Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th ‘To Put Gov’t on Notice’

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Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th ‘To Put Gov’t on Notice’
May 6, 2013

Radio host and activist Adam Kokesh plans to lead an armed march from the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia all the way to the White House and back.

According to a Facebook event posted by Kokesh, titled “Open Carry March on Washington,” he plans to lead a peaceful march July 4th “across the Memorial Bridge, down Independence Avenue, around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, & the White House, then peacefully return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge.”

On Monday, Kokesh joined Alex on his nationally syndicated radio show to discuss what the march aims to peacefully accomplish:

Kokesh states that “this is an act of civil disobedience,” but stresses “This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent.”

“There’s a remote chance that there will be violence as there has been from government before, and I think it should be clear that if anyone involved in this event is approached respectfully by agents of the state, they will submit to arrest without resisting.”

An update states that Kokesh is already coordinating with authorities in the DC area and is encouraging them to honor their oaths and help escort the march along their route.

Libertarian and political commentator Lew Rockwell, on the Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, warned that the march is equivalent to entering the gates of Mordor, and agreed with Alex that the event could easily be provocateured to demonize the growing liberty movement.

Below is the Facebook post in full:

On the morning of July 4, 2013, Independence Day, we will muster at the National Cemetery & at noon we will step off to march across the Memorial Bridge, down Independence Avenue, around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, & the White House, then peacefully return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge. This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event. We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny. We are marching to mark the high water mark of government & to turn the tide. This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent. Should we meet physical resistance, we will peacefully turn back, having shown that free people are not welcome in Washington, & returning with the resolve that the politicians, bureaucrats, & enforcers of the federal government will not be welcome in the land of the free.

There’s a remote chance that there will be violence as there has been from government before, and I think it should be clear that if anyone involved in this event is approached respectfully by agents of the state, they will submit to arrest without resisting. We are truly saying in the SUBTLEST way possible that we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.

You are welcome to attend unarmed as a supporter, or armed with a recording device.

We especially invite law enforcement officers to stand with us armed however they feel is appropriate.

If this page gets to 10,000 attendees by June 1st, & we have the critical mass necessary to pull this off, (1,000 actual attendees) we will march. Please spread the word, share this event, & invite all your friends.

UPDATE 130506 Now that it’s undeniable that this is going to happen, allow me to make clear how. There will be coordination with DC law enforcement prior to the event. I will recommend that they do the best they can to honor their oaths and escort us on our route. Failing to provide that commitment to safety, we will either be informed that we will only be allowed up to a certain point where we would be arrested. If this is the case, we will approach that point as a group and if necessary, I will procede to volunteer myself to determine what their actual course of action with someone crossing the line will be at which point fellow marchers will have the choice of joining me one at a time in a peaceful, orderly manner, or turning back to the National Cemetery.

Thanks to everyone for the vibrant conversation, but we have decided to make the wall of this event page specifically just for announcements and important info for the event. Please feel free to comment, and continue the conversation as you like at: Adam vs The Man :: Forums ? View forum - Organizing Events

Looks like DHS is gonna get to use a bunch of that ammo before it gets old. Want some advice? Get out there and find a Republican candidate(s) for the upcoming elections in 2 and 4 years. Volunteer, campaign and change the country. Marches don't do a damm thing...

Obama would'nt even allow the United States Marine Corps to march armed in his inauguration parade . I seriously doubt they will allow armed citizens . My guess is (IF ) they are allowed to march , it will be bolts & magazines out of firearms .

Let us hope and pray that it does happen, peacefully. Marches do make a difference, look at the 60's. This is a Rights issue, wake up and keep them, or lose them forever.

The Million Tin Foil Hat March!

Seriously, where do you guys get this stuff?

Anyone who thinks that any of the government agencies in Washington DC, from the DCPD to the Secret Srvice is going to allow any armed citizens to march on the White House needs to go to and get fitted for that new brain cover. Not that they'd need it.

The million tinfoil hat march name is already taken.

Ten key issues identified by the movement organizers are:
Unity, Spiritual Values, Education, Economic Development, Political Power, Reparations, Prison Industrial Complex, Health, Artistic/Cultural Development, Peace[SUP][1][/SUP] In An Open Letter on the Millions More Movement, Louis Farrakhan stated in part,"

Louiy was fitted years ago!

