Pot Head Detectorist

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I do not feel it is the government's right to tell me what I can and can't put in my body in the privacy of my home if I so choose as long as I am harming no other person.
Then you partially agree with me. ie. " in your own home" when you leave your own home and travel among other people who could be casualties due to peoples inability to make wise choices and expose innocent others to your unsafe driving ability , then there is an issue . If you want to be stupid or irresponsible in your own and only effect your own outcome then go ahead , but don't ask others to understand if it doesn't work out well for you because of YOUR life choices .

Then you partially agree with me. ie. " in your own home" when you leave your own home and travel among other people who could be casualties due to peoples inability to make wise choices and expose innocent others to your unsafe driving ability , then there is an issue . If you want to be stupid or irresponsible in your own and only effect your own outcome then go ahead , but don't ask others to understand if it doesn't work out well for you because of YOUR life choices .
Same reason I don't drunk drive, I have a two beer limit (24 oz) if I am driving, always at least an hour after last drink before I drive and I chase the beer with glasses of water.

Then you partially agree with me. ie. " in your own home" when you leave your own home and travel among other people who could be casualties due to peoples inability to make wise choices and expose innocent others to your unsafe driving ability , then there is an issue . If you want to be stupid or irresponsible in your own and only effect your own outcome then go ahead , but don't ask others to understand if it doesn't work out well for you because of YOUR life choices .

Go back a few pages, Dave. I argued with them until I was blue in the face. I could care less if they outlawed alcohol, pot and tobacco. The world would be a better place without any of it. I've seen the ravages of all three, up close and personal. Thanks for speaking up, Dave.

Then you partially agree with me. ie. " in your own home" when you leave your own home and travel among other people who could be casualties due to peoples inability to make wise choices and expose innocent others to your unsafe driving ability , then there is an issue . If you want to be stupid or irresponsible in your own and only effect your own outcome then go ahead , but don't ask others to understand if it doesn't work out well for you because of YOUR life choices .
Is this about alcohol or pot? Metal detecting or DUI's? No one should drive anything under any influence of drugs. I think everyone agrees on that.

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Same reason I don't drunk drive, I have a two beer limit (24 oz) if I am driving, always at least an hour after last drink before I drive and I chase the beer with glasses of water.

...and if you are ever in a wreck where you are driving and there's a fatality, you will have your blood tested. What do you think the ramifications of that will be??

Go back a few pages, Dave. I argued with them until I was blue in the face. I could care less if they outlawed alcohol, pot and tobacco. The world would be a better place without any of it. I've seen the ravages of all three, up close and personal. Thanks for speaking up, Dave.
Agreed. But that will never happen. I personally think pot is safer than alcohol. Not anything to do with driving tho. No difference there. But as long as we have alcohol legal and available to get shitcanned and beat there kids or start a fight or get reckless in and alcoholic rage, I think we should offer the more placid alternative as well. Might have less cases of cirosis (sp?) Less people in rehab, less domestic violence.

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...and if you are ever in a wreck where you are driving and there's a fatality, you will have your blood tested. What do you think the ramifications of that will be??
I will pass the test, Florida BAC limit for legally driving is 0.08, I have been breath tested multiple times in my life, 2 12 oz beers I blew 0.01, 2 scotches and I blow 0.04 .

Go back a few pages, Dave. I argued with them until I was blue in the face. I could care less if they outlawed alcohol, pot and tobacco. The world would be a better place without any of it. I've seen the ravages of all three, up close and personal. Thanks for speaking up, Dave.

Here is the thing, I believe in personal rights, I dont tell someone else what they can eat, drink or smoke and they don't have the right to tell me. It is called personal freedoms. Someone doesn't like what I eat, drink or smoke that is their right, they just don't have the right to tell me I cant do it.

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Go back a few pages, Dave. I argued with them until I was blue in the face. I could care less if they outlawed alcohol, pot and tobacco. The world would be a better place without any of it. I've seen the ravages of all three, up close and personal. Thanks for speaking up, Dave.
Agree. But as was said before everyone is untitled their own oponion. That being said , would like to see the pot thing in its own forum , then I could peruse the item I chose to look at , my hobby METAL DETECTING ...NOT POT SMOKING. Maybe it would be best if the two had their own forum , ...

