pro gun/pro American

Guys all the major pharma companies are publicly traded pfizer, merck, bms , etc. They have actually underperformed the markets for some time. Generics are killing them Bret spend billions developing and getting a new drug approved and bang done company in India does a knockoff. So if anyone wants to ride the coattails of big pharma just dial up your broker.

Used to have the same discussion with folks who thought Halliburton was this big evil company making trillions off the gov. Again it's a public company and all info is public. Was never that profitable at all during the bush/chaney years and the part of the biz that fid the gov military contracts - brown and root - was barely profitable. So much for the great conspiracy. On an interesting aside, I did sit next to Chaney once at a lunch when I worked at a Boston money management firm. We were pretty big owners of HAL when Chaney was chairman. No horns or tail as I can remember. Just a pretty regular guy. Best.

Everybody is somebody on the internet! ;)


I didn't mean to strike a nerve with you, obviously everyone on anti-depressants doesn't commit mass murder.

Read some of the stories, most from newspaper articles, they seem to check out, of course I didn't read all 4800.

If this is not what has changed in our society, please tell me what has.

11 percent of Americans use antidepressants, study finds -

According to a government study 11% of Americans were on anti-depressants in 2012.

315 million x (.11) x $ 4.00/ mo. (your price)= $ 138,640,000.00 per month. Peanuts I guess. Of course that's just the US, do the math on 7 billion people.

I'm not saying these drugs are the only cause, but we got along fine without them 40 years ago. 40 years ago when school shootings were unheard of, and guns were easier to obtain than they are now.



If you want to have an intelligent conversation on Antidepressants I would love to do so. I appreciate that you were not attacking me with that post, sometimes it feels like that, maybe I am paranoid. There are many people in the state of Florida who consider me to be an expert on antidepressants. i will not claim to be an expert, you can decide for yourself. However, it is not just intellectuals who think this. It is also "rednecks" who I have "saved their lives."

I am not going to discuss the post that upset me. It is pure nonsense. Complete and total ignorance. I really should not even dignify it with a response, but, I'm getting sucked back in again. If you really want to learn about antidepressants then start a post and ask a serious question. I have always responded respectfully and gratefully to those questions. However, make no mistake. I'm not going to debate evidence.

One simple point: Assuming that you are right and 11% of americans take antidepressants. Seems a bit high but I will go with it. Take that 11% and multiply it by the number of violent crimes in america (how many are those.) By default, randomly, some people who commit crimes will be on antidepressants. You are being lied to and manipulated by statistics.


Ps. This post is meant to be respectful. If you do not percieve it as such then lets just drop the subject. It weakens me otherwise.

Red James cash said:
Youre the one with lib tendencies.:laughing9:youre projecting again stockpicker:laughing7:.Tell us how you earn to become a patriot.By the way,how long have your ancestors,family, been in this country?Patriots are born not made.Patriotism is in the heart you cant earn it,you cant learn it,you cant produce it,its not manufactured.Either you are or youre not,there is no in between.

Liberal - i know you are but what am I!! That's a mature debate, right!!

Family has been in the country since 1670s first settling in scituate mass. Family has fought in every war since French and Indian war up to WWII. We have a great genealogy book.

I think a patriot is defined by their actions in respect to their country and fellow citizens. I think a patriot is one who actively works for the betterment of ones country and the citizens of that country. Frankly I think newly minted citizens are often much better patriots than those people whose families who have been here generations and take the country for granted. Saying you are "born" a patriot is just too lazy and on many posts the word is thrown around way too liberally as if it will someone add credibility to the person or the argument. Best to all.

i know you are but what am I!! That's a mature debate, right!!

You should be asking yourself that as youre the one that first started the unfounded accusations:laughing7:

Family has been in the country since 1670s first settling in scituate mass. Family has fought in every war since French and Indian war up to WWII. We have a great genealogy book.

Your family missed King Philips war?Lucky,that was the most deadly war ever fought on this continent.Which french and Indian war?There were four of them.

I think a patriot is defined by their actions in respect to their country and fellow citizens. I think a patriot is one who actively works for the betterment of ones country and the citizens of that country. Frankly I think newly minted citizens are often much better patriots than those people whose families who have been here generations and take the country for granted. Saying you are "born" a patriot is just too lazy and on many posts the word is thrown around way too liberally as if it will someone add credibility to the person or the argument. Best to all.

You fail to grasp my meaning.Dwell on it for a while.

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A Patriot is someone who feels a strong love and support for their country and wants to preserve its ways.....

Please end the personal arguements and attacks on each other...

I was consulted for a patient in the neuro ICU. The wife and kids at bed side looked at me. I had read the CT, I had read the MRI, I had read the EEG, and I was considered the "expert." If there really is such a thing! Few words were exhanged. The soon to be widow nodded. I turned off the ventilator. Not a dry eye on the unit. I didn't put him on a log, I didn't say 'run,' and I didn't give him a fair chance. I value life and all of its creatures. I kill only when I must.

