I do my own research, of that you are aware Franklin, that is the main reason why I question all the different versions you keep posting about the "real" people and "real" story behind the Beale story, as you are the only one of several researchers that have presented these alternative versions that contain explicit details not mentioned in Ward's Beale Papers.

Causes one to wonder how "original" these version are, and the source, if there is one,
but then again, you have proven to yourself the Beale treasure story was made up, so why direct all these negative retorts my way?

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Need to keep you straight.

No really, I would post my evidence to be frank, I do not know how to. I have it but I can not copy and paste.

I found Zephaniah Beall Sr. in the DAR Records as a landowner in the area that later became Washington City and still later Washington, D.C. They moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania and founded Bealltown. There is also a book on the Beall Family from 1399 up and they have good genealogy work. I do not use genealogy forums on the Internet as I have not found any two that agree.

Then you take the Thomas J. Beall that had a letter waiting for him in Franklin, Missouri now that is almost 150 miles as the crow flies up the Missouri River. No way was this Thomas Beall heading to New Orleans or Kentucky. He had to be out West somewhere and the newspaper does have "Thomas J. Beall" Also at the date and time that TJB had the letter it was to be discarded as "Lost Mail" but TJB picked up the letter according to following newspaper at the very time that TJB said in his letters that he passed through Franklin, Missouri. The only expedition that could have been at the meeting with Jacob Fowler had to leave in mid-May and we know by TJB's letter that he left in mid-May. This party was identified as the Benjamin Cooper Expedition out of St. Louis. No way could two expeditions had left at the same time without being traveling together. Also the party was listed as 10 or 15 men. The same as the Beale Party with the cook and three scouts----Benjamin Cooper, Stephen Cooper and Braxton Cooper. Stephen being Thomas Beall's brother Zephaniah Jr.'s son in law.

Thomas Beall son of Zephaniah Beall, Sr. was born in 1776 which makes him the right age for the trip to Sante Fe or the Beale Expedition of 1817. Thomas had a brother Reisen Beall that was a Congressman in Ohio.

Thomas Beall's brother Zephaniah Beall Jr. married Mary Purcell of a Purcell that lived a few miles southeast of Buford's in Bedford County, Virginia. Her Uncle James Purcell found the gold north of Sante Fe in 1805 or 1806. Zephaniah Beall, Jr. and Mary Purcell had a daughter named Keziah after her grandmother. She married Stephen Cooper a nephew of James Purcell. Too many family connections to deny something is not here some where.

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From the tiny acorn grows the mighty oak, so has this alternative version of the story behind the Beale Papers story has grown from the gold nugget James Purcell had shown Zebulon Pike in Santa Fe.
As researcher Brad Andrews mentioned, " This is a very easy thing to do, forcing the evidence to fit the theory", and this is very apparent in the connection of the Benjamin Cooper Expedition to open trade with Spanish Santa Fe, as Becknell had accomplished a year before, to Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
Santa Fe Trail - Detail & Timeline - Page 3

"Twenty-two years of research has gone into the making of LOST DIARY OF THOMAS BEALL genealogy of the Beall Family their connections to Characters in the Job Print Pamphlet with the names of all members of Beall's associates and scouts"
The author notes in a further description on a sale site:
"This is a CD book of the life of Thomas J Beall"
"The CD book is fiction based on 99% fact"
Where in this CD book does the fiction become fact?
It doesn't matter if the names, locations, genealogies are 99% fact that the book is based upon, fiction is still fiction.

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... I have posted it's location on several occasions. You go four miles north up Goose Creek. If you know where the land is that Clayton Hart purchased on the East side go up about three landowner's properties between Jimmy Luck's old diary farm (he doesn't own today) and the property of Sanford Bower you go up stream on the property between those two properties and the depression is on a flat rise across the branch behind an old maple stump. I do not know the present landowner's name but he lives in Roanoke. It is across Goose Creek and a little above the Walnut Grove Church. The old road can be found under the Walnut Grove Church ( it is a depressed road today about thirty feet deep) follow it across State Road 695 and go up the branch and you will find it.
Is this the location that you found the 12 foot vault hole, the two
"Beale" period silver coins, the discarded Boone's 30 gal salt brine iron pots , and the empty champagne bottles, and concluded this was the site of the Beale treasure from the story?
Did you take in situ photos to document this find?

