Mason Jar is "BALL" Not "BALE" I still do not see anything different? All of that is given in the pamphlet by the author.
the Bale is what the metal latch is called on a mason jar ..." dose that pamphlet tell you his real name ...? NO it dose not ...let me help you think .. if you had a treasure that value able and that heavy .how would you move it and how many men would that take and how long would it take ...and why did no one see them ...?

No one seen them because I do not believe it happened?

No one seen them because I do not believe it happened?
don't get me wrong Franklin I fully agree with you .I did not think for a second that the Beale treasure was real till I saw how he marked the treasure site .. I was almost in shock . I had no idea it was real first I believe it was some kind scam or hoax .. but no that's not the way it turned out ... I noticed the code was complex but some fakes are and some people just make up **** to get a scam going .. but in this case the treasure is real...

see if it was just up to me I would give the Beale treasure away . but its not just up to me ,if I say to much it could cost some one his life and he has kids and a family .before you know it some one would do what ever they have to and I cant let them hurt him and his family ...if you never learn anything about treasure hunting other then it can be dangerous to even find a clue but to know where a treasure is . can get you and others killed ,from seeking clues to real danger is two different things ....I told you the treasure is real ...and it is ....the mines were worked by the Spanish then they were massacred, and the Peralta family started working some of the mines till they were massacred as well before waltz got the mine from the Peralta a group of mines work the 18 sites .. the father of the man you know as Beale started the mining camps ,till he fell ill and then his son took over the running of the mines but the attacks keep coming and it made it dangerous to work the mines . they trusted the man you know as Beale to run the camps and make things right ,as a freemason recorded in PA. he was very skilled and a man of honor to be trusted ...the treasure was not the problem the code cypher was done by a grand master freemason ,it takes one to know one ...the code is 3 layers deep and is read in 3 different directions .. so unless your me you will never brake the code ...... that's what I can tell you .. you can trust me .. the treasure is real !

When you start mentioning Peralta Stones, Dutch mines, well then you know nothing at all. Good luck. Don't tell us about treasure or the dangers. Stop posting, go dig up the treasure and you and your friend will all not be killed. Talk on these forums about something you claim you are the only one that can figure it out and then you mentioned your friend figured out, absolutely leaves you as a "fruit cake."

the Bale is what the metal latch is called on a mason jar ..." dose that pamphlet tell you his real name ...? NO it dose not ...let me help you think .. if you had a treasure that value able and that heavy .how would you move it and how many men would that take and how long would it take ...and why did no one see them ...?
"DOSE"...? Where have I seen THAT, before...?

When you start mentioning Peralta Stones, Dutch mines, well then you know nothing at all. Good luck. Don't tell us about treasure or the dangers. Stop posting, go dig up the treasure and you and your friend will all not be killed. Talk on these forums about something you claim you are the only one that can figure it out and then you mentioned your friend figured out, absolutely leaves you as a "fruit cake."
sorry your mother don't let you on her computer more often I have been doing this for more then 50 years and where did you think that amount of gold came from Walmart ... your never going to get any where close to a treasure ,enjoy the reading and your arm chair said I love it when kids come on this site and think they know everything after two weeks of trolling do know the Peralta mines were the most historical gold recovery source east or south of the Rockies .in fact the longest running gold mine is in AZ west from goldfield ...but this is nothing new . everyone dose the same thing try to bait people to give up info when they have no luck finding it them self's....latter

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sorry your mother don't let you on her computer more often I have been doing this for more then 50 years and where did you think that amount of gold came from Walmart ... your never going to get any where close to a treasure ,enjoy the reading and your arm chair said I love it when kids come on this site and think they know everything after two weeks of trolling do know the Peralta mines were the most historical gold recovery source east or south of the Rockies .in fact the longest running gold mine is in AZ west from goldfield ...but this is nothing new . everyone dose the same thing try to bait people to give up info when they have no luck finding it them self's....latter

Well sir you are the new member here. I have been here for a long long time. I have researched the Beale Treasure and other treasures longer than your claim of 50 years. There is no treasure plain and simple. You come on here making all these claims like you are the only one that has it all figured out? If you did, why come on this poor place of no treasure finders and boast of your feat when you can recover the treasure and shut up about it. Talking on a forum after finding a treasure is totally ridiculous in the least. Everyone says they know exactly where the treasure is located? Bull if you did you would get the treasure by hook or crook. Hell I would even take the landowner up on his 10 percent you said you were offered by the landowner just to prove I was right. But no you must be greedy as well as conceded. As for you claiming I am a armchair treasure hunter? If you had read any of my over 6,000 post you would know I am active in the field and I have been for decades. So take your boast somewhere else. You are totally out of it with your boast of inaccuracies.