Agree. But as was said before everyone is untitled their own oponion. That being said , would like to see the pot thing in its own forum , then I could peruse the item I chose to look at , my hobby METAL DETECTING ...NOT POT SMOKING. Maybe it would be best if the two had their own forum , ...
Fully agree

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Agree. But as was said before everyone is untitled their own oponion. That being said , would like to see the pot thing in its own forum , then I could peruse the item I chose to look at , my hobby METAL DETECTING ...NOT POT SMOKING. Maybe it would be best if the two had their own forum , ...

You could just skip titles with pot in them. Even if it is encountered detecting. Apparently you don' t skip such titles so........thanks for sharing your, opinion , and enjoy the topic you selected and follow.

Agree. But as was said before everyone is untitled their own oponion. That being said , would like to see the pot thing in its own forum , then I could peruse the item I chose to look at , my hobby METAL DETECTING ...NOT POT SMOKING. Maybe it would be best if the two had their own forum , ...
This thread is in the health watch forum, it has pot in the title, TreasureNet has hundreds of sub forums, just like a TV, if someone doesn't like the program they can change the channel.

You choose the channel because of the title, title clearly says "Pot Head Detectorist."

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What a hilarious story! Is that why you tried to figure out if I smoked pot? Did you read my posts and think, "this chicks got to be on something?"

download (3).webp

Gleamed over the 28 pages and really it started with: Have you?- and yes-and no I don't remember what I found, only if I see a find will I remember that I have dug one as well-and yes I sold every find for the habit. Some will have read this "I have or I had" Well that sums it up by the time I hit 28 the only thing to my name was a whole list I hads and no more of I have. Detecting high on pot was no problem, even on coke, or shrooms. Lost detectors even-that I do remember!
It doesn't matter what one is addicted to pot, pills, chemicals, booze, it's still an aid to get through life as I see it.
Started smoking pot when I was 12-1970 and the last time was 24/05/87 and that goes for every other drug. No booze as I really was smart on that one and did it 07/04/85 and I only state that because I'm kind of proud of the fact that it changed life.
I had an injury in /76 and eaten so many pills that my guts were bringing up red. So I ground up 2 oz. of pot to get me through the day. Got busted one night smoking up in the ball park with a friend, and I told the Narc the truth and he just said "Don't let me catch you here again tonight"
Have done a whole lot of everything, smoking hard in /76 and doing street junk by the time /78 was rolling through. Brought the 28 birthday in by shooting up 28 times, going black 5 times that day/night. So many times I pushed the limits of sanity, and what the body could do or puts up with.

Reading through the replies I can stand on either side of the debate, or on the fence. It's everyones choice to what they want to do, as long as I'm not involved. If you smoke don't play around me, if you drink well I tolerate only so much then I go on my way. Smoking and operating a machine isn't for everyone, some will say they can ride horse better high, or drive better high. That's fine, but I almost ate the pearly gates from having something dropped on me by a high forklift driver. So play by yourselves when high I think.

I do believe that when pot is legal here in Canada this year it will free up the police and the courts. Folks won't be turned back at the border for having a silly pot record as thousands have been. The medical side of pot is helping Vets survive the horrors of war, it helps folks in pain, it does a lot of things good and bad.

If a person has demons inside or just been messed up from life and they do things that are addictive well pot is just a helping hand, like booze, or food. One has to face the mirror and just get rid of what is buried down deep and then one can live again.

I have done more counselling than I want to remember trying to root it out, and I got rid of it. I see the effects it has left on the body and soul, did it make me a better person - no- a stronger person - yes.

As the OP wrote about the messed up guy detecting, well it was interesting, and sort of funny looking at it from the other side of the fence. One can be pretty blitz on just pot, cooked up 12 blueberry muffins with 1oz of Red hair, and I indulged on 8 of the muffins. Cops woke me up in my car that was half submerged in a local duck pond in the city park later in the night. They rescued me once again, not arresting me, and that I was thankful.

Continued education of macro photography endeavor.