Funny, the DCPD can't keep loaded guns off the streets of that scumbag town as it is. It's full of the people on the welfare rolls wanting to be first in line for any new government handouts. If they can accept having all of those thugs on their streets, why can't they handle some law abiding citizens with guns? Their streets would be safer! :)

This one worries me. I've read a number of articles about this from both sides. It is very, very possible this might end badly. And absolutely even if it doesn't, there's be surveillance galore there, picture taking, ID'ing, adding to lists, walking right into Mama Napolitano's hands....

This one worries me. I've read a number of articles about this from both sides. It is very, very possible this might end badly. And absolutely even if it doesn't, there's be surveillance galore there, picture taking, ID'ing, adding to lists, walking right into Mama Napolitano's hands....

Perfect event for a gov plant to create an incident.... Not a smart move at all...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Nope! Not a smart move at all.

I believe this is the first time that I've agreed with Native Floridian :)

If you really think about this, this action could do far more damage to our Second Amendment Rights than we've seen yet. Liberal news is going to be all over this.

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Not a smart move at all? So the Battle of Lexington and Concord you disagree with what the American Militia did assembling peacefully to block the British?

Looks like DHS is gonna get to use a bunch of that ammo before it gets old. Want some advice? Get out there and find a Republican candidate(s) for the upcoming elections in 2 and 4 years. Volunteer, campaign and change the country. Marches don't do a damm thing...

RIIIIIIGHT because it was who that made the patriot act, ordered the confiscation of ALL guns during Katrina?

Not a smart move at all? So the Battle of Lexington and Concord you disagree with what the American Militia did assembling peacefully to block the British?

I don't believe the British government at the time was prepared for that instance. They did not have the months to plan in advance for that event. Where our government is very adept at manipulation, and would actually use the march as their excuse to confiscate guns. As Native Floridian says, this is nuts!!!

But, after all, aren't all gun owners nuts? That is the way the media will cover it.

And just how much of an excuse for hostility would it take for violence at the scene - to play perfectly into the confiscation plans?

Then, gun owners would automatically be classified as insurrectionists - even worse if they were Christian..... After all, Christian Right Wing is already classed as terrorist....

I see these kind of marches on North Korea T.V. all the time :laughing7: No big deal:dontknow:

I don't believe the British government at the time was prepared for that instance. They did not have the months to plan in advance for that event. Where our government is very adept at manipulation, and would actually use the march as their excuse to confiscate guns. As Native Floridian says, this is nuts!!!

But, after all, aren't all gun owners nuts? That is the way the media will cover it.

And just how much of an excuse for hostility would it take for violence at the scene - to play perfectly into the confiscation plans?

Then, gun owners would automatically be classified as insurrectionists - even worse if they were Christian..... After all, Christian Right Wing is already classed as terrorist....

I am federal LEO and I support the march what are we supposed to do lay down and keep taking what ever they tell us? A wake up call one way or another is hopefully peacefully is exactly what this country needs.

Well, I wish them the best. There are many opinions, each with merits. I pray only for the best.

I am federal LEO and I support the march what are we supposed to do lay down and keep taking what ever they tell us? A wake up call one way or another is hopefully peacefully is exactly what this country needs.

I'm all for the march, Im against the open carrying of loaded firearms in violation of local law, too easy for subversives from either side to open fire for ulterior motives....

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I'd like to see the march myself. But I think it should be with either nerf guns, or less.

The majority participating will be angry people. And a very few a lot more angry than others. That's a powder keg.

This march could be considered as the opening round of civil insurrection. I'm sure Barry will see it that way and play his own twisted cards.

What would happen if there were just one gunshot? All hell would break loose and it would be a massacre.

And then of course it would be an excuse to invoke martial law. And then where would that progress?

Maybe that's taking it a bit far on the consequences, but what would a failing presidency do?

Now, picture your next door neighbor hates you and all you stand for.... And, he is armed with an arsenal.

I'd think you'd want him disarmed....

And that is how a failed president would feel, especially when he wanted guns banned when he was still soiling his diapers....

We do not want civil war in this nation, not at all. That would open the gates of hell.

Let's be legal and sane in all of our efforts. I don't know if the NRA is backing this march or not - they should distance themselves from it.

Make no mistake! Marching to DC with loaded weapons can lead to very severe consequences. That could be the spark which ignites the flames of hell.

I think "someone" would not hesitate to invoke martial law if given half a chance, perfect scenario to implement extreme gun control by executive action which would ignite a fuse no doubt...

They should march with water guns (squirt guns)....:thumbup:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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