Well sir you are the new member here. I have been here for a long long time. I have researched the Beale Treasure and other treasures longer than your claim of 50 years. There is no treasure plain and simple. You come on here making all these claims like you are the only one that has it all figured out? If you did, why come on this poor place of no treasure finders and boast of your feat when you can recover the treasure and shut up about it. Talking on a forum after finding a treasure is totally ridiculous in the least. Everyone says they know exactly where the treasure is located? Bull if you did you would get the treasure by hook or crook. Hell I would even take the landowner up on his 10 percent you said you were offered by the landowner just to prove I was right. But no you must be greedy as well as conceded. As for you claiming I am a armchair treasure hunter? If you had read any of my over 6,000 post you would know I am active in the field and I have been for decades. So take your boast somewhere else. You are totally out of it with your boast of inaccuracies.
lol well done Franklin . at least you have brains and guts ...first off I deleted a account on this years ago .. and many of these site come and go all the time . and trolls and people just wanting to see what the sites are about ..I spent $42,000 of my own money on 6 expeditions into the superstitions and I am working on a 7 th expedition ... I am a 3rd generation rock hound and my grandfather was a st joe miner and bull dozer driver father was a rock hound and gem collector ..but it really has nothing to do with ones own skills and taste for the hunt ...I would love to have you on expedition 7 ... give you a chance to see what a time shaman is ....a touch null ....I had 3 people that were going to go on expedition 2 . we got to one place and they refused to go beyond the trail .. it takes 4 hours to get threw that part of the mountains and so far I have only known two me and my brother that have ever done it and he is now past . the curse of the LDM is as real as the Beale treasure ever found the common link between the Beale mines and the Peralta mines other then the fact they could be 18 mines stated by one then one source .. I did why because I link codes . I have worked as a code cypher on dozens of unsolved codes ...I am sorry to have replied to this topic ..."I do in fact know where the Beale treasure is" . I have dozens of people try to hack my computer threaten me and my family threw the years one just a day ago two months ago .. the path is not the shinny gold people think it is is often dangerous and lonely and you will spend more time trying to find some one to trust then hunting .. and if you do find something you will be back here talking about it because you wont put your family at risk if you can help it build custom bikes and wait till spring and then ride all summer waiting for the fall and early winter when the hunting is the best ,so people trying to track me out there don't get lost you want to know what is really funny . the Beale treasure has been setting out in the open where anyone could walk right up to it ...if they knew all the details and if they don't under stand what the code means they will never even know what it is ... good luck Franklin .. we all learn as we go ...

When it comes to treasure there is no one you can trust period. Just like money and women. All will get you killed. Myself, that is why I hunt alone. What I find stays with me and in my head not on my computer and not on paper. I learned a long time ago, partners are your worst competition. I would not go out into the desert with anyone as one of us may not come back. I have been in those situations and it is no fun to have three or four men with guns turn on you. I have even heard them say they were going to "pop" me. Well, I do not get in those situations any more. If you think there is someone you can trust? You had better think again. But the Beale Treasure is a well written story with no documentation to prove the treasure. There is none. Believe me I would have found it. There is nothing to verify the Expedition out West. Nothing in the Spanish Archives. And if you read the Spanish Archives you will find they were very thorough in the their records. Even recording a missing donkey or a stranger anywhere reported in the territories by Indians. The Indians even captured them and brought them to Sante Fe as prisoners. No this story never happened except in the mind of the writer and that most likely was James Beverly Ward. build custom bikes and wait till spring and then ride all summer waiting for the fall and early winter when the hunting is the best ...
Eldo's company, ELDORADO ENTERPRISES, builds custom bikes and has been known to mistakenly connect the Peralta Stones with the Beale tale.
So you use one of Eldo's custom treasure hunting work bikes searching for the LDM?

The Alderman Thomas Jefferson Beale of Jackson Ward Richmond was freeborn in 1823, but his parents are listed as unknown.
He served with the Richmond Howitzers, a black Confederate unit.
I agree, I do not think he is the TJB of the BEALE PAPERS.

Are you sure?
1. The Richmond Howitzer Company of the 1st Regiment of Volunteers was founded on November 9, 1859, by George Wythe Randolph, a grandson of Thomas Jefferson; author of DOI.
2. verified, along with an “excellent educational video.” They claim that there were varying Black units (“Richmond Howitzers” (partially), a “non-commissioned officer” named James Washington, “skilled black workers”, “Black and white militiamen…at the Battle of Griswoldsville”, “Jackson Battalion” (partially), “Confederate States Colored Troops” (unknown number), “confederate supply train was exclusively manned and guarded by black Infantry”,
3. It is about black militiamen graves.

After a long waste of time of 50 years or more, I have proven to myself that the Beale Treasure Story was made up. There may be a treasure out there for someone to find or you may luck up on another treasure while searching for the Beale Treasure. So you can keep searching if you want to but take warning of the authors words about using the time only that you can spare because I can for a fact say the Beale Treasure does not exist.
Having the key and decoding the cipher means treasure discovery is irrelevant.

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