I have nothing against either one of you even with all the animosity that has been constantly cast my way.
On any forum one should expect a difference of opinion or a request of proof if a stated "fact" appears suspect or speculative flight of fancy, and should not be the cause of upset or considered as an attack as some perceive.

You have enough opinions and as for agreeing with me, I would rather that you not do that as I am quite capable of being steadfast with my post without any help or agreement from you. Rebel KGC I have nothing against you and I never will great minds form a common bond.

From the tiny acorn grows the mighty oak, so has this alternative version of the story behind the Beale Papers story has grown from the gold nugget James Purcell had shown Zebulon Pike in Santa Fe.

As researcher Brad Andrews mentioned, " This is a very easy thing to do, forcing the evidence to fit the theory"...

"Twenty-two years of research has gone into the making of LOST DIARY OF THOMAS BEALL genealogy of the Beall Family their connections to Characters in the Job Print Pamphlet with the names of all members of Beall's associates and scouts"
The author notes in a further description on a sale site:
"This is a CD book of the life of Thomas J Beall"
"The CD book is fiction based on 99% fact"
Where in this CD book does the fiction become fact?
It doesn't matter if the names, locations, genealogies are 99% fact that the book is based upon, fiction is still fiction.
Yes, indeed, minimal facts fabricated into fiction, as was done with the original Beale Papers.
The point being that fictional accounts never prove a story is true but definitely supports that the "story was made up".

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You have enough opinions and as for agreeing with me, I would rather that you not do that as I am quite capable of being steadfast with my post without any help or agreement from you.
Rebel KGC I have nothing against you and I never will great minds form a common bond.
Tag Team?

After a long waste of time of 50 years or more, I have proven to myself that the Beale Treasure Story was made up.
There may be a treasure out there for someone to find or you may luck up on another treasure while searching for the Beale Treasure.
So you can keep searching if you want to but take warning of the authors words about using the time only that you can spare because I can for a fact say the Beale Treasure does not exist.
It is curious that you and Rebel-KGC get on my case for posting that the Beale Papers in a period fictional dime which is similar to your remark above that "you can for a fact say the Beale Treasure does not exist".
Why is it OK for you to state that and NOT OK for me to state the same conclusion?
Just sayin'

You have enough opinions and as for agreeing with me, I would rather that you not do that as I am quite capable of being steadfast with my post without any help or agreement from you. Rebel KGC I have nothing against you and I never will great minds form a common bond.
Right back at ya!

Others can carry on the hunt but as far as my 50 odd years of work on the Beale Treasure Mystery is finished.
The Job Print Pamphlet or the Beale Papers is nothing but a good story that has come back to life by Pauline Innis and earlier by the Hart Brothers. The story I now believe is fiction and James B. Ward did it for the money.
He needs to roll over in the grave and face straight down or the Earth needs to crack open and bury him deeper in the ground. Pitiful a man could start and not end a treasure story of fantastic fantasy.
Carry on, I am finished.
Say what you will, research what you will and have fun wasting your time,
I post the exact same thing with information like events and locations in the Ward/Risqué/ Otey extended families that were utilized in the story, and the fact that there exists no collaborating evidence outside of the pamphlet's pages that can confirm the Beale perilous adventure treasure, Franklin, and you and Rebel-KGC go on a derisive remarks rampage.
We all are highly aware that the author, most likely Ward and a close circle of family and one valued friend, employed the names of actual people, the exception being "Thomas J Beale", and locations, and included the deaths of Sarah Mitchell Morris and Robert Morris, as a literary device to draw in the reader by making the Beale story and letters appear plausible.
But as you mentioned in the quoted passage above, Franklin, a good story, but just a work of fiction.

To deny the existence of the Beale Treasure is very hard to do especially when it challenges your intellect. Most people pursue the cypher codes because they believe they are intelligent enough to accomplish this feat. They find that there actually was a Washington Hotel in Lynchburg, Va., that Robert Morriss was the proprietor even though years after Thomas J. Beale was to have been there.

Other than these two facts and the fact of Robert Morriss' wife being Sarah Mitchell and the fact that James Beverly Ward did live near Lynchburg and there was a Job Printing Company. Other than these few facts none of the stories in Thomas J. Beale's letters can be verified. The original letters have never been found and the author did not even give his name. The letters were signed TJB not Thomas J. Beale or the infamous Thomas Jefferson Beale, which no one has any proof of ever existed. Sure grandfather James Beverly Risque had a duel with a Thomas Beale in Fincastle, Va.
Beale left because of reprisals from family and went to New Orleans, then to Europe and then coming back and married the Governor's daughter, fought in the Battle of New Orleans then died in September, 1820. Not a man that could have buried a treasure in Bedford County, Virginia.

