with something that looks like a mist.
After deer hunting for many years we noticed we had no minorities in our group So going back to work we asked if any would come up north with us next year. their response was "Are you kidding? that's one time a year when you white guy's can carry a gun":laughing7::laughing7:

Well, I know we as people of our Second Amendments Rights need to do something. But like others, I see this can be a chance for DHS, FBI, or any other Broke Backs agencies can and would most likely cause some sort of demise of an incident just to prove a point. Grant now either side, you don't know who is going to get fed up with an agent trying to enforce his authority on something then all it takes is someone to refuses their authority, then you got one person or more seeing what is going on then backing up the law abiding citizen, then the yelling gets started, then physicalness gets started, then the shooting gets started, then on the news it is turned around that the law abiding citizen went on a shooting spree with federal agents!!

I would however recommend going on the march, but make sure everyone carries a bunch of these assault weapons pictured below! You can get these anywhere! I would recommend the high capacity magagine they come in, but depending on how fast you can throw depends on how many rounds a minute you make!!

Or better yet, Did any of you know that David with his small stature BEAT GIANT Goliath with an assault rock? Well if you feel that the other assult weapon pictured in the 96 round magazine is too big and bulky for you to carry. Assault Rocks have been around since the Dinosour Age! Cave men invented the use of Assault Rocks. What this means is the assault rock is and has been PROVEN VERY EFFECTIVE for CENTURIES WAY LONGER BEFORE OUR GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDPARENTS TIMES! Fact is you can get them in any size and if used PROPERLY can be VERY EFFECTIVE AGAINST YOUR TARGET!!! So don't fret, there is an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of ASSAULT ROCKS you can find just about anywhere and they are FREE for the taking!! :headbang:
Pencil 96.jpgRocks.jpg

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In Bucks County PA yesterday a Pro gun control group held a rally at a local park. Not to be outdone, the local 2nd amendment rights group told reporters it too was going to hold a rally at the park at the same time and that many of their members would likely show up armed. Once this was reported local officials decided to cancel the Little League games that are played at that park on weekends this time of year.

Sure enough both groups showed up, both held their rallys, held their signs, made their noise. Big grins on thier faces as they fought for their causes. The only casualties? The Little Leaguers who didn't get to play baseball yesterday of these self centered *******s.

In Bucks County PA yesterday a Pro gun control group held a rally at a local park. Not to be outdone, the local 2nd amendment rights group told reporters it too was going to hold a rally at the park at the same time and that many of their members would likely show up armed. Once this was reported local officials decided to cancel the Little League games that are played at that park on weekends this time of year.

Sure enough both groups showed up, both held their rallys, held their signs, made their noise. Big grins on thier faces as they fought for their causes. The only casualties? The Little Leaguers who didn't get to play baseball yesterday of these self centered *******s.

So what's the big deal? arn't bat's and balls on the weapons list of some of your fellow followers ? Kids with bat's are just as dangerous in some circles. so what's your point.???

NF......they canceled ALL of the games for the season? It must have been Little League officials that canceled. If it was city officials they would have to close the park because that can't single out just the ballgames. Given that, are the LL officials worried about the kid's safety or are they anti-gun and making a point using the children as is done continually by the left?

Well, I know we as people of our Second Amendments Rights need to do something. But like others, I see this can be a chance for DHS, FBI, or any other Broke Backs agencies can and would most likely cause some sort of demise of an incident just to prove a point. Grant now either side, you don't know who is going to get fed up with an agent trying to enforce his authority on something then all it takes is someone to refuses their authority, then you got one person or more seeing what is going on then backing up the law abiding citizen, then the yelling gets started, then physicalness gets started, then the shooting gets started, then on the news it is turned around that the law abiding citizen went on a shooting spree with federal agents!!

I would however recommend going on the march, but make sure everyone carries a bunch of these assault weapons pictured below! You can get these anywhere! I would recommend the high capacity magagine they come in, but depending on how fast you can throw depends on how many rounds a minute you make!!

Or better yet, Did any of you know that David with his small stature BEAT GIANT Goliath with an assault rock? Well if you feel that the other assult weapon pictured in the 96 round magazine is too big and bulky for you to carry. Assault Rocks have been around since the Dinosour Age! Cave men invented the use of Assault Rocks. What this means is the assault rock is and has been PROVEN VERY EFFECTIVE for CENTURIES WAY LONGER BEFORE OUR GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDPARENTS TIMES! Fact is you can get them in any size and if used PROPERLY can be VERY EFFECTIVE AGAINST YOUR TARGET!!! So don't fret, there is an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of ASSAULT ROCKS you can find just about anywhere and they are FREE for the taking!! :headbang:
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This is what frightens me the most about this whole march.It will start out as peaceful and respectful,then get turned around as another jewel in The King's crown when his minions arrange it to be a bad thing.As we all know,nothing is at it seems in this administration but they want you to eat it whole without processing what you're eating is crap.

