Placer Claim Mined Out?


Bronze Member
May 31, 2015
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Golden Thread
Twentynine Palms, California
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter Time Ranger
Primary Interest:
I belong to a local club that owns a claim. This club has had this claim for many years, and acquired it after the old timers had mined it previously, and others after they commercial outfits closed up.
I walked quite a bit of the 160 acre claim, and noted that just about every wash had been worked. Most of the surface nuggets has also been detected by those with gold detectors. In other words, this place has been picked over and over and over.
But I m a stubborn type of person, and I figured, just watching how people ram their puffer and blower drywashers, that some gold was just being blown through them. maybe not much, but some small stuff that never got a chance to settle behind the riffles.
I know many of you would never go to the effort of digging for three to four hours through the tailings in these washes. Again, I'm a bit stubborn, and anyway, I just wanted to have some fun locally, instead of driving 300 miles roundtrip to something that gives a little more for less effort.
I've spent the last three weeks, digging a few times a week along about 30 yards of wash, and have recovered just about a gram of gold. That might not seem like much, but I have only dug up 5 grams, not counting this one gram in almost 20 years out here drywashing in the desert of southern California.
As you would know, things always seem to go wrong. My gas powered blower motor decided it was time for the repair shop, and haven't heard from the shop in two weeks. So I purchased a WORX WG521 corded electric leaf blower to use with my Royal Large drywasher. I'm using a portable generator to provide the power. And it actually is working better than with my old gas powered blower. I have to run the blower on the lowest speed, or I just blow everything through the riffles. Results are very good, as I am getting gold specks so small that I will have to use the Blue bowl in order to recover them.
I'm not only getting a little gold, I'm having some fun, and I am getting a good workout. I've lost 10 pounds since I started. So things are going well.
I'm still digging test holes around the old time hard rock mines in the hope I will find where the gold has drifted downhill below these mines. So far just a couple specks here and there. I figure I just have to move laterally one way or the other before I get something better Of course, I' don't really know if the old timers stripped the hillsides. Even if they have, they apparently aren't as thorough as I am. I hope that I may be lucky and find a larger piece of gold that the old timers, previous placer miners, and detectorists have missed.
Hope everyone is having as much fun as I have been having.

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I may be envisioning your set up wrong, but I would set my sluice over the junction of the two troughs. The sluice discharge can go into your heavies bucket and will be easily accessible. The water flow works backward under your sluice to the pick up pump. You won't need a long hose , just elevate the pump so it's not sitting in fine muck at the bottom of the trough.
I don't want to be sitting in the sun for hours. That's why I've put the sluice mostly inside the shelter. I burn easily. It's one of the reasons I tend to work by floodlight at night when mining.

EDITED: I finally understand what you're suggesting. I would have to figure out how to have both the sluice, and the siphon tube in the same place. I also would need to figure out how to make the slope of the sluice adjustable.

For now I'll work with what I have until I can figure out how to make your suggestion work.

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A club member of ours bought a 55 gallon drum of this and shared it with club members. you needed to add water to it and I still have 1/2 of a bottle after 20years. GREAT STUFF !

Instead of placer mining, I revisited the pit to search for more gold bearing ore. As usual I got tired of sifting gravel, and picking out the promising pieces, and jumped down into the pit to see if I could spot anything better. Yup, well worth the effort, as I found some hidden nodules of very dark material.

After running t through the chain mill, I probably ended up with seven cups of material. It was definitely "Payday" as compared to the low grade ore I normally find. There was probably three times the gold that I normally get in a full bucket.

The finding of these nodules hidden inside the low grade ore got me thinking. I went up top, between this pit I've been working, and a much larger one about 15 feet away. I dug a hole three feet deep, and started running into the crumbly rock found in these two pits. While I only found one gold speck in my pan, I'm figuring that I need to clear a lot of over burden. Then maybe with a pick axe, and chisel and hammer, I might find another section of gold ore between these two pits.

At the very least, working from the top will allow me to get to some promising spots I can't get to in the Pit, due to narrow confines. I figure it might be easier working from the top down.

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Went out to the pit this morning to clear a trench about three feet wide by three feet deep. Ran into some rock that might contain gold, and brought that back home.

I then descended into the pit to work a little ore out of it. Having removed that layer above made it much easier to work, though it's still difficult. But I was able to get 1/4 bucket of the very dark material I've been finding good gold in.

The problem I have is swinging a two pound sledge hammer, and using a chisel for half an hour made my arms feel like lead. I had to quit earlier than I wanted. I need to find an easier way to chop out the rock.

I've used up my two days this week, so I will have to wait until next week to go back to work out more of that good stuff. Maybe by then I'll have figured out how to get to this ore easier.

