"proper" detecting attitude about legal issues


Jr. Member
Mar 5, 2015
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Golden Thread
Northern New York State
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Harbour freight cheapo. Trying and expermenting to see if I like it and then want to go Garrett or Fisher.
Primary Interest:
I read with interest some of the comments on this board. It would appear that a few members tend to "push the gauntlet" just a little when it comes to being some place that gets "challenged". Here is my take on all of that"

1. If challenged avoid conflict at all cost. You never know who you may be dealing with. This is the first lesson in survival training. Flee, avoid conflict Live to argue, fight, shoot, whatever another day.

2. If confronted do one above and leave immediately.

3. If you are on legally posted land that says no trespassing and did not get permission you are asking for trouble and it could be big time! Some land owners are extremely sensitive about their posted property. Think about it; they pay the taxes on it, they own it, they maintain it, they spend the money to post it and ask you NOT to Trespass for any reason whatsoever. Is than not their property owner right?

4. If you are knowingly on public property like the land between the sidewalk and the road and get challenged; Leave. Period. Do not argue. Go to the local police and take them there afterward and get their take on it if it is that important to you. Let them talk to the land owner who confronted you. A silver dollar is not worth your life and there are a lot of whackos out there. Just look at Columbine.

5. If on public owned land that is not beside someone's house or directly in visual contact with their house, it may be ok to beg forgiveness rather than ask permission form some state agencies. But if you do this be ready to pay the fine that may come with it without arguing that you did not know the regulations and/or if confronted by a stranger. Avoid conflict and leave and then check it out.

I offer this as a well trained special ops supporter who has survived many a close encounter. Although I am just getting into MD I plan on surviving and enjoying it without conflict. Our only conflict should be with those who try to truly destroy our freedom as responsible Americans. Please note the word responsible I believe if you live by the above rules you will give all metal detecting folks a great name AND survive to tell about it. Thanks for listening.

Now this is going to be interesting
3 2 1 .........

laugh or cry.webp

Ya how long before they tell you owning a metal detector is illegal?!!!Sometimes you gotta kick a lil. The squeaky wheel gets the grease,pretty soon I won't be allowed this opinion without being fined.whats next animal hunting i won't be able to use my bow an arrow to harvest a deer like we are intended to do no i gotta eat processed foods having children will be a jail sentence.what you are asking is for me to conform with this bs.i pay enough taxes only to have them raised to pay someone who is already rich to go against my ideals.all because some a hole had a hangover on a beech heard a beep and it hurt their lil yuppy head so no I will not conform i will hunt on the beach receive my ticket and keep detecting because you can't give me a ticket for what you already ticketed me for

Being a pushover will get you nowhere but on ur butt with no say or detector in hand no more wheaties their uncle SAMs now just another tax

Sure. Sometimes in this life you have to give a little "lip service". But I tend to solve most of these problems you allude to quite simply: I detect mostly at night. So peaceful. So serene. You won't have any objections, if you're not seen in the first place :)

Yeah yeah, I know that sounds like "sneaking around", blah blah. But you have to realize that detecting has ... uh ... "connotations". You're simply NEVER going to get every last city official to "roll out red carpets" for you. So I think of md'ing as a little like nose-picking: Using good timing so as not to offend others. Presto, problem solved :)

Now as to your other stuff about private property, that's a different subject.

Just act like a government official looking for underground lines. Most won't bother you if you look like you know what your doing....lol

First way to "avoid confrontations" with people... is to AVOID them.

Out of sight... out of mind. Pick a time when no ones around. Do yourself and others a favor.

And clean up your mess... along with the mess/trash.

And if someone has an objection to MDing... for one reason or another...
I have always considered myself while detecting a sorta... "garbage man"... picking up and cleaning everyone's litter.
IF I happen to find something of value while doing so... that is a bonus/payment for doing so.
Finding change all day while picking up garbage even makes me feel like I am doing a "job" and getting a MEGER payment for what is essentially a needed job/work...
First thing I do to someone who thinks what I am doing is "bad" is to say "So... I guess you will be picking up all this garbage then" ?
Guilt trip has worked many times... and is the truth as well.
People need to realize ... that when detecting is done by professional detectorists... the land / spot you just left... is a cleaner place.
We are all on the hunt for "better" stuff... but we clean a ton of crap to get to it as well.