Then there was his young son, Thomas Beale, Jr. After his father's death he built the plantation home where his father passed away. He kept up two hotels and raised produce on the plantation. He did good business up until the later end of 1822 when his health started down hill like his father's and he passed away in 1823. So neither of these two Thomas Beale's had anything to do with burying of a treasure in Bedford County, Virginia.

Since, now all we have is the story itself printed in what has become known as the Job Print Pamphlet or the Beale Papers, copyrighted in 1884 and published in 1885.
Only a few copies sold and James Beverly Ward told Clayton Hart in 1903 that most of the pamphlets had burned in a fire at the Printing Press Office. Well the Print Office burned in 1883 a full year before the copyright and over two years before the publication.

So now we have to fall back on the content of the Job Print Pamphlet and what exactly the un-named author said and did. He said by accident he broke the code paper marked number 2 by using a copy of the DOI which he numbered and placed in the pamphlet as proof of his work.
Now if you go and decipher C2 for yourself you will find amazingly that the un-named author made several and I do mean several mistakes in his decipherment. Do the decipherment of C2 before you even think about deciphering C1--the exact locality of the vault and C3 ----the names of his associates and to whom the shares of the treasure are to go to with their exact locations.

C2 will convince you that the story is made up by the un-named author. I wasted over fifty years on this STORY so please do not waste yours! But if you are still not convinced then you may continue to hunt and you may find another treasure in the process but there is no Thomas J. Beale Treasure buried in Bedford County, Virginia.
That was a very convincing summation, Franklin, very similar to what I stated. :thumbsup:

the Beale treasure is very real and the code was not cypher correctly .. I can not state why or how I know this to be true .. only that I have proof that with out a doubt dose prove the treasure is real .. but I will also say . his name was not Beale !

You are correct ECS. That is a conclusion that I came to after 50 years of research. I still believe what I wrote down. I also hope to stumble up on something to verify the story but it seems there is nothing else to find. It is very difficult for anyone to admit defeat. But when there is no scent to find, usually you take your dogs and go home. With the post you have made of my summation, I am discontinuing my hunt for the Beale Treasure. I wish everyone that is still searching the best of luck. I may place all of my research into a small book for others to study and come to their own conclusions. I believe the hunt is over.

I have searched everything and everywhere for documented proof of this treasures existence. I have found none. I did find as ECS, locations of geography, home locations, buildings with dates off some time. I even found where Sarah Mitchell died at Hunter's Hill. The cemetery where she may be buried along with her husband, Robert Morriss. James Beverly Ward, his wife, his son and baby infants along with his father Giles Ward and his wife are buried there. I have a photo of the Head Stone of his son, James Beverly Ward Jr. that died of a hunting accident along with his epitaph. I have the genealogy of James Beverly Risque and his wife and family. I have deeds to all of his land transactions and the transactions of the Ward Family and their relatives.

I also found the location of the home of Anzoletta Saunders, where Robert Morriss died. All of their genealogy and land that they owned. The service of Anzoletta's sons in the Civil War. Very colorful. But how long to put all of this together, I don't know. But some day.

You are correct ECS. That is a conclusion that I came to after 50 years of research. I still believe what I wrote down. I also hope to stumble up on something to verify the story but it seems there is nothing else to find. It is very difficult for anyone to admit defeat. But when there is no scent to find, usually you take your dogs and go home. With the post you have made of my summation, I am discontinuing my hunt for the Beale Treasure. I wish everyone that is still searching the best of luck. I may place all of my research into a small book for others to study and come to their own conclusions. I believe the hunt is over.

I have searched everything and everywhere for documented proof of this treasures existence. I have found none. I did find as ECS, locations of geography, home locations, buildings with dates off some time. I even found where Sarah Mitchell died at Hunter's Hill. The cemetery where she may be buried along with her husband, Robert Morriss. James Beverly Ward, his wife, his son and baby infants along with his father Giles Ward and his wife are buried there. I have a photo of the Head Stone of his son, James Beverly Ward Jr. that died of a hunting accident along with his epitaph. I have the genealogy of James Beverly Risque and his wife and family. I have deeds to all of his land transactions and the transactions of the Ward Family and their relatives.