I usually use the square tipped point as well. Be sure to circle it a bit when it's going in to widen the hole while keeping the bit from getting stuck in the rock. The chisel style get stuck to easily and aren't as easy to use.

I usually use the square tipped point as well. Be sure to circle it a bit when it's going in to widen the hole while keeping the bit from getting stuck in the rock. The chisel style get stuck to easily and aren't as easy to use.
Thanks Reed, The kit comes with three drills, which I doubt I'll need. It also comes with a flat and round chisel.

This morning I ran 1/4 bucket of crushed ore from the material that was scattered just below the surface, and got good gold. Not quite as good as from the blackish/brownish stuff, but I consider it really good. Probably amounts to a few dollars.

The area where I trenched 3 feet wide by 3 feet deep seems to be over a narrow (2 feet wide) area with those stringers and nodules of the blackish/brownish ore. I'm not sure how far it extends, but hoping more than just where I excavated. I need to pay for this new piece if equipment I just ordered. I sure hope my explorations near other old timer pits pans out, as my belief is the thermal activity that drove all this material to the surface just doesn't stop. It will have filled in any fissures, and those generally follow a predictable path as I've seen with these surface mines seeming to go in a fairly straight line from each other.

My panning was pretty quick, so there's probably half again in the panning tailings. I've poured that into a drying pan, and will reclassify it for running through my sluice.

Tomorrow I'm hoping my pump/sluice hose arrives so I can set things up the following day. I've got to test the seals around the drain faucets, and all the caulking I did in the sluice. Also have to test the siphon system.

I'm sure looking forward to using the sluice to reduce things down so that I'm not panning for hours.

southfork, QUESTION??? Do you run your material more than once through your sluice? I'm not sure how well a sluice picks up 400 mesh gold. A lot of mine falls between 400 and 500 mesh.

The shelter is also finished, and am about to level the ground in preparation for pavers. I decided I don't want to work on a dirt floor, as it becomes a mucky mess if I have any leaks in my system.

This morning I ran 1/4 bucket of crushed ore from the material that was scattered just below the surface, and got good gold. Not quite as good as from the blackish/brownish stuff, but I consider it really good. Probably amounts to a few dollars.

The area where I trenched 3 feet wide by 3 feet deep seems to be over a narrow (2 feet wide) area with those stringers and nodules of the blackish/brownish ore. I'm not sure how far it extends, but hoping more than just where I excavated. I need to pay for this new piece if equipment I just ordered. I sure hope my explorations near other old timer pits pans out, as my belief is the thermal activity that drove all this material to the surface just doesn't stop. It will have filled in any fissures, and those generally follow a predictable path as I've seen with these surface mines seeming to go in a fairly straight line from each other.

My panning was pretty quick, so there's probably half again in the panning tailings. I've poured that into a drying pan, and will reclassify it for running through my sluice.

Tomorrow I'm hoping my pump/sluice hose arrives so I can set things up the following day. I've got to test the seals around the drain faucets, and all the caulking I did in the sluice. Also have to test the siphon system.

I'm sure looking forward to using the sluice to reduce things down so that I'm not panning for hours.

southfork, QUESTION??? Do you run your material more than once through your sluice? I'm not sure how well a sluice picks up 400 mesh gold. A lot of mine falls between 400 and 500 mesh.

The shelter is also finished, and am about to level the ground in preparation for pavers. I decided I don't want to work on a dirt floor, as it becomes a mucky mess if I have any leaks in my system.
I just run it one time real slow I've tested the tails and it's not worth my time. I have buckets full of tails I saved for testing to see if there's any gold locked up. I plan on roasting and running through the chain mill again not expecting much just curious.

I just run it one time real slow I've tested the tails and it's not worth my time. I have buckets full of tails I saved for testing to see if there's any gold locked up. I plan on roasting and running through the chain mill again not expecting much just curious.
Thanks so much. Yes, I plan to run things fairly slowly. I've found that if I whip up a bucket of material in water, stirring it vigorously into suspension, I rid myself of the material wanting to clump. It runs much easier when you don't have to watch a clay clump slowly dissolve.

Went out super early (dark) to the pit to dig out more over burden, and try to see the extent of what I think is gold ore.

So far the possible gold ore extends five feet from the pit, and is a few feet wide. I finally managed to pop out a double fist sized piece of ore that's like what's been giving me good gold.

As for the six half buckets I toted home, half were junk rock.

I guess that tells my night mining is out, as I can't see the colors properly to pick and choose. I'll just keep my crack of dawn routine, and two hours of work.

I went ahead and did a test crush of what I brought home that I considered junk, and it was. Zero color.

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Went out super early (dark) to the pit to dig out more over burden, and try to see the extent of what I think is gold ore.