As far as "private property"... If you trespass... your an idiot... and I have no patience for those who are that stupid.
And you will get caught... no matter how slick you think you are... just a matter of time...
You may get lucky a hundred times... but you only need be UN lucky once...
Bad luck can take on many forms.

PS> When I said "work"... I must add... I love MDing so it has never felt like work to me.

Well I think I have touched a nerve with a few folks. Just make sure you survive your confrontation if on posted, private property. I agree with the government owned land a lot of you espouse to but the private posted stuff gets folks shot or at least shot at in the mountains where I live.

I just have to tell you that I am not going to hide in the dark of night to metal detect. It just reeks of trouble and stupidity. Sorry but that is how I feel. Although I have to admit I am thinking (just thinking) about a certain spot that would be real interesting and I know it is a treasure off limits to everyone. Can't dig even small holes in their back yard without being noticed in the day time!!

I just have to tell you that I am not going to hide in the dark of night to metal detect. It just reeks of trouble and stupidity. Sorry but that is how I feel. Although I have to admit I am thinking (just thinking) about a certain spot that would be real interesting and I know it is a treasure off limits to everyone. Can't dig even small holes in their back yard without being noticed in the day time!! Help here ARRC!

Well Quarter Dollar you bring up a real great point. They have banned so called assault rifles in many states and are banning certain ammunitions. Now they may just start banning MD's and I am starting to believe they already have on the Federal National Sea Shores.
If so, I have only one question: Do they want EVERYTHING on those beaches to remain; like all the garbage? If so, why do they have National clean up days at these beaches. If they do that what in hell is wrong with a few folks digging holes in the sand looking for a little coin or rings that will fill in with the next tide change You are exactly right about this bull crap of too much government control. Amen brother.

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Blk its all bull i thought that if your a tax paying citizen then you have a right to state owned public owned land who is the public us who payed the state for the official public servant to purchase the LANd or maintain it us who's paying the guy or girl that's going to give you a ticket us i don't get it i can have marajuanna as a hobbie but I can't metaldetect its bs

Oh I'd go with the atpro you can throw it in a pond that's awesom

Please stop the politics in thread...... We have a politics forum for that...

Thanks for the info

I believe the answer is some were in between. There are times when its just easier to just walk away but there are others when you truly need to stand up for yourself and your rights. Its up to every one to make there own decisions and know there own limitations, also keep in mind your choices may affect more than you.

I like your post. We wonder why people are against metal detectors. Just stop and think how fast word of mouth travels between friends in a town. Then you get one person here causing trouble on known P.V.T. property, or a historical site or post 100 rings that he found in one summer on the cover of white's magazine. He went to the National seashore. This kind of stuff is happening more as metal detectors are becoming popular. I don't think I've found 100 ring in all the years I've been detecting!!! People are getting away with to much. They have been getting away with it for a long time now. With less places to hunt and more people into it. Trouble ahead for some. It's getting worst and these people don't care . In fact, they advertise it right in front of our faces. And as we know. Their are all kinds of people that make the world go round. So were bound to have trouble.Then you get people showing off their finds when everyone knows where they have been. I believe people are getting tired of everything and starting to stand up for their rights. You do the crime, you do the time.

"getting away with so much"
It is my experience that many people resent detectorists. Not for any good reason, but simply because they resent the hell out of your good luck. In their hearts, they know its baseless resentment, but need to justify it to themselves.
Last time I detected was a couple days ago. I took my kids to the park, and since the weather has turned, I detected the tot lot, rather than just sit in the car.
The kids there were curious, as usual, but I got soooooo many nasty stares from the adults! What bothers me is, apparently someone has been deliberately seeding the wood chips with sharp objects like screws and thumbtacks. I took these with me after finding them, but could not help feeling a slow burn, because the adults saw me as the bad guy.
I have been detecting for decades, and I have seen several orders of magnitude more resentment, far, far more than I have seen bad behavior by detectorists. A couple of times I have come upon unfilled holes, and that's it. Dozens of times I have found harmful stuff, or dealt with resentment and jealousy, or even thieves/muggers.
Night detecting? I would do so if I were not worried about being jumped and knifed in the dark. Not talking about anything illegal. Just avoiding crowds and heat.

wow were in in the French special ops?

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