Prospecting on your own

sometimes its the two legged critters that are the most problems!
That's why I carry grizzly bear spray in metro Denver! Not that I've ever had a problem but I always make sure it's right at hand anyway.

I go out alone almost every day now.. I never bring a gun. I just make sure I know the area well and stay alert. If you go to a location often that isn't well traveled by people you could set out some trail cams to see how often predators are coming through and what times of the day. Also good surveillance to see what's watching you while you're prospecting. The only animal I've ever seen where I go is a squirrel that doesn't like me too much.. Lol. I think the area I go to is haunted.. I always hear footsteps like somebody is walking up the creek and I stand up to look and don't see anyone. Also hear voices every now and then and I'm 100% sure nobody's around.. I know the water in the creek can make some weird sounds that can sound like people talking but it sounds quite a bit different. Maybe I've just been watching too much Ghost Mine :laughing7:. If I were to go out on a camping trip alone off the beaten path I would definitely bring a gun.

Well I start off as comfortable as I can, because Im not going to stay that way long at all. No need for guns, and my dogs get too hot. Walking stick is always there. Homefire said pretty much what I was thinking, bad folks out here doing bad things. I was stalked one nite walking out to the road after the vehical got stuck. It was cats, and they were fighting over me. I got lucky I figure. I dont go out at nite anymore.

The 12 gauge with slugs would have no problem taking a bear with one shot with a good placement, there have been elephants taken down by police with a 12 gauge before and I'm sure they wasn't using slugs, most likely 00 buck I would guess. Some places they issue police 4 buck for more spread not to be confused with 4 shot the buck is different but I don't think they would have taken it down with that. I remember they said their 9mm wasn't doing anything to it as the elephant was enraged and going wild at a circus I believe, its been years ago that it happened.
I go alone 95% of the time, take my 4" dredge, clean up gear, food and camping stuff and make sure I bring my 9mm and 12 gage AUTOMATIC shotgun, wont kill a bear the first shot but I think after 5 rounds pump into it's hide, it'll forget all about eating me!

The only thing I bring is a knife with a hollow handle that floats. I bring it more for utility than protection. Haven't had a problem with animals yet. It is the slippery rocks that have proven most dangerous to me.

Go nowhere without my .357 mag with biforcated teflon impregnated shredders as nuttn' gets past that. I don't worry about cats as the only time you know they are there is when your neck is snapping. No real bear problems as give'm a wide berth and spray---they love as condiment with their dinner-YOU...John

The only thing I bring is a knife with a hollow handle that floats. I bring it more for utility than protection. Haven't had a problem with animals yet. It is the slippery rocks that have proven most dangerous to me.
That is a good point GD, the biggest real risk of being out there alone is probably a slip and fall, then hit your head so you're knocked out laying in a creek drowning in 6 inches of water. Not how I'd want to go!

I guess it depends where your located.
Here is the Midwest it's more populated and therefore it's easy to stumble onto private property without realizing it. You could be on property with permission and 5 feet away is someone else's land.
I used to carry but I was told by a cop that if I'm caught with a firearm trespassing then it's a felony.
I just carry my trusty shovel now. I don't think you'll ever really have a problem except accidents and possibly wild life.
Just incase I'm wrong... I can swing a shovel pretty damn hard :)

I take my .45 -w- 13rd. mag +2 extra, 7.62X.39 -w- 30rd. mag +5 extra, 2 pit bulls + their jackets when its cold (stupid short hair dogs LOL) and all my gold mining equip. The .45 NEVER leaves my leg holster, doesn't matter how wet or dirty I am getting. The dogs are just an early warning system. They bark I unsnap and investigate. You can easily get caught "with your pants down" because of the work and the noise the pump makes. Still have never ran into any trouble or unsavory characters but I will tell ya that the fish and game officer I ran into gave me a wide berth. LOL

I bring a ruger 10/22 configured with a tapco stock bull barrel and a good optic. I can runnthrough 25 rounds in about 4 seconds. As you can see almost all of us go into the woods ARMED. Your best peotection however will always be a partener. No guns or dogs will help u if u get ur arm or leg trapped by a 2 ton rock.

Rugger 357 magnum, equipment, basic survival stuff ( knife, compass, lighter, mirror). bottle of water. I don't worry too much about anything but snakes.

I suspect the biggest danger is slipping falling smacking yourself with tools... Injury that is common with most outdoor work..Kinda like construction hazards I think..Anyway I am CPR certified and have taken the 3 day wilderness first aid class(will be taking the 2 week wilderness first responder hopefully soon).. probably the most important tools you can have.. I also carry SPOT GPS wich has emergency features.. Unless I am camping or headed into really remote areas I usually don't even carry Bear Spray. The likelihood of being attacked by a wild animal that is unprovoked is very slim. The only place I would carry guns when prospecting is if I were in like west Africa or sumtin... But here in the States??? REALLY!! I can think of a few cities and neighborhoods that I wouldn't mind having a gun (Detroit Stockton ect ect) But prospecting out in Gods country just extra weight for nuttin unless you plan on hunting then it makes sense..But for safety I can think of hella stuff that would be more practical then a gun to carry to help ensure my safety.. But to each their own!

I go out alone almost every day now.. I never bring a gun. I just make sure I know the area well and stay alert. If you go to a location often that isn't well traveled by people you could set out some trail cams to see how often predators are coming through and what times of the day. Also good surveillance to see what's watching you while you're prospecting. The only animal I've ever seen where I go is a squirrel that doesn't like me too much.. Lol. I think the area I go to is haunted.. I always hear footsteps like somebody is walking up the creek and I stand up to look and don't see anyone. Also hear voices every now and then and I'm 100% sure nobody's around.. I know the water in the creek can make some weird sounds that can sound like people talking but it sounds quite a bit different. Maybe I've just been watching too much Ghost Mine :laughing7:. If I were to go out on a camping trip alone off the beaten path I would definitely bring a gun.

You definitly have been prospecting alone allot.. It is ok to talk back to the voices..

I've seen some of your posts and if I remember right your back in there a good bit and seems how most are very lazy you most likely won't have a problem with people at least people up to no good as most looking to rob you are to lazy to work for their own stuff.
I suspect the biggest danger is slipping falling smacking yourself with tools... Injury that is common with most outdoor work..Kinda like construction hazards I think..Anyway I am CPR certified and have taken the 3 day wilderness first aid class(will be taking the 2 week wilderness first responder hopefully soon).. probably the most important tools you can have.. I also carry SPOT GPS wich has emergency features.. Unless I am camping or headed into really remote areas I usually don't even carry Bear Spray. The likelihood of being attacked by a wild animal that is unprovoked is very slim. The only place I would carry guns when prospecting is if I were in like west Africa or sumtin... But here in the States??? REALLY!! I can think of a few cities and neighborhoods that I wouldn't mind having a gun (Detroit Stockton ect ect) But prospecting out in Gods country just extra weight for nuttin unless you plan on hunting then it makes sense..But for safety I can think of hella stuff that would be more practical then a gun to carry to help ensure my safety.. But to each their own!

Well, if your out there by yourself, I doubt that you will need protection :tongue3:

Be advised that in the five biggest National Parks in the SW United States an average of 250 visitors go missing every year under suspicious circumstances. They simply disappear after their tents or camper trailers have been trashed and looted. True. More people are murdered in big cities every year. But National Parks don't have four or five million visitors every season either. So the ratio for violent crime in our national parks is shamefully high. Probably the reason our government has made it legal to carry firearms in national parks. Something to consider before you leave your handgun at home.

Hey Newcatfish, actually if you check I think you will find it is legal to carry in national parks.


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