After a long waste of time of 50 years or more, I have proven to myself that the Beale Treasure Story was made up... So you can keep searching if you want to but take warning of the authors words about using the time only that you can spare because I can for a fact say the Beale Treasure does not exist. well as the perilous adventure and the Beale Party never existed except in the pages of the job print pamphlet sprung from the imagination of the "unknown author".

10 times 10 times a thousand times. enough

Agree, as ECS has become a "Stalker" & "Sniper"... I am surprised at him, and very disappointed.

ECS is only requesting from Franklin what Franklin has requested from ECS, no stalking no snipering.
Franklin has posted many statements on the Beale story, presented as "fact", and when one looks at all these various statements, one realizes there is a conflict in the information, and that NOT all of these versions, if any, carry the weight of hard researched fact.
Which brings forth the inquiries , which version, if any, is actually based on factual research and NOT facts forced to fit one's current theory.

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So, an empty hole...then it's been found? Franklin...where is this hole...
It is always an empty hole, lost letter, disappearing iron box after a book has been published on the Beale treasure story.
It is hard to disprove the evidence when the evidence no longer exists, and probably never did exist as a direct connection to the Beale adventure treasure story. :icon_thumright:

After a long waste of time of 50 years or more, I have proven to myself that the Beale Treasure Story was made up. There may be a treasure out there for someone to find or you may luck up on another treasure while searching for the Beale Treasure. So you can keep searching if you want to but take warning of the authors words about using the time only that you can spare because I can for a fact say the Beale Treasure does not exist.

The above was posted on June 29th, 2016. It is sound advice, full of reason, fair and tested conclusions, and long experience. But will this testimony last? Oh shoot, never mind! Well that didn't last long....:laughing7:

The above was posted on June 29th, 2016. It is sound advice, full of reason, fair and tested conclusions, and long experience. But will this testimony last? Oh shoot, never mind! Well that didn't last long....:laughing7:

As I told ECS I finish what I start. I do not get on forums telling everyone hey stop what you are doing I have already proven it is fake. You show me the proof and I will stop today. You do not have the proof to prove the Beale Papers did not happen and we do not have the proof that Beale Papers definitely contains a real treasure. We are here to discuss the possibilities. If you and ECS have already made up your minds and it looks like you have? Why do you post? Are you trying to get everyone to see your way that it is the only way. You and ECS are doing nothing but wasting our time. We know what you say is a possibility but to get on here and gloat over what you believe when you may be just as wrong as we are. Let us be and let us discuss theories without interruptions from someone that thinks he already knows the answers but does not know diddly squat.

As I told ECS I finish what I start. I do not get on forums telling everyone hey stop what you are doing I have already proven it is fake. You show me the proof and I will stop today. You do not have the proof to prove the Beale Papers did not happen and we do not have the proof that Beale Papers definitely contains a real treasure. We are here to discuss the possibilities. If you and ECS have already made up your minds and it looks like you have? Why do you post? Are you trying to get everyone to see your way that it is the only way. You and ECS are doing nothing but wasting our time. We know what you say is a possibility but to get on here and gloat over what you believe when you may be just as wrong as we are. Let us be and let us discuss theories without interruptions from someone that thinks he already knows the answers but does not know diddly squat.