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So once again, to those of you that I have offended, well I am sorry that you do not have the ability to read a post for the story that it is shared by the person who experienced the event. Life must be really hard for you.

and again, for those few who do not see this having anything to do with metal detecting.... well I sure wasn't out walking my dog.

I have thought of a few solutions, considering treasure hunters from all walks of life here come and share their stories related to treasure hunting I thought it would be OK for me to share mine since I had not broken any rules.

First solution I thought of was to delete my post; but that is against the rules, once you post it it is property of the site; second option was to contact the mods and ask for it to be removed, done however I was told that I broke no rules, and if someone does not like it they can click out of the thread, not click on it at all or just report it.

So that leaves option 2; feel free to block me, heck after all I block you, I am sick of PMs from users who have had negative or positive affects from drugs of alcohol. Fact is I DO NOT CARE, I do not partake in either, and I certainly do not come here seeking mental or social direction in my life based on your own experiences. I come here to share related treasure hunting experiences, read about the same from others, provide advice and get advice related to treasure hunting.

So block me; heck if you like start a thread for your self and the minority like you to Block Me. Call it Block Oddjob, I will even thank you for it.

In closing, if you do not like the story I shared, then report me, maybe if your lucky there will be enough to delete my experience from the forum. In fact, report the main post, then go through and read every post I made in this thread and report them as well. I shared a story, you few rant it off as my supporting lobbied opinion and then twist your words this way and that with the others in the thread who actually do support the use of pot; get over it, get over your self, I started the thread and if you have an issue with it then report me, but stop forcing your opinions on to others. AND please, stop contacting me via PM, I do not care.

PS; do not forget to report and make sure you block me.

Kind Regards,

Keep up the stories Oddjob, and I’ll keep reading. It’s funny how much people’s fear makes them resent what they don’t know or aren’t willing to know more about. I smoke pot, and I mine for gold, if you don’t like it, then you won’t like me, I could t care less. Both are legal in Washington, and doing them together is one of my favorite things to do. Cheers:)

Geeze what the heck happened to this thread. Oddjob, I thought the thread was humorous and still do. You were just telling a story. If you don't like the channel, change it:icon_thumleft: I still think this will give crispin critters a run:laughing7:

Man certain subject drive people nuts haha Guns and pot, hahaha. Well I'll just say I appreciated the OP and if your that triggered by this thread, I suggest making some changes in your life. Because its not even this thread thats bothering you. Keep on keeping on Oddjob!

So once again, to those of you that I have offended, well I am sorry that you do not have the ability to read a post for the story that it is shared by the person who experienced the event. Life must be really hard for you.

and again, for those few who do not see this having anything to do with metal detecting.... well I sure wasn't out walking my dog.

I have thought of a few solutions, considering treasure hunters from all walks of life here come and share their stories related to treasure hunting I thought it would be OK for me to share mine since I had not broken any rules.

First solution I thought of was to delete my post; but that is against the rules, once you post it it is property of the site; second option was to contact the mods and ask for it to be removed, done however I was told that I broke no rules, and if someone does not like it they can click out of the thread, not click on it at all or just report it.

So that leaves option 2; feel free to block me, heck after all I block you, I am sick of PMs from users who have had negative or positive affects from drugs of alcohol. Fact is I DO NOT CARE, I do not partake in either, and I certainly do not come here seeking mental or social direction in my life based on your own experiences. I come here to share related treasure hunting experiences, read about the same from others, provide advice and get advice related to treasure hunting.

So block me; heck if you like start a thread for your self and the minority like you to Block Me. Call it Block Oddjob, I will even thank you for it.

In closing, if you do not like the story I shared, then report me, maybe if your lucky there will be enough to delete my experience from the forum. In fact, report the main post, then go through and read every post I made in this thread and report them as well. I shared a story, you few rant it off as my supporting lobbied opinion and then twist your words this way and that with the others in the thread who actually do support the use of pot; get over it, get over your self, I started the thread and if you have an issue with it then report me, but stop forcing your opinions on to others. AND please, stop contacting me via PM, I do not care.

PS; do not forget to report and make sure you block me.

Kind Regards,


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