So crisp are you a follower of the late Dr. Kevorkian. Some called him a little nutso.He took the oath but only killed when asked.

So crisp are you a follower of the late Dr. Kevorkian. Some called him a little nutso.He took the oath but only killed when asked.

No absolutely not! I don't think he was nutso, he was very calm and rational; but, I can't agree with what he did. The above post refers to somebody who has no function whatsoever above the level of the brain stem. The CT and MRI showed massive ischemia (dead parts of the brain.) Leaving that person on a vent indefinitely would be cruel to the follow and extremely expensive. That person's brain was literally dead.

I really don't want to get too far into physician assisted suicide. My official stance is that I am against it. However, there are fine lines.
1. If somebody has ALS (Lou Gherig's) and progresses to locked in state they will be dead in a relatively short matter of time. This could be considered mercy.
2. If somebody is dying of terminal cancer and I increase the morphine to cover their pain...but they stop breathing as a side effect, is this mercy?
3. It is a very difficult subject, one I would care not to broach further.

However, in terms of healthy patients getting physician assisted suicide I am adamantly against it.


Ps. Good question.

Liberal - i know you are but what am I!! That's a mature debate, right!!

Family has been in the country since 1670s first settling in scituate mass. Family has fought in every war since French and Indian war up to WWII. We have a great genealogy book.

I think a patriot is defined by their actions in respect to their country and fellow citizens. I think a patriot is one who actively works for the betterment of ones country and the citizens of that country. Frankly I think newly minted citizens are often much better patriots than those people whose families who have been here generations and take the country for granted. Saying you are "born" a patriot is just too lazy and on many posts the word is thrown around way too liberally as if it will someone add credibility to the person or the argument. Best to all.


A Patriot is someone who feels a strong love and support for their country and wants to preserve its ways.....

I would add that preserving the nations integrity would be a noble thing. It will be hard to do that when we finally just declare moral bankruptcy by ignoring our own laws that our leaders were sworn to protect and uphold.

This is so obvious to me it drives me insane! If you want to change the constitution why do you swear an oath to uphold the constitution? Just say what you mean, be above board and say " I prefer the constitution of Zimbabwe" or something.

I look at my home page and see the prez sporting a (omg) gun! :o
Imo, he is a walking contridiction (not that the same couldn't be said of me sometimes), but he just seems to keep "shooting himself in the foot".
Or is this just the motto of the elitist, do as I say, not as I do.

I, for one, have been sickened for years at the grandiose display our politicians put on, with our money, under the guise of doing something for us. They serve themselves and their own pockets. You want an inaguraul ball, pay for it your self! Has the WASTE our gubberment has thrown around done anything to better anyones' life here? Not to mention, most are exposed as theives, liers, and law breakers themselves in the end. Power corrupts.......

Wake up America. The sociatal decay is everywhere and unless we are willing to take THAT issue by the throat and put a stop to it, they will have us by our throats. Which I think that is where they want us.
How out of touch can a prez be?


I look at my home page and see the prez sporting a (omg) gun! :o
Imo, he is a walking contridiction (not that the same couldn't be said of me sometimes), but he just seems to keep "shooting himself in the foot".
Or is this just the motto of the elitist, do as I say, not as I do.

I, for one, have been sickened for years at the grandiose display our politicians put on, with our money, under the guise of doing something for us. They serve themselves and their own pockets. You want an inaguraul ball, pay for it your self! Has the WASTE our gubberment has thrown around done anything to better anyones' life here? Not to mention, most are exposed as theives, liers, and law breakers themselves in the end. Power corrupts.......

Wake up America. The sociatal decay is everywhere and unless we are willing to take THAT issue by the throat and put a stop to it, they will have us by our throats. Which I think that is where they want us.
How out of touch can a prez be?

Wasn't an ASSAULT gun, tho...

I can.t even watch that video, it enrages me so much, great post PTC.

Exactly, it is not an assault rifle.

I can.t even watch that video, it enrages me so much, great post PTC.
Bevo, the vid is an interview with Dr. Garrow, Nobel Peace prize recipient. He has some interesting inside knowledge and is a loving humanitarian, imho.
They'll shackle us before too long, if we don't get a grip on our gubberment, debts, and politicians.

It's kinda like pets. Either you are training them, or they are training you.

eta: I know it was just a skeet gun, but the message the pic sends......... not a good one, imo.

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WRONG! AR-15, is a COLT - manufactured ASSAULT RIFLE.

Rebel do you know anything about guns at all? It is a semi-automatic rifle, it is NOT an assult rifle...

Just what makes it an assault rifle? Other than idiots in press and congress who have have no idea what it is calling it an assault rifle...

It is semi-automatic rifle, you pull the trigger each time for a single bullet to come out, an assault rifle is automatic, for the uneducated, that means you pull the trigger once and it continues to fire....

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