So far the possible gold ore extends five feet from the pit, and is a few feet wide. I finally managed to pop out a double fist sized piece of ore that's like what's been giving me good gold.

As for the six half buckets I toted home, half wer junk rock.

I guess that tells mw night mining is out, as I can't see the colors properly to pick and choose. I'll just keep my crack of dawn routine, and two hours of work.

I went ahead and did a test crush of what I brought home that I considered junk, and it was. Zero color.
If It was easy, we would have way too many friends.

How long does the battery last?
I take a few with me, maybe an hour? I run it for a few minutes to break things up, then I'm shoveling and hauling buckets mostly. Depending on how hard the ground is, I've put in a second battery once but that's it. I fill 22 half buckets and load them on my truck to bring home.

I'm slowly, but Shirley, getting my cleanup area constructed. I finally laid my 12x12 pavers as flooring inside my work/storage shelter.

I decided not to hire a plumber, and laid 100 foot contractor's hose from one of my backyard faucets to the twin tubs. Whew!!! Hose was just long enough to have a little extra play in it. I purchased an attachment for the hose end that allows me to turn the flow of water on/off, instead of having to run 150 feet to turn the water on/off. Hoorah!!!!

Tomorrow I install my 100 foot heavy duty extension cord, with power strip so I can work all my equipment.

And I'll be repurposing a few shelving units to put inside the shelter, so I can move my mining related equipment out of my workshop shed. I'll finally be able to build something there, instead of having wall-to-wall storage.

I'm still waiting for a few finishing items from Amazon to tidy up my setup, those being conduit clamps to use to secure my sluice hose, and a pair of water trough covers. The covers are needed to keep the bugs and plant debris out when not in use. I have to cover almost everything I own, or the dust would destroy things over time. Experience.

Hopefully I can test all my water seals on Thursday. That's almost everything done with the exception of the tidying up of the electrical and plumbing.

Will post pictures of the finished setup. I know most probably think I've gone overboard, but I'm ex-military, and everything I do, I do as well as I can. We didn't have the leeway to do things halfway in the military, and habits are very difficult to break.

I wasn't feeling great this morning, but I managed to get the shelving installed, and the two wire power 12V line between the pump and power supply.

I just finished filling the twin tubs about 2/3rds full, and installed the siphon unit. Works great!

No problems with leaks in the faucets, but have some drips in the sluice. One where a bolt holds the sluice unit to the metal framework. I'm going to eliminate the bolt, caulk the hole, and hope the sluice won't move with the two retaining screws on either side if the discharge end.

Have another leak at the first fold section. This sluice is really designed to be used streamside, or in a stream. It folds out from three hinged sections. I'm going to caulk this area in the hope the leak will go away, Right now I have two buckets catching the drips.

I've got about 10 half buckets of crushed material waiting to be run, but will have to wait for the caulking to cure. Maybe Saturday will be my first run. I sure hope this makes things easier, and it catches the gold as efficiently as southfork's system.

Still have quite a bit of work on the electrical to get done, as well as emptying my work shed of all the gold prospecting stuff. Hope that maybe next week will be the end of all this, and I can get on with processing the ore I've been finding.

I finally made my first sluicing run with my new setup. Still have a tiny leak in one of the folding seams.

I only ran about 10-15 cups of material, but got a nice bright line in the corner of the pan. All of it was ultra fine gold, so I think the sluice is dialed in.

Tomorrow is my hard rock mining day, so no ore crushing or sluicing,

I've got so may half buckets of crushed ore, I'm probably not going to run the chain mill until I finish sluicing all of it. I'll weigh my mercury ball, then sluice a bunch of buckets, Then I'll try panning things down after removing the magnetics.

Will try to take some pictures this weekend of both the cleanup area, and hopefully a nice pan of gold.

I didn't do very well out at the pit. I again moved overburden (200+ shovels worth) so I don't have the stuff coming down on my head.

I tried to use the chisel and sledge hammer, and like last time, was pooped out after about 1/2 hour. I look forward to getting the hammer drill. I sure hope I can handle it. I have a great deal of difficulty using an electric screwdriver because it requires so much strength to push on it. I usually strip several screws before I get the screw driven properly.

The results of my trip were terrible. I only managed 2/3rd bucket, though there looked to be a lot of the darker color in it.

After coming home, I ran another 1/4 bucket through the sluice. While the process is more efficient catching my ultra fine gold, the process is very slow. I've got trouble just sitting while the stuff slowly bleeds into the sluice water. I did get another nice bright line of the ultra fine gold. I just dumped it in a pan to dry out, so I can remove the magnetics. Hopefully by Sunday evening there will be enough to justify a picture.

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