So what's the big deal? arn't bat's and balls on the weapons list of some of your fellow followers ? Kids with bat's are just as dangerous in some circles. so what's your point.???

The point is the grownups ruined it for the kids. They put their agenda in front of what was best for the kids.

The rallys should have been moved or cancelled.

Packer - They cancelled games for the day of the rally. As a precaution because pro gun group leader told officials his membership would likely show up armed. Officials told group leader that games would be cancelled if he planned to proceed. Leader told them rally was on. Officials rightly cancelled the day's games.

I'm not faulting only the pro gun leader. Make your point some place else. Both groups should have cancelled or moved their planned rallys.

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The point is the grownups ruined it for the kids. They put their agenda in front of what was best for the kids.

The rallys should have been moved or cancelled.

I disagree on what I think your suggesting..

in my opinion the Parents & coaches ruined it for the Kids.
(all it woul'd have took was one anti gun parent to complain)

My guess the kids would have been more then happy to go on with their games,
If some &^%$#$ hadn't decided to use the kids as pawns.

it's like locking down a school, because someone got in a fist fight around the corner at a bar

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Sorry but I consider our rights under BOR that are under attack by the left to be so much more important than a little league game.

Anti-gun scheduled their protest at park knowing full well there would most likely be a counter protest.

Parents are naive if they don't already know there are most likely parents their with CWL and concealed weapons.....Don't know state law there, but in Fla there will be a few armed parents with CWL attending, no big deal.... It is just added protection....

When my kids played soccer when I lived in Missouri there were armed parents and it never troubled me or the other parents that knew.......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

T.H. You would like PA. They honor and respect the
Second Amendment. You would hate N.J. Saying the word gun could get
you locked up in N.J.

Sorry but I consider our rights under BOR that are under attack by the left to be so much more important than a little league game.

Anti-gun scheduled their protest at park knowing full well there would most likely be a counter protest.

Parents are naive if they don't already know there are most likely parents their with CWL and concealed weapons.....Don't know state law there, but in Fla there will be a few armed parents with CWL attending, no big deal.... It is just added protection....

When my kids played soccer when I lived in Missouri there were armed parents and it never troubled me or the other parents that knew.......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I disagree on what I think your suggesting..

in my opinion the Parents & coaches ruined it for the Kids.
(all it woul'd have took was one anti gun parent to complain)

My guess the kids would have been more then happy to go on with their games,
If some &^%$#$ hadn't decided to use the kids as pawns.

it's like locking down a school, because someone got in a fist fight around the corner at a bar

Jeff, in our neck of the woods, the Burbs, there are no bars near schools.

Still, you would let your kids play near a protest or rally that could become confrontational? Guns or not that's not a place for kids. Their safety would have been compromised. IMO, the police and little league officials not only made the right call, they made the only call. The emotions are so high on both sides, things could have gotten out of control quickly.

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Sorry but I consider our rights under BOR that are under attack by the left to be so much more important than a little league game.

Anti-gun scheduled their protest at park knowing full well there would most likely be a counter protest.

Parents are naive if they don't already know there are most likely parents their with CWL and concealed weapons.....Don't know state law there, but in Fla there will be a few armed parents with CWL attending, no big deal.... It is just added protection....

When my kids played soccer when I lived in Missouri there were armed parents and it never troubled me or the other parents that knew.......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

TH, IMO opinion you are right, the anti gun people knew that the pro gun people would react as they did. Thus both sides shoulder blame equally. No one backing down after the consequences were layed out is IMO, adults acting badly. All these people had to do was find another park. Bucks County Pa has plenty of those.

My son is a sherriff's deputy. Department policy, he has to carry. So, soccer, little league etc, he's always armed. That said, having armed parents in a spectator crowd is unlikely to lead to violence. Much different than holding confrontational rallies where emotions are running on high, the entire crowd is unpredictible, and at least half the crowd is armed. That's a situation that could easily get out of control.

There are many things that are more important than a little league game. Many things more important than going to Disney World or that cruise you and your wife planned for a year. Or even a night out at the movies. But now you miss the plane or the boat. You can't get into Disney World or the movie theater because some group believes the Bill of Rights needs to aired out between you and your destination and has everything shut down.

