Just visited this thread, and in my neck of the woods no persimmon trees grow. But me being the kind of guy that try's to leave as little impact on the area that I search (poplars, spruce, and domestic trees bushes, etc.) when I get a good signal at the base of a healthy old tree or bush I use my small digger (lesch or otherwise) and carefully remove the dirt useing my hands to dig at the same time. Pull the dirt out and swing your coil again over the hole and your fresh dirt pile. Ok, your on your knees now, so its propointer time (I use a garrett propointer) stick it in the hole , make sure you cover every square inch of it. If the soil is kinda loose jam it further into the earth, if it signals you have got something and your heart will race.. Now stand up, swing your machine, take a break , have a drink of water, maybe a smoke (hey thats just me). Now your past the the point of giving up and you gotta see whats there . It might take an hour or it might take more, I have not found a cache yet but I have found many old relics this way. i hope this helps in your search and hh. Also when your done put the soil back and let nature continue its ancient course.