I also found the location of the home of Anzoletta Saunders, where Robert Morriss died. All of their genealogy and land that they owned. The service of Anzoletta's sons in the Civil War. Very colorful. But how long to put all of this together, I don't know. But some day.
ALL that info would be of interest to those of us that do R & I; get it in writing before you "pass"... THANKS!

the Beale treasure is very real and the code was not cypher correctly .. I can not state why or how I know this to be true .. only that I have proof that with out a doubt dose prove the treasure is real .. but I will also say . his name was not Beale !
Eh...? MORE, please...

ALL that info would be of interest to those of us that do R & I; get it in writing before you "pass"... THANKS!
I will try to answer both your questions as close as I can .. my father was a B29 bomber radio man in Korea he helped teach the wind walkers ... I grew up listening to 136 words a minutes, once you have herd a key sing like that your mind never forgets it ... I have spent most of my life cyphering some of the most complex codes ever known .. I do under stand how I know the number just fall into patterns and I can track thousands of patterns with out focusing on any one sequence ...Franklin .about 8 years ago I was reading a news paper and someone had seen some symbolic and showed a picture of them , I locked on them like a hound dog with a bone ... there it was the sequence in the Beale treasure code ... it repeated it self 4 times ... the sequence was real .. when I realized what it was I started back tracking it to its source ..I found my self years before the Beale papers had been written seeing the sequences of a man that was not Beale ... but it soon I realized he was the man that had called him self Beale ...there was no mistaking the facts he was a freemason and had a past that fit all the known details right down to his family and their past fitting together as one ....when the treasure is made public people will be amazed at what really took place and how .. yes the treasure is in fact real and yes I do in fact know where it is ...I share a common interest with both of you here and now ... read close and try to under stand the complex gift of a seer ...The plaintext of Paper #2 reads:
I have deposited in the county of Bedford, about four miles from Buford's, in an excavation or vault, six feet below the surface of the ground, the following articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number three, herewith:
The first deposit consisted of ten hundred and fourteen pounds of gold, and thirty-eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver, deposited Nov. eighteen nineteen. The second was made Dec. eighteen twenty-one, and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight of silver; also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange to save transportation, and valued at thirteen thousand dollars.
The above is securely packed in iron pots, with iron covers. The vault is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are covered with others. Paper number one describes the exact locality of the vault, exact locality of the that no difficulty will be had in finding it
The second cipher can be decrypted fairly easily using any copy of the United States Declaration of Independence, but some editing for spelling is necessary. To decrypt it, one finds the word corresponding to the number (e.g., the first number is 115, and the 115th word in the Declaration of Independence is "instituted"), and takes the first letter of that word (in the case of the example, "I").
Beale used a version of United States Declaration of Independence different from the original. To extract the hidden message, the following 5 modifications must be applied to the original text:

  • after word 154 ("institute") and before word 157 ("laying") one word must be added (probably "a")
  • after word 240 ("invariably") and before word 246 ("design") one word must be removed
  • after word 467 ("houses") and before word 495 ("be") ten words must be removed
  • after word 630 ("eat") and before word 654 ("to") one word must be removed
  • after word 677 ("foreign") and before word 819 ("valuable") one word must be removed

  • The first letter of the 811th word of the modified text ("fundamentally") is always used by Beale as a "y"
  • The first letter of the 1005th word of the modified text ("have") is always used by Beale as an "x"
Finally, in the decoded text there are 4 errors, probably due to wrong transcription of the original paper:

  • 84 (should be 85) 63 43 131 29 ... consistcd ("consisted")
  • 53 (should be 54) 20 125 371 38 ... rhousand ("thousand")
  • ... 84 (should be 85) 575 1005 150 200 ... thc ("the")
  • ... 96 (should be 95) 405 41 600 136 ... varlt ("vault")
  • do you see it ...
  • let me point it out to you ...
  • 1.)excavation or vault..?
    2.)The first deposit consisted
    3.)The second was made
  • 4.) also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange to save transportation
  • 5.)The vault
  • 6.)covered with others
  • 7.) exact locality of the vault
  • 8.)so that no difficulty will be had in finding it
  • 9.)must be applied ?assumed !
10.)(in the case of the example, "I"). correct!
11.) one word must be added (probably "a") no probably/is assuming ... wrong !
12.) one word ,one word, one word ,one word !
13.)4 errors...wrong , no errors ! freemason don't make errors !

Bedford = 7..... Buford's = 6 +1 = 7....Beale 5 - 1 = 4 = Bale, as in or on a mason jar!

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