Yup, BOR pretty damn important! But that boat isn't waiting for you! Nor is the plane. Your grand kids will be back for another visit next year, so maybe Disney World then? And that movie would have been nice, but you get another day off next week, maybe it will still playing. THis is the way it goes when other people decide for you what is most important in your life today.

Everything has a time and place.

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So much DRAMA! Airports closed! People missing the boat!
People missing out on Disney World! OMG!!! Grand kids missing visits with there grandparents!!!
When will it end!
Keep us posted !!!! Please!!!

TH, IMO opinion you are right, the anti gun people knew that the pro gun people would react as they did. Thus both sides shoulder blame equally. No one backing down after the consequences were layed out is IMO, adults acting badly. All these people had to do was find another park. Bucks County Pa has plenty of those.

My son is a sherriff's deputy. Department policy, he has to carry. So, soccer, little league etc, he's always armed. That said, having armed parents in a spectator crowd is unlikely to lead to violence. Much different than holding confrontational rallies where emotions are running on high, the entire crowd is unpredictible, and at least half the crowd is armed. That's a situation that could easily get out of control.

There are many things that are more important than a little league game. Many things more important than going to Disney World or that cruise you and your wife planned for a year. Or even a night out at the movies. But now you miss the plane or the boat. You can't get into Disney World or the movie theater because some group believes the Bill of Rights needs to aired out between you and your destination and has everything shut down.

Yup, BOR pretty damn important! But that boat isn't waiting for you! Nor is the plane. Your grand kids will be back for another visit next year, so maybe Disney World then? And that movie would have been nice, but you get another day off next week, maybe it will still playing. THis is the way it goes when other people decide for you what is most important in your life today.

Everything has a time and place.

So much DRAMA! Airports closed! People missing the boat!
People missing out on Disney World! OMG!!! Grand kids missing visits with there grandparents!!!
When will it end!
Keep us posted !!!! Please!!!

Al, you left out old beach hunters missing their shift at WAWA!

Even with free parking where would they get the gas money to go hunting?

Now you talk about drama!

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March in Washington? With guns? I'll make sure i'm several hundred miles away at the time. Near the White House? Are they nuts or what? Thats going to go over like a fart in church.

Smokey it will never happen. All this guy is doing is fleecing the tin foil hat crowd, getting them to open their wallets while at the same time making sure his name is FBI watch list.

And, that won't be his worst problem! he really pisses off the president and the IRS will be on him like Feds at a Tea Party!

Al, you left out old beach hunters missing their shift at WAWA!

Even with free parking where would they get the gas money to go hunting?

Now you talk about drama!

Ok I’ll bite!! You didn’t mention old people working at WAWA.
In your post.
Please share, what’s wrong with working at a WAWA???
Do you feel these people are beneath you? Do you feel
you’re a better class citizen then they are ???
I mean after all where would you buy your cans of strained
peaches from? You know how combative you can be when
you don’t have them.

Ok I’ll bite!! You didn’t mention old people working at WAWA.
In your post.
Please share, what’s wrong with working at a WAWA???
Do you feel these people are beneath you? Do you feel
you’re a better class citizen then they are ???
I mean after all where would you buy your cans of strained
peaches from? You know how combative you can be when
you don’t have them.

Al, the only combative one here is you. You seem to be wanting to pick a fight.

Just so you know Al, my first job was mucking stalls at a race track. There are no people beneath me. WAWA would have been dream job compared to that. I mentioned WAWA because i thought you worked there and i wanted to make the example of other people interfering with your plans real to you.

But if i'm mistaken and you are just a retiree enjoying life, well, if you want to volunteer some time working with the less fortunate i can set that up. Shoot me a PM and we can see where you could do some good with some time well spent.

I've got a list of charities that i work with, volunteer, fund raise, that need every dime they can get. Again, PM me and i can direct you to putting some cash where it is needed.

Now to put the thread back on track - BOR is more important than beach hunting. You've planned to hunt today's low tide but two groups, one pro gun and one anti gun has the bridge exits blocked. The police are just standing around and now traffic has filled in around you trapping your car. Your afternoon of beach hunting just turned into a day stuck on the Rt 37 bridge.

It doesn't matter what side of this issue you are on, you are steamed! These people just ruined your day. Just as the Bucks County Pa groups ruined the day for the 8 to 12 year olds who couldn't play baseball.

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