Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

GL said:
Sherman passed through here too.

Yep. I was just reading about that today as a matter of fact. We're lucky to have all that history in this area. I went out at lunch today an found three more bullets. Now that's a fun lunch. :thumbsup:

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

I actually did go to the school shown in the picture. But probably about 10 years after the picture was taken.

You see all those kids - that's why we find so many coins up here. :thumbsup:

Now if you don't mind, I'll get right back to working on that post. :wink: :D


Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Mirage said:
I actually did go to the school shown in the picture. But probably about 10 years after the picture was taken.

You see all those kids - that's why we find so many coins up here. :thumbsup:

Now if you don't mind, I'll get right back to working on that post. :wink: :D


LMAO!!! :sign10: :tongue3:

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Doug, You have a heart of gold, and a passion for this hobby that is more than digging holes and finding treasure. It's folks like you and Bob that give us all the fever.

Congratulations on your day of fame, here is to it bringing the fortune as well! Thank so much for sharing.

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Doug, You have a heart of gold, and a passion for this hobby that is more than digging holes and finding treasure. It's folks like you and Bob that give us all the fever.

Congratulations on your day of fame, here is to it bringing the fortune as well! Thank so much for sharing.

Thank you CG.
I had a great time & learned a lot myself at that event.
I appreciate your kind words. :thumbsup:

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
Way to Go Douglas,
Congratulations on the "Honorable Mention"...
Rock on my friend ... Rock On ...

Thanks Buddy. :occasion14:

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Quote from Modern Miner (Doug) from January 10, 2007:

I just joined the site yesterday, and what a fantastic and informative site it is. Great folks out there, and an unbelievable amount of finds! This will be my first post, so hopefully I get it right... ...I can only hope to find some of the treasures that some of you have uncovered! I'll bring an extra pair of shorts just in case.

Doug, You have been setting the example since you joined... well done. An outstanding array of relics and it's been great watching you have so much fun with it all. I'm also glad you volunteered to assist the archies, it's not a bad way to spend time, and learn something too.

Again - great job representing!

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Montana Jim said:
Quote from Modern Miner (Doug) from January 10, 2007:

I just joined the site yesterday, and what a fantastic and informative site it is. Great folks out there, and an unbelievable amount of finds! This will be my first post, so hopefully I get it right... ...I can only hope to find some of the treasures that some of you have uncovered! I'll bring an extra pair of shorts just in case.

Doug, You have been setting the example since you joined... well done. An outstanding array of relics and it's been great watching you have so much fun with it all. I'm also glad you volunteered to assist the archies, it's not a bad way to spend time, and learn something too.

Again - great job representing!

Thanks so much. I still remember my first post. Holy smokes, that's only been a year and a half, and I've found all of this stuff!!! Very cool.
I have learned so much from the folks on TN since I joined. You guys are the BEST!!!
You too Jim along with PBK, Don, Gypsy, Buckleboy, Josh, & many others have been a great help to me, and I appreciate it.
I'll always remember you with my first CW bullet find. ;D :thumbsup:
Hopefully my kids will enjoy these relics when I hand them down to them some day. :wink:
Thanks Big Guy,

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

A true work or art and a whole lot of time dedicated to the hobby you love. My hats off to you :wav:

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

From the service number on his tag....I wonder if this is him?

Field Title Value Meaning
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER 34340597 34340597
GRADE: CODE 8 Private
BRANCH: ALPHA DESIGNATION BI# Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
BRANCH: CODE 00 Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
TERM OF ENLISTMENT 5 Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
EDUCATION 0 Grammar school
CIVILIAN OCCUPATION 316 Farm hands, general farms
MARITAL STATUS 6 Single, without dependents
COMPONENT OF THE ARMY 7 Selectees (Enlisted Men)
BOX NUMBER 0785 0785
FILM REEL NUMBER 3.207 3.207

Serial Number: 34340597
Enlisted in 1942: T42 (can't remember what the T is for)
Discharged in 1944: 44
Blood Type: O

I'll see what else I can find...
PS: Looks like ya'll had an awesome day!

PS..........Here's more info (pretty much the same as I posted above, but this does not have his service number listed):

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
Name: Frank Perkins
Birth Year: 1912
Race: Negro, citizen (Black)
Nativity State or Country: Mississippi
State: Mississippi
County or City: Coahoma
Enlistment Date: 27 Jun 1942
Enlistment State: Mississippi
Enlistment City: Camp Shelby
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: Grammar school
Civil Occupation: Automobile Serviceman
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 70
Weight: 169

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

That info is FANTASTIC!!!! :o :o :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Where on earth did you get that info????
He would be 96 years old now, but maybe I can track down a relative?

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

ModernMiner said:
That info is FANTASTIC!!!! :o :o :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Where on earth did you get that info????
He would be 96 years old now, but maybe I can track down a relative?

Aw shucks! Ain't nuthin'! (LOL)....glad I was able to assist. Actually, if you click on this link: ...there is an addy at the bottom of the page. If you send a photo of the dog tag (so they know you are serious)....tell them you wish to know if this gentleman is still living (it's possible and would be totally awesome if he was and you returned it to him!!!)....tell them you wish to know if he has relatives you may be able to contact to return his dog tag too. They may not give you the info and contact the family themselves, you know, cause of the Privacy Act of 1972....but give it a shot....