Ahhhh, Franklin, read the very first post in this thread, your opening post, in fact. Was this thread not opened to tell everyone that YOU have conclusively determined the story to be fake after 50 years of wasting your time with it? I'm sure this is what that very first opening post claims and I'm equally certain that you were the author of that very convincing and very determined post. So when you criticize others for stating pretty much the same thing what is that really saying about yourself, given that you are one of those people that you're criticizing? This is your thread, you opened it, you expressed your observation and conclusion after 50 years of research, etc. YOU, in post one of this thread, said what about the Beale Papers? Now suddenly, yet again, you're right back to chasing the very illusions you've spent the last 50 chasing, even after confessing in the very first opening post of this thread, that YOU have conclusively determined the Beale Papers to be fake. Talk about calling yourself out! :laughing7:

And PS, can you direct me to a post where someone told others to "stop researching the Beale Papers?" I don't recall ever seeing such a post, only a recent post telling people that he wasted 50 years of his time researching the Beale Papers.

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Ahhhh, Franklin, read the very first post in this thread, your opening post, in fact. Was this thread not opened to tell everyone that YOU have conclusively determined the story to be fake after 50 years of wasting your time with it? I'm sure this is what that very first opening post claims and I'm equally certain that you were the author of that very convincing and very determined post. So when you criticize others for stating pretty much the same thing what is that really saying about yourself, given that you are one of those people that you're criticizing? This is your thread, you opened it, you expressed your observation and conclusion after 50 years of research, etc. YOU, in post one of this thread, said what about the Beale Papers? Now suddenly, yet again, you're right back to chasing the very illusions you've spent the last 50 chasing, even after confessing in the very first opening post of this thread, that YOU have conclusively determined the Beale Papers to be fake. Talk about calling yourself out! :laughing7:

And PS, can you direct me to a post where someone told others to "stop researching the Beale Papers?" I don't recall ever seeing such a post, only a recent post telling people that he wasted 50 years of his time researching the Beale Papers.

Bigscoop, I can go back and dig up old post on you and ECS but why and what would the effort be for? Long live Laffit. The Great French Colony in the mid=west and on Galveston Island. We have all posted things that could have something to do with the Beale Papers but most of the time they do not relate. But the search goes on.

Bigscoop, I can go back and dig up old post on you and ECS but why and what would the effort be for? Long live Laffit. The Great French Colony in the mid=west and on Galveston Island. We have all posted things that could have something to do with the Beale Papers but most of the time they do not relate. But the search goes on.

I'm pretty sure I've stayed with the Galveston thing as being the only theory I can't yet dislodge, but I'm always looking for that provenance just so I can do that should that provenance arrive. On the other many different certain solves/convicted suspects have you sternly laid claim over the years?
:dontknow:....but a bunch.

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I just solved the mystery of the Beale Treasure ! ! !

The story is definitely true...

And the treasure is waiting for someone to find it...


To figure out where it is...

through starting over at the beginning.


Ahhhh, Franklin,... can you direct me to a post where someone told others to "stop researching the Beale Papers?" I don't recall ever seeing such a post, only a recent post telling people that he wasted 50 years of his time researching the Beale Papers.
Well I have never told anyone to "stop researching the Beale Papers", but Franklin accuses me of that on almost every other post of mine to which he responds. :icon_scratch:

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Well with your six thousand four hundred and eighty nine post you have posted about six thousand times that the Beale Papers is nothing more than a dime novel. So why have you wasted so much time to tell other posters. I am pretty sure we get the point you have made.

I just solved the mystery of the Beale Treasure ! ! !

The story is definitely true...

And the treasure is waiting for someone to find it...


To figure out where it is...

through starting over at the beginning.


It is real easy to figure out where the Beale Treasure is buried.

It is buried where it was originally buried by Thomas J. Beale and his ten associates.

Well with your six thousand four hundred and eighty nine post you have posted about six thousand times that the Beale Papers is nothing more than a dime novel. So why have you wasted so much time to tell other posters. I am pretty sure we get the point you have made.
...and with all your posts you haven't proven that it isn't.
In fact with all your genealogy, deed, land map searches combined with the actual expeditions of that time period that you have mentioned, you have provided compelling proof that the 1885 Ward copyrighted Beale Papers was a creation sprung from the imagination of this(wink, wink) "unknown author" for the sole purpose of making a dollar, 50 cents at a time.
You not only get my point, but are providing confirmation. Thank you.

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