QE3 announced

My guess is silver will break the $50 mark in the next 8 months or so, but stop short of $65.

I got back from lunch and updated my silver calculator. It was below $33 an oz when I checked this morning and now $34.67!!!! What a jump. Anyone going to unload some 40%ers?

Just did, got 460$ for 100 40%ers!

I got back from lunch and updated my silver calculator. It was below $33 an oz when I checked this morning and now $34.67!!!! What a jump. Anyone going to unload some 40%ers?
When Provident will pay $5 each (they're at about $4.62 right now) all my 40%s are going by-by.

I think I may offload half of my 40%ers if I can get $5/each for them. It will be interesting to see what happens when the Chinese market opens in a few hours.

Just did, got 460$ for 100 40%ers!

LCS, Craigslist, Feebay? That's a pretty good price. I'd like to get $100 a roll before I unload some. Add another $500 to the bank roll and get anothe box of halves each week.

With open-ended Q3, I don't think I'll be selling any silver off until it surpasses it's previous highs. I really don't see any way that it won't

I'm not selling until it hits atleast $100. I get it all at face, and it's nice to look at it so if I don't sell right away I won't be upset.

kevinbomb123; congrats on this wonderful news from the good guys up on Fed alley! This is your moment! Hip hip.... :wav: horay!

At prices now no way. I wouldnt sell now unless i got melt+. They announced that it will be on a monthly bases so who says that each month they announce it will continue it wont shoot up??

It hasn't even started and the market is up 206 points...... good days ahead for the us economy.:hello2:

At prices now no way. I wouldnt sell now unless i got melt+. They announced that it will be on a monthly bases so who says that each month they announce it will continue it wont shoot up??

This is a great point- What do you think the top end will be Bowen?

It hasn't even started and the market is up 206 points...... good days ahead for the us economy.:hello2:

Come clean your name is really Bernanke, right

It's OK you can admit it.

Is not one definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Food for thought Mr Burn-us-ake

FYI The stock market is not the economy, just thought I'd clue you in on that if you weren't aware Mr, Burn-us-ake

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I'm thinking that inflation will go through the roof. It's going to hurt even worse when you go shopping. What's good for us Silver Bugs is not usually good for the economy. But I could be wrong and hope I am. In the mean time I will continue to stack.

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