The National Archives has alot of military records on line now...that link above will get you there. Being into genealogy....I search the internet all the time for new sites or updates to sites for input. (I'm like JOHNNY 5....INPUT MORE INPUT!!! LOL). Actually, I found the second entry on another site I use, but would never have known it was him for sure, it was the serial number that helped!

I do hope, if not him, that you are able to locate a living relative. If you get a name for a relative and have no luck locating them, let me know, I'll see what I can find.

Good luck and let us know.....this is a great story!!!

A history of Camp Shelby Army National Guard Training Site:

1917: Camp Shelby activated as training camp for World War I troops. Named in honor of Isaac Shelby, Indian fighter, Revolutionary War hero and 1st Governor of Kentucky, by the first troops to train there, the 38th Division.

1918: Camp Shelby deactivated at end of World War I.

1934: State of Mississippi acquires Camp Shelby for use as National Guard summer camp.

1940: Camp Shelby reopens as federal installation, with its population exceeding 100,000 troops at one time during World War II. The base also housed a prisoner of war camp for members of the German Afrika Corps. Camp Shelby is closed at conclusion of war.

Korean War: Camp Shelby becomes emergency railhead facility.

1956: Continental Army Command designates Camp Shelby as a permanent training site.

1958: Congress allocates money for first permanent-type barracks at Camp Shelby.

Source:, Camp Shelby (

If anything may try this link:

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought. forums- Sign up and post pic and info on the Army Forum and Under lost or Missing Buddies. Thats how I get dog tags and military items back to their kin folk.

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

very cool to donate items for others to enjoy -- my town is starting a similar type measum -- of local history -- I hope assist in stocking it with items .

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

ivan salis said:
very cool to donate items for others to enjoy -- my town is starting a similar type measum -- of local history -- I hope assist in stocking it with items .

Thanks Ivan.
Bringing this post back up brought back some good memories for me. :thumbsup:
Keep us posted on your on your local museum.

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Hey MM....ever find out more about the dog tags? Did you contact Military Records? I hope so....would love to hear if you were able to get more info about any living relatives!

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Ron and Ann said:
Hey MM....ever find out more about the dog tags? Did you contact Military Records? I hope so....would love to hear if you were able to get more info about any living relatives!

I contacted the military records and that was a dead end. They were no help at all. I just got a generic letter back from them. :-\ :(

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

ModernMiner said:
Ron and Ann said:
Hey MM....ever find out more about the dog tags? Did you contact Military Records? I hope so....would love to hear if you were able to get more info about any living relatives!

I contacted the military records and that was a dead end. They were no help at all. I just got a generic letter back from them. :-\ :(

I am very sorry to hear that! Actually, I'm pretty tee'd off about that! >:(

I use to write and get great responses back...customer service...gone to 7734!

I'll see what other info I can gather for you...k?

Re: Promoted our hobby today & walked away with more than I brought.

Ok...on the 1920 US Census I find the following:

1920 United States Federal Census
District 28, Beat 2, Coahoma, Mississippi
3 April, 1920
Frank Thornton, Enumerator
Sheet No: 8 B
Supervisor District: 3
Enumeration District: 28
Name: Frank Perkins
Home in 1920: Beat 2, Coahoma, Mississippi
Age: 7 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913
Birthplace: Mississippi
Relation to Head of House: Grandson
Father's Birth Place: Mississippi
Mother's Birth Place: Mississippi
Marital Status: Single
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Image: 677
Household Members: Name Age
Line 85, Will Evans, 49 (47?), Head, BM, Farmer - General Farm
Line 86, Lucy Evans, 48, Wife, BF
Line 87, Charlotte Streblnie, 13, Step Daughter, BF
Line 88, Augustus Streblnie, 9, Step Son, BM
Line 89, Frank Perkins, 7, Grandson, BM
(All listed as born in Mississippi)

1930 United States Federal Census
District 5, Beat 2, Coahoma, Mississippi
18 April 1930
Paul M. Johnston, Enumerator
Sheet 8 A & 8 B
Enumeration District: 14-5
Supervisor's District: 1
Name: Frank Perkins
Home in 1930: Beat 2, Coahoma, Mississippi
Age: 19
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1911
Birthplace: Mississippi
Relation to Head of House: Adopted Daughter
Race: Negro (Black)
Household Members: Name Age
Sheet 8 A, Line 47, William Evans, Head, 57, Tennessee (as his parents), Farmer
Sheet 8 A, Line 48, Lucy Evans, Wife, 60, Mississippi (parents in Virginia), Farm Laborer
Sheet 8 A, Line 49, Charlotte Stribling, Step Child, 24, Mississippi (as parents), Farm Laborer
Sheet 8 A, Line 50, Augusta Stribling, Step Son, 20, Mississippi (as parents), Farm Laborer
Sheet 8 B, Line 1, Frank Perkins, Adopted Son, 19, Mississippi (as parents), Farm Laborer
Sheet 8 B, Line 2, Robert Fowler, Adopted Son(?), 5, Mississippi (as parents)

William Evans listed as being born in Tenn, whereas, in 1920, he was listed as being born in Mississippi??

Still looking for more appears he was raised by his grandparents...I'll see what more I can find on the grandparents.

Frank was listed as grandson in 1920, but adopted